Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 43, Green Arrow 33, Firestorm 98

Wonder Woman 43 coverWonder Woman #43 – “The Armageddon Aria” – George Perez, Mindy Newell/Chris Marrinan/Romeo Tanghal

Last issue, Wonder Woman found Maxine Sterenbuch and Solomon Buchman going through Julia Kapatelis’s house. Maxine had some files on Silver Swan she wanted Wonder Woman to have, but Silver Swan showed up and attacked Solomon, then came after them. Swan went a little overboard, letting out a devastating sonic scream, but Wonder Woman managed to dampen its effects by getting her golden lasso around Swan’s waist. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 43, Green Arrow 33, Firestorm 98”

Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 1, Episode 3

Frankie Drake titleSummer in the City – Director: Norma Bailey/Writer: Carol Hay

This one starts with Frankie at a gym watching a boxer (Moses Page) train. Hemingway shows up and she gives him shit for his half-assed reporting on previous bouts. Later, Frankie and Moses are out for a walk and it’s pretty obvious that they’re attracted to each other. They’re interrupted by a young guy named Eric Morrison, who says he’s the son of Captain Morrison, who Frankie worked for during the Great War. Eric says he has a problem with his car (which he “acquired” somewhere) and shows her a steamer trunk in the back of the car that has a dead body in it. Continue reading “Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 1, Episode 3”

Comics Reviews: New Titans 67, Legion 8, Suicide Squad 42

New Titans 67 coverNew Titans #67 – “If Looks Could Kill” – Marv Wolfman, George Perez/Tom Grummett/Al Vey

Last issue, Raven told Jericho she was dating Eric Forrester, the studly asshole the Titans met at STAR Labs a while back. Raven hasn’t banged him yet and Forrester seems very understanding about it, but we saw him leaving a dead woman’s body in his room last issue, so I’m thinking Raven’s first time might be her last if she bangs him. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: New Titans 67, Legion 8, Suicide Squad 42”

Comics Reviews: Justice League America 39, Justice League Europe 15

Justice league America 39 coverJustice League America #39 – “Blow Up” – Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis/Adam Hughes/Joe Rubinstein

Last issue, Despero returned to Earth to get revenge on the JLA for defeating him, not realizing that the team who beat him no longer exists. He killed Gypsy’s parents and was about to waste her when J’onn J’onzz showed up. They trade a few punches and J’onn knows immediately that he’s in for a hell of a fight. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Justice League America 39, Justice League Europe 15”

Frankie Drake Mysteries Season 1, Episode 2

Frankie Drake titleLadies in Red – Director: Ruba Nedda/Writer: Cal Coons

This one starts with Frankie, Trudy, and Flo investigating a very important case … trying to figure out whose dog has been sneaking in to hump a prize Great Dane. Frankie notices a guy with a gun in the house across the street, so she and Trudy (who are both apparently familiar with guns) arm themselves and go to check it out. They find a man and his maid tied up and surprise the gunmen, who start shooting and take off. The gunmen have a car waiting in the alley and get away, despite Frankie and Trudy trading shots with them. Continue reading “Frankie Drake Mysteries Season 1, Episode 2”

Comics Reviews: Batman 448, Detective 615, Batman 449, Detective 616, Legends of the Dark Knight 8

Batman 448 coverBatman #448 – “Pawns” – Marv Wolfman, Alan Grant/Jim Aparo/Mike DeCarlo

This is the first chapter of “The Penguin Affair”, which crosses over into Detective before returning here to conclude next issue. The story starts three months ago, with an ugly hunchback being pounded by some punks. Penguin (and his sexy chauffeur, Lark) pick the hunchback up and Penguin says he’ll help him. Apparently, he feels a kinship with the guy since they’re both physically unattractive by the usual standards. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 448, Detective 615, Batman 449, Detective 616, Legends of the Dark Knight 8”

Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 42, Green Arrow 32, Firestorm 97

Wonder Woman 42 coverWonder Woman #42 – “The Silver Wing of Terror” – Mindy Newell, George Perez/Chris Marrinan/Romeo Tanghal

This one starts with Silver Swan (who we last saw in issue 16) practicing her deadly attack on a Wonder Woman android. She practically obliterates the target, but her boss (Henry Cobb Armbruster) gives her shit and slaps her around because the face is still intact. You’d think Silver Swan would just waste Armbruster, but apparently she’s in love with him, so she takes his abuse and actually flies off crying. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 42, Green Arrow 32, Firestorm 97”

Frankie Drake Mysteries Season 1, Episode 1

Frankie Drake titleMother of Pearl – Director: Ruba Nadda/Writer: Michelle Ricci

Welcome to my first review of Frankie Drake Mysteries, a Canadian show about a couple of female detectives in Toronto in the 1920s. This first episode starts with a classy couple (Abe and Nora Amory, played by Canadian stalwarts Derek McGrath and Wendy Crewson) staying in a fancy Toronto hotel. Abe is a steel magnate from Pittsburgh in town to do a deal, but he gets a shock when he finds a string of pearls missing from the hotel suite’s safe, with a feather left in their place. Continue reading “Frankie Drake Mysteries Season 1, Episode 1”

Comics Reviews: New Titans 66, Legion 7, Suicide Squad 41

New Titans 66 coverNew Titans #66 – “Fatal Attraction” – Marv Wolfman, George Perez/Tom Grummett/Al Vey

This one starts with most of the Titans at a dinner party to celebrate Terry Long publishing his mythology paper (finally). Dick is absent (circus business) as are Jericho and Raven … which leads to speculation that they might be on a date together. We see Jericho and Raven and both of them do have romantic assignations—but not with each other. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: New Titans 66, Legion 7, Suicide Squad 41”

Comics Reviews: Justice League America 38, Justice League Europe 14

Justice League America 38 coverJustice League America #38 – “Spy” – Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis/Adam Hughes/Joe Rubinstein

This one starts with a tabloid story about the Justice League by the guy who was digging through their garbage last issue (Wally Tortolini). Naturally, the story isn’t very flattering, but Tortolini is quite proud of it. He’s stunned when his editor refuses to run it and storms out. We see the editor talking to Vivian D’aramis (aka Crimson Fox), who distributes the tabloid in Europe and who apparently pressured him into killing the story. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Justice League America 38, Justice League Europe 14”