Comics Reviews: Batman 362, Detective 529, Batman & the Outsiders 1, Firestorm 15

Batman 362 coverBatman 362 – “When Riddled by the Riddler” – Doug Moench/Don Newton/Alfredo Alcala

This one starts with a reporter doing a story on wine production. She’s shown the process called remuage—turning the bottles to sediment collects on the corks instead of at the bottom—which is also known as “riddling” the wine. Coincidentally (or not), one of the workers is Edward Nigma, the Riddler, and seeing the reporter’s interest in the riddling process gives him the inspiration to go back to his criminal ways. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 362, Detective 529, Batman & the Outsiders 1, Firestorm 15”

Comics Reviews: Flash 323, Wonder Woman 305, Green Lantern 166, Jonah Hex 74

Flash 323 coverFlash #323 – “Run Flash—Run for Your Wife” – Cary Bates/Carmine Infantino/Rodin Rodriguez

Last issue, Barry Allen proposed to his girlfriend Fiona Webb and they decided to skip the long engagement and get married right away. This issue opens with Firestorm and Wonder Woman discussing the hasty decision on the JLA Satellite. Firestorm is kinda pissed off that Flash didn’t give his Justice League pals more notice, but Wonder Woman says Flash is lucky to have found someone else he loves after losing his first wife Iris (in issue 275), so he’s entitled to do things however he wants. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Flash 323, Wonder Woman 305, Green Lantern 166, Jonah Hex 74”

Comics Reviews: JLA 216, Legion of Super Heroes 301, New Teen Titans 33, All-Star Squadron 23

JLA 216 coverJustice League of America #216 – “The Choice” – Gerry Conway/Don Heck/Pablo Marcos

Last issue, Princess Kass’andre (daughter of Golka the usurper) surprised the JLA and their allies in the Siren Sisterhood by confronting them with the magical Staff of Ikara. Kass’andre blasts the JLA with magical energy, stunning them. The Staff’s rightful owner, Krystal Kaa (granddaughter of the last legitimate ruler) freaks out and wants to pound Kass’andre, but her Sisters urge caution, sending their giant ally (Mule) to deal with the dark princess. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: JLA 216, Legion of Super Heroes 301, New Teen Titans 33, All-Star Squadron 23”

Comics Reviews: Superman 385, Action 545, DC Comics Presents 59, Warlord 71

Superman 385 coverSuperman #385 – “Luthor Rises Again” – Cary Bates/Curt Swan/Dave Hunt

This one starts with Lex Luthor grieving in the shattered remnants of Lexor, the planet where he was considered a hero and had a family. Lexor was destroyed in a battle between Luthor and Superman (in Action 544) and now Luthor wants revenge. He brings a large chunk of Lexor back to Earth, depositing it in the South Atlantic (and crushing a crimelord on his yacht) to form Luthor’s new base … L Island. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Superman 385, Action 545, DC Comics Presents 59, Warlord 71”

Comics Reviews: Batman 361, Detective 528, Brave & the Bold 200, Firestorm 14

Batman 361 coverBatman #361 – “The Most Successful Species” – Doug Moench/Don Newton/Pablo Marcos

This one starts with Man-Bat sleeping upside-down in a bell tower, clutching a frightened Jason Todd in his arms. Man-Bat kidnapped Jason when he overheard him refer to Batman as his father, although Batman’s more of a surrogate father since Jason’s parents died. Man-Bat blames Batman for his own daughter (Rebecca) dying; of course, Rebecca’s not dead, but Man-Bat is so crazed he doesn’t know reality from fantasy anymore. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 361, Detective 528, Brave & the Bold 200, Firestorm 14”

Comics reviews: Flash 322, Wonder Woman 304, Green Lantern 165, Jonah Hex 73

Flash 322 coverFlash #322 – “Burning a Speedster at Both Ends” – Cary Bates/Carmine Infantino/Dennis Jensen

This one starts with Green Lantern Tomar-Re preparing to leave the farm where he crash-landed last issue. The farm family have been very good to Tomar, taking care of him, feeding him, and even letting him use an old tractor to assemble a crude spaceship. (Tomar’s ring is out of charge.) Tomar heads to Central City to deliver the dire message the Guardians sent him to give Flash. Continue reading “Comics reviews: Flash 322, Wonder Woman 304, Green Lantern 165, Jonah Hex 73”

Comics Reviews: JLA 215, Legion of Super-Heroes 300, New Teen Titans 32, All-Star Squadron 22

JLA 215 coverJustice League of America #215 – “The Bigger They Are …” – Gerry Conway/Don Heck/Romeo Tanghal

Last issue, a number of JLA members came to a subatomic world to find the Atom. They found a warlord called Goltha, who’s been ruling the realm like a tyrant, using Atom (who’s a giant in this world) as a means to terrify the populace and keep them in line. This issue starts with a mindless Atom going nuts, attacking the people of the city. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: JLA 215, Legion of Super-Heroes 300, New Teen Titans 32, All-Star Squadron 22”

Comics Reviews: Superman 384, Action 544, DC Presents 58, Warlord 70

Superman 384 coverSuperman #384 – “Steve Lombard—Down, Out, and Dead?” – Cary Bates/Curt Swan/Dave Hunt

This one start with a skinny dude named Leo Morey showing up at WGBS just before air time. Leo’s in a foul mood and is looking forward to confronting someone who sounds like a real dick … three guesses who that might be. Yup, it’s Steve Lombard. Steve and Leo were roommates in college and apparently Steve was an asshole back then too, making Leo the constant butt of his jokes. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Superman 384, Action 544, DC Presents 58, Warlord 70”

Comics Reviews: Batman 360, Detective 527, Brave & the Bold 199, Firestorm 13

Batman 360 coverBatman #360 – “When Slays the Savage Skull” – Doug Moench/Don Newton/Pablo Marcos, Ron Randall

This one starts with a beat cop named Lew on patrol. A newspaper vendor reminds Lew that two other cops have been stabbed to death lately, but Lew’s not too worried about it. He should’ve been, as the killer comes after him next, spouting off about justice and how he’ll make everyone pay. The killing is interrupted by a car and the killer flees into the night. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 360, Detective 527, Brave & the Bold 199, Firestorm 13”

Comics Reviews: Flash 321, Wonder Woman 303, Green Lantern 164, Jonah Hex 72

Flash 321 coverFlash #321 – “Hell in the Fast Lane” – Cary Bates/Carmine Infantino

This one starts with Barry Allen having a weird nightmare. He figures it was prompted by guilt over being in love with Fiona Webb. Part of him still wonders if he’s betraying the memory of his dead wife, Iris, but he can’t help the way he feels. He calls Fiona and asks her out for the weekend. At a prison upstate, an alarm goes out about an escaped prisoner … a very special prisoner. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Flash 321, Wonder Woman 303, Green Lantern 164, Jonah Hex 72”