Comics Reviews: Superman 362, Action 522, DC Comics Presents 36, Warlord 48

Superman 362 coverSuperman #362 – “The Last Days of Lois and Lana” – Cary Bates/Curt Swan/Frank Chiaramonte

This one starts with Clark showing up late (as usual) for a news story at the Metropolis museum. Lois and Lana are already there; Lana’s father (an archaeology professor) has unearthed an ancient glass factory in Venice and brought back numerous pieces. Lana drops a glass vial and when it breaks, weird microbes are released into the air, making Lana, Lois, and even Clark feel a strange tingling sensation … and not in a good way. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Superman 362, Action 522, DC Comics Presents 36, Warlord 48”

Comics Reviews: Batman 338, Detective 505, Brave & the Bold 177

Batman 338 coverBatman #338 – “This Sporting Death” – Gerry Conway/Irv Novick/Frank McLaughlin

This one starts with a boozy sportswriter named Hank Klugmuun waking up in Gotham Stadium, where he’s confronted by a weirdo in a mishmash of sports gear. The weirdo kills Klugmuun with a hockey stick and skates away … over the grass! Commissioner Gordon calls Batman in on the case, since this is the fourth sports-related death in the last couple of weeks. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 338, Detective 505, Brave & the Bold 177”

Comics Reviews: Flash 299, Wonder Woman 281, Green Lantern 142, Jonah Hex 50

Flash 299 coverFlash #299 – “A Stab in the Black” – Cary Bates/Carmine Infantino/Bob Smith

Last issue, someone sapped all the colour out of Central City—twice—but Flash couldn’t figure out who was behind it. He got a visit from Shade, who told him the colour that was leached from Central City had showed up in Keystone City on Earth-2. That made it harder for Shade to use his darkness powers, so he offered to help Flash find the colour-thief. Flash wasn’t too enthusiastic, so Shade retreated into another dimension and maintained contact through his wand while Flash mulled over his offer. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Flash 299, Wonder Woman 281, Green Lantern 142, Jonah Hex 50”

Comics Reviews: JLA 192, Legion of Super-Heroes 277, New Teen Titans 9

JLA 192 coverJustice League of America #192 – “Quest for Genesis” – Gerry Conway/George Perez/John Beatty

This one starts with a meeting of the JLA on the Satellite. They’re discussing their United Nations mandate and whether they might get in trouble for having too many members (currently, they have 14), when Red Tornado shows up. He’s acting weird, talking in a robotic monotone and claiming to be acting on behalf of some nameless “Master” before unleashing a deadly tornado blast. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: JLA 192, Legion of Super-Heroes 277, New Teen Titans 9”

Comics Reviews: Superman 361, Action 521, DC Comics Presents 35, Warlord 47

Superman 361 coverSuperman #361 – “Stowaway From the Stars” – Cary Bates/Curt Swan/Frank Chiaramonte

This one starts with an alien named Drxla being sent on a mission from a faraway planet. We’re not told what the mission is, but it’s something that’ll save the entire population. On Earth, Clark Kent and Lois Lane are returning from Bermuda on a luxury liner after getting an interview with a Soviet defector. They run into their old acquaintance, Captain Horatio Strong, who’s cruising the seas with his wife. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Superman 361, Action 521, DC Comics Presents 35, Warlord 47”

Comics Reviews: Batman 337, Detective 504, Brave & the Bold 176

Batman 337 coverBatman #337 – “Where Walks a Snowman” – Gerry Conway/Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez/Steve Mitchell

This one starts with a gunman barricaded inside a sporting goods store. With all the guns and ammo inside, the guy can hold out against the cops for quite a while, so Commissioner Gordon asks Batman to help. The Caped Crusader slips into the store and finds a half-crazed gunman, freaking out about someone doing something bad to him, like they did to Jackie. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 337, Detective 504, Brave & the Bold 176”

Comics Reviews: Flash 298, Wonder Woman 280, Green Lantern 141, Jonah Hex 49

Flash 298 coverFlash #298 – “A Deadly Shade of Peril” – Cary Bates/Carmine Infantino/Bob Smith

This one starts with Barry Allen making a super-speed exit from his lab at police headquarters, leaving Captain Frye and Patty Spivot wondering where he is. Barry’s in a hurry to meet his father at the hospital. When he gets there, he sees the kid responsible for his parents’ accident trying to apologize to Henry Allen, but Henry’s not in a forgiving mood and gives the kid hell. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Flash 298, Wonder Woman 280, Green Lantern 141, Jonah Hex 49”

Comics Reviews: JLA 191, Legion of Super-Heroes 276, New Teen Titans 8

JLA 191 coverJustice League of America #191 – “The Key Crisis of the One-Man Justice League” – Gerry Conway/Rich Buckler/Pablo Marcos

This one starts with one old foe of the JLA (The Key) using his scientific know-how to summon another JLA enemy (Amazo) from the depths of space. Amazo isn’t happy about his android slumber being interrupted, but the Key blasts him with a beam of energy, knocking Amazo out. Apparently, the Key has some kind of plan to confront the JLA and Amazo is part of it. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: JLA 191, Legion of Super-Heroes 276, New Teen Titans 8”

Comics Reviews: Superman 360, Action 520, DC Comics Presents 34, Warlord 46

Superman 360 coverSuperman #360 – “Is Superman Going, Going, Gone?” – Cary Bates/Curt Swan/Frank Chiaramonte

This one starts with an alien spaceship landing on the roof of Clark Kent’s apartment building. Clark is inside, trying to brighten up his wardrobe with a tie that looks like something Crazy Quilt would wear. He changes to Superman and goes after the flying saucer but it turns out to be more formidable than he expected. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Superman 360, Action 520, DC Comics Presents 34, Warlord 46”

Comics Reviews: Batman 336, Detective 503, Brave & the Bold 175

Batman 336 coverBatman #336 – “While the Bat’s Away …” – Bob Rozakis (plot), Roy Thomas/Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez/Frank McLaughlin

This one starts with a goofy villain called the Bouncer busting out of a jewelry store that he just robbed and ping-ponging around to escape from the cops outside. A reporter asks the cops if there was any sign of Batman and it turns out the Caped Crusader has been missing for a few weeks … and Gotham’s criminals are taking advantage. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 336, Detective 503, Brave & the Bold 175”