Comics Reviews: Legion of Super-Heroes Annual 1, Warlord Annual 1

LSH Annual 1 coverLegion of Super-Heroes Annual #1 – “Monsters in a Little Girl’s Mind” – Paul Levitz/Keith Giffen/Bruce Patterson

This story starts with Shvaughn Erin showing up at Legion headquarters to let them know she’s the new liaison officer from the Science Police. The Legion’s security devices grab her and she wonders if nobody told the legion she was coming. Wildfire blasts her free before he and Dawnstar take off for some R&R. Shvaughn heads inside where Element Lad welcomes her and shows her around the headquarters, which has been revamped recently. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Legion of Super-Heroes Annual 1, Warlord Annual 1”

Comics Reviews: New Teen Titans 26, All-Star Squadron Annual 1

New Teen Titans 26 coverNew Teen Titans #26 – “Runaways” – Marv Wolfman/George Perez/Romeo Tanghal

This one starts with the Titans returning from the their adventure in space (which we covered in the last few reviews). Dick (Robin) Grayson apologizes to Starfire for acting like such a tool lately and finally admits he has feelings for her. Dick says being raised by Batman has made him trust his head more than his heart, so he’ll need some time to process these feelings. Starfire already knows she loves him, but says she can wait for him to figure things out. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: New Teen Titans 26, All-Star Squadron Annual 1”

Comics Reviews: Flash 316, Wonder Woman 298, Green Lantern 159, Jonah Hex 67

Flash 316 coverFlash #316 – “Speed Kills” – Cary Bates/Carmine Infantino/Dennis Jensen

Last issue, Goldface came to Central City to take over the mobs and decided he’d better deal with Flash too. He started busting up the police station and when Flash showed up to fight him, he sent the speedster flying into an alley a few blocks away. Flash wakes up in the alley and zips back to the cop shop. This time he doesn’t confront Goldface head on; he uses his super-speed to hammer the armoured villain through the floor into the sewers, then tries to push him right out of town. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Flash 316, Wonder Woman 298, Green Lantern 159, Jonah Hex 67”

Comics Reviews: JLA 209, Legion of Super-Heroes 294, New Teen Titans Annual 1, All-Star Squadron 16

JLA 209 coverJustice League of America #209 – “Let Old Acquaintances Be Forgot …” – Gerry Conway/Don Heck

We open with the three successful teams from last issue returning to the White House to tell Roosevelt they’ve found most of the nukes. But as long as Degaton still has some left, the world still isn’t safe. We then get a quick recap of the overall story so far. There’s also an interesting aside as Roosevelt is shown pondering the ethics of the Manhattan Project. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: JLA 209, Legion of Super-Heroes 294, New Teen Titans Annual 1, All-Star Squadron 16”

Superman 378, Action 538, DC Comics Presents 52, Warlord 64

Superman 378 coverSuperman #378 – “The Man Who Saved the Future” – Paul Kupperberg/Curt Swan/Dave Hunt

This one starts with Superman helping a NASA space shuttle land safely after some mechanical trouble. In side the control room, most of the technicians are amazed to see the Man of Steel in action, but one guy is absorbed in his own work … trying to design a solar-powered interstellar spaceship. Continue reading “Superman 378, Action 538, DC Comics Presents 52, Warlord 64”

Batman 354, Detective 521, Brave & the Bold 193, Firestorm 7

Batman 354 coverBatman #354 – “Showdown” – Gerry Conway/Don Newton/Alfredo Alcala

This one starts with Batman tearing down a wanted poster of himself. Apparently, Commissioner Pauling has canceled Batman’s special status with the police and declared him an outlaw, ordering the cops to shoot on sight. Batman sneaks into City Hall to confront Pauling and Mayor Hamilton Hill. Batman knows they’re working for Boss Thorne, Gotham’s secret puppet-master, and that Thorne tried to have Deadshot killed in prison to cover up the fact Thorne hired Deadshot to kill Bruce Wayne. Continue reading “Batman 354, Detective 521, Brave & the Bold 193, Firestorm 7”

Comics Reviews: Flash 315, Wonder Woman 297, Green Lantern 158, Jonah Hex 66

Flash 315 coverFlash #315 – “The Eradicator Strikes Again” – Cary Bates/Carmine Infantino/Rodin Rodriguez

Last issue, a new vigilante (Eradicator) came to Central City and started killing criminals using some kind of eye-beams to disrupt their molecular structure and reduce them to powder. Eradicator ended up killing an assassin who was gunning for State Senator Creed Phillips (who’s currently dating Barry Allen’s ersatz girlfriend, Fiona Webb) and this issue opens with Flash finding the assassin’s remains and zooming up to the roof, only to find Eradicator is long gone. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Flash 315, Wonder Woman 297, Green Lantern 158, Jonah Hex 66”

Comics Reviews: JLA 208, All-Star Squadron 15, Legion of Super-Heroes 293, New Teen Titans 25

JLA 208 coverJustice League of America #208 – “The Bomb-Blast Heard Round the World” – Gerry Conway/Don Heck/Sal Trapani

We start off with something we’ve already seen twice—the confrontation between the JLA and the All-Star Squadron in JSA headquarters on Earth-2 in January 1942. We get the usual misunderstanding fight (remember, Gerry and Roy both worked at Marvel for years), but it’s soon settled and the two teams compare notes and recap the previous two parts of this crossover. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: JLA 208, All-Star Squadron 15, Legion of Super-Heroes 293, New Teen Titans 25”

Comics Reviews: Superman 377, Action 537, DC Comics Presents 51, Warlord 63

Superman 377 coverSuperman #377 – “Terra Times Two” – Paul Kupperberg/Curt Swan/Dave Hunt

This one starts with a typical day in Metropolis, as Superman chases the cosmic cowboy Terra-Man through the city. Terra-Man has added to his arsenal of high-tech weaponry and hits Supes with some red sun energy that binds him and drains his powers. Terra-Man shoots razor sharp cacti at the Man of Steel, hoping his weakened condition will leave him vulnerable. Superman uses Terra-Man’s horse to pull him free of the red sun energy and decks the goofy villain. Before he can wrap things up, Terra-Man disappears into a space warp, leaving Superman holding his lasso. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Superman 377, Action 537, DC Comics Presents 51, Warlord 63”

Comics Reviews: Batman 353, Detective 520, Brave & the Bold 192, Firestorm 6

Batman 353 coverBatman #353 – “Last Laugh” – Gerry Conway/Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez/Dan Adkins

This one starts with the Joker practicing with a mini-crossbow for his next confrontation with Batman. Joker goes to a condemned hotel to meet up with his gang of henchmen. They weren’t expecting him and one guy is rather abrupt until he realizes who he’s talking to. Joker squirts him with his trick flower and the guy freaks, thinking it’s loaded with Joker Venom, but it’s just water. Unfortunately the snake hiding up Joker’s sleeve is genuine and the guy dies from its poisonous bite. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 353, Detective 520, Brave & the Bold 192, Firestorm 6”