G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 43, G.I. Joe 44

GIJoe 043 coverG.I. Joe #43 (January 1986) – “Crossroads” – Larry Hama/Rod Whigham/Andy Mushynsky

Last issue, Stalker and Snake Eyes were at the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C. to look up their dead war buddies. But one name was missing, that of Wade Collins. The two Joes got a surprise when Fred II (a Crimson Guardsman working for Cobra) stepped out of the shadows with a gun to tell them that he was Wade Collins, given a new face and name by Cobra. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 43, G.I. Joe 44”

Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 5

Frank Drake title season 3Ghost in the Machine – Director: R.T. Thorne/Writer: Keri Ferencz

This one starts with Frankie and Alessandro about to get it on in her office when Nora shows up. She’s broken up with her latest flame and needs a place to stay for a few days. Frankie reluctantly agrees and heads out with Alessandro, leaving Nora to make herself at home. Late that night, Nora is awakened by someone calling for help and sees a freaky-looking girl, who vanishes and reappears when Nora’s looking in the mirror. Naturally, Nora assumes it’s a ghost. Continue reading “Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 5”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 41, Conan the Barbarian 42

Conan 041 coverConan the Barbarian #41 – “The Garden of Life and Death” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Ernie Chan

This one starts with Conan arriving at a small village about a week away from Zamora. He runs into a mob chasing a girl and naturally, he defends her. The mob claim the girl (who they refer to as Zhadorr, although it seems more of an appellation than a name) is a demon in human form, but Conan still won’t let them near her. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 41, Conan the Barbarian 42”