Comics Reviews: Batman 364, Detective 531, Batman & the Outsiders 3, Firestorm 17

Batman 364 coverBatman #364 – “The Man of a Thousand Menaces” – Doug Moench/Don Newton/Alfredo Alcala

This one starts with the Brewster family attending the circus in a small Indiana town. Mr. Brewster has his wallet lifted while waiting in line, but his wife convinces him to see the show before reporting it. Unfortunately, the pickpocket is after more than just petty cash; he gets the Brewster’s address from the wallet and goes to break into their empty house. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 364, Detective 531, Batman & the Outsiders 3, Firestorm 17”

Comics Reviews: Flash 325, Wonder Woman 307, Green Lantern 168, Jonah Hex 76

Flash 325 coverFlash #325 – “Dead Reckoning” – Cary Bates/Carmine Infantino/Dennis Jensen

This one starts not long after last issue, with Professor Zoom’s corpse being loaded into a coroner’s ambulance. The press are swarming around the church, talking to anyone they can about Flash killing Zoom to stop him from killing Fiona Webb. Flash and Fiona are inside the church, away from the prying eyes of the reporters, and Fiona thanks him again for saving her. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Flash 325, Wonder Woman 307, Green Lantern 168, Jonah Hex 76”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 5

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 5: Blast From the Past

After meeting his birth father (Nathan Woods) last episode, Wallace comes in the house and gives his mom (Alicia) shit for hiding the truth from him. She explains that Nathan was an undercover detective and they were married for a short time, but Nathan got way too involved in a case and ended up down the rabbit hole, coming home high and stashing guns and dope under the bed. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 5”