Comics Reviews: JLA 219, Legion of Super-Heroes 304, New Teen Titans 35, All-Star Squadron 26

JLA 219 coverJustice League of America #219 – “Crisis in the Thunderbolt Dimension” – Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway/Chuck Patton/Romeo Tanghal

This one starts with a bunch of would-be terrorists taking hostages and threatening to release nerve gas if their demands aren’t met. Too bad for them the Flashes are hanging out together in anticipation of the annual JLA/JSA meeting. Since they’re currently on Earth-1, everybody recognizes the JLA’s Flash (Barry Allen), but Earth-2’s Flash (Jay Garrick) is something of a mystery. The two speedsters pound the terrorists and head for a transport tube so they can join their colleagues on the JLA Satellite. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: JLA 219, Legion of Super-Heroes 304, New Teen Titans 35, All-Star Squadron 26”

Comics Reviews: Superman 388, Action 548, DC Comics Presents 62, Warlord Annual 2

Superman 388 coverSuperman #388 – “The Kid Who Played Superman” – Cary Bates/Curt Swan/Dave Hunt

This one starts with Lois Lane returning to WGBS after her time off. She heads straight for Perry White’s office and gives him hell for replacing her with Lana Lang on the big Middle East story she’d been working on. Perry lets her say her piece, then reminds Lois that she’s the one who walked away when it looked like the assignment had fallen through, and since she decided to take extra time off and not tell anyone where she was, Perry had no choice but to send Lana to salvage the story. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Superman 388, Action 548, DC Comics Presents 62, Warlord Annual 2”

Comics Reviews: Batman 364, Detective 531, Batman & the Outsiders 3, Firestorm 17

Batman 364 coverBatman #364 – “The Man of a Thousand Menaces” – Doug Moench/Don Newton/Alfredo Alcala

This one starts with the Brewster family attending the circus in a small Indiana town. Mr. Brewster has his wallet lifted while waiting in line, but his wife convinces him to see the show before reporting it. Unfortunately, the pickpocket is after more than just petty cash; he gets the Brewster’s address from the wallet and goes to break into their empty house. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 364, Detective 531, Batman & the Outsiders 3, Firestorm 17”

Comics Reviews: Flash 325, Wonder Woman 307, Green Lantern 168, Jonah Hex 76

Flash 325 coverFlash #325 – “Dead Reckoning” – Cary Bates/Carmine Infantino/Dennis Jensen

This one starts not long after last issue, with Professor Zoom’s corpse being loaded into a coroner’s ambulance. The press are swarming around the church, talking to anyone they can about Flash killing Zoom to stop him from killing Fiona Webb. Flash and Fiona are inside the church, away from the prying eyes of the reporters, and Fiona thanks him again for saving her. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Flash 325, Wonder Woman 307, Green Lantern 168, Jonah Hex 76”

Comics Reviews: JLA 218, Legion of Super-Heroes 303, New Teen Titans Annual 2, All-Star Squadron 25

JLA 218 coverJustice League of America #218 – “The Price of Humanity” – Cary Burkett/Chuck Patton/Romeo Tanghal

This one starts with an epic space battle … sort of. Actually, it’s just Hawkman and Ralph (Elongated Man) Dibny playing 3-D Space Wars on the JLA Satellite computer. Ralph is demolishing Hawkman and they’re so engrossed in the game they don’t notice Wonder Woman arrive on the Satellite. Hawkman is such a stick-in-the-mud he’s embarrassed to be caught having fun. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: JLA 218, Legion of Super-Heroes 303, New Teen Titans Annual 2, All-Star Squadron 25”

Comics Reviews: Superman 387, Action 547, DC Comics Presents 61, Warlord 73

Superman #387 – “The Conqueror From the Past” – Paul Kupperberg, Bob Rozakis (plot)/Curt Swan/Vince Colletta

This one starts with Josh Coyle, news director at WBGS, almost having a heart attack when Clark Kent shows up on time for his news broadcast. it’s kind of a running joke that Clark is always late—or absent—which has given Josh ulcers, so he almost can’t believe Clark’s there on time for once. This broadcast is special because it covers Lana Lang’s assignment in Egypt that’s been building over the last few issues. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Superman 387, Action 547, DC Comics Presents 61, Warlord 73”

Comics Reviews: Batman 363, Detective 530, Batman & the Outsiders 2, Firestorm 16

Batman 363 coverBatman #363 – “Elegant Night Crimes” – Doug Moench/Don Newton/Alfredo Alcala

For the past week, a mysterious man in black (Night-Thief) has been committing robberies around Gotham. Batman has had no luck catching him, as Night-Thief is well-trained and seems to be at one with the darkness. Night-Thief turns all his acquisitions over to his lady, Nocturna (aka Natasha Knight), who he worships—rather creepily—as the Mistress of the Night. Nocturna is pleased with his gifts, but tells him it’s time to strike at her employers … and she knows the perfect occasion. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 363, Detective 530, Batman & the Outsiders 2, Firestorm 16”

Comics Reviews: Flash 324, Wonder Woman 306, Green Lantern 167, Jonah Hex 75

Flash 324 coverFlash #324 – “The Slayer and the Slain” – Cary Bates/Carmine Infantino/Dennis Jensen

This one starts in Central City, where a nurse accidentally loses control of a baby carriage, which goes careening down a hill. Like the old movie cliché, there are a couple of guys carrying a mirror across the street and the baby carriage heads straight for them. The baby is saved at the last second by someone who vibrates it through the mirror at super-speed (which startles the guys so much they drop the mirror). Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Flash 324, Wonder Woman 306, Green Lantern 167, Jonah Hex 75”

Comics Reviews: JLA 217, Legion of Super-Heroes 302, New Teen Titans 34, All-Star Squadron 24

JLA 217 coverJustice League of America #217 – “All the Elements of Disaster” – Paul Kupperberg/Chuck Patton/Romeo Tanghal

This one starts in Atlantis, with a seaquake that rocks the city. Vulko tells Aquaman their seismic monitors detected nothing unusual before the quake and Aquaman suspects the quake is centered on the spot where the original city of Atlantis lies long-buried. He’s right and he almost gets blasted by a multi-coloured beam of energy shooting up from a crack in the sea floor. Aquaman realizes he needs help and signals the JLA. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: JLA 217, Legion of Super-Heroes 302, New Teen Titans 34, All-Star Squadron 24”

Comics Reviews: Superman 386, Action 546, DC Comics Presents 60, Warlord 72

Superman 386 coverSuperman #386 – “Luthor Lashes Back” – Cary Bates/Curt Swan/Dave Hunt

This one starts with Lex Luthor’s battle-suit flying around Metropolis by itself, freaking out citizens. Luthor is heading into the Galaxy Building, where Perry White almost recognizes him but figures Luthor wouldn’t be bold enough to just stroll right in. A guard feels the same way, but knows it really is Luthor when he phases right through the wall. He phases into Clark Kent’s office (tossing Justin Moore out on his ass) and tells Clark he has a front page story for him. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Superman 386, Action 546, DC Comics Presents 60, Warlord 72”