Xena Reviews: Season 3, Episode 2

Xena title cardBeen There, Done That – Director: Andrew Merrifield/Writer: Hilary J. Bader

This one starts with Xena and Gabi waking up to a rooster’s crow. They’re sleeping in a stable and Joxer comes in with goose eggs for breakfast. After accidentally dropping a horseshoe on Joxer’s head, the stablehand informs them there are two factions in town (Menos and Lykos) who hate each other and have been on the edge of open warfare for years. Continue reading “Xena Reviews: Season 3, Episode 2”

Comics Reviews: Batman 403, Detective 570, Outsiders 15

Batman 403 coverBatman #403 – “One Batman Too Many” – Max Allan Collins/Denys Cowan/Greg Brooks

This one starts with Batman fighting Joker and Two-Face, killing both of them at the end of the fight. We soon find out this isn’t the real Batman, it’s Tommy Carma, the rogue cop who was killing criminals last issue and was caught by the real Batman. Carma is so deluded, he actually believes he is Batman and his fight with the two villains was actually him killing a couple of orderlies at Arkham Asylum, thinking they were Joker and Two-Face. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 403, Detective 570, Outsiders 15”

Comics Reviews: 1987 Preview

Welcome to the preview of my comics reviews for 1987. The Crisis made a huge impact at DC and shook up the entire continuity. We already saw some of the effects in 1986, but 1987 will bring some major changes, including new titles and new histories for existing characters. As always, I’ll break this preview into blocks to reflect how I’ll be presenting the titles over the next six months. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: 1987 Preview”

Xena Reviews: Season 3, Episode 1

Xena title cardThe Furies – Director: Gilbert Shilton/Writer: R.J. Stewart

This one starts with the Furies doing a sexy dance for Ares, but he’s not really into it; he has a grievance against Xena and gets the Furies to punish her with both persecution and madness. Meanwhile, Xena and Gabi are having a race (Xena wins) when they’re beset by bandits. Xena and Gabi pound them, but the madness kicks in and Xena starts doing a bunch of Three Stooges moves during the fight. Continue reading “Xena Reviews: Season 3, Episode 1”