Comics Reviews: Justice League America 40, Justice League Europe 16

Justice League America 40 coverJustice League America #40 – “Hell on Earth” – Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis/Adam Hughes/Jose Marzan Jr.

Last issue, Despero came to Earth looking for revenge against the JLA for defeating him, but he soon found out that particular iteration of the team no longer exists. After killing Gypsy’s parents, Despero confronted the new Justice League, his hatred making no distinction between them and his original targets. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Justice League America 40, Justice League Europe 16”

Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 1, Episode 4

Frankie Drake titleHealing Hands – Director: Sudz Sutherland/Writer: Andrew Burrows-Trotman

This one starts with Trudy and her mom (Mildred) going to church. The pastor (Edmund Thompson) gets everyone going with his sermon, then brings out his daughter Elsie, who’s apparently a healer. Trudy seems a bit skeptical, but Mildred is a believer and wants to get her hip healed. Continue reading “Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 1, Episode 4”

Comics Reviews: Batman 450, Batman 451, Detective 617, Detective 618, Legends of the Dark Knight 9

Batman 450 coverBatman #450 – “Wild Card” – Marv Wolfman/Jim Aparo/Mike DeCarlo

This one starts with the cops finding a judge (known as the “Hanging Judge”) hanged in his apartment. Commissioner Gordon is sure the Joker is behind it, even though he supposedly died in issue 429. Gordon still hates the Joker for crippling his daughter Barbara, something his fellow cop (Hanrahan) tells the other cops … and us, just in case we forgot. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 450, Batman 451, Detective 617, Detective 618, Legends of the Dark Knight 9”