G.I. Joe reviews: G.I. Joe 39, G.I. Joe 40

GIJoe 039 coverG.I. Joe #39 (September 1985) – “Walk Through the Jungle” – Larry Hama/Rod Whigham/Andy Mushynsky

Last issue, a team of Joes (Stalker, Ripcord, Gung Ho, and Roadblock) went to Sierra Gordo and made contact with another Joe (Recondo) and his friends, the local Tucaro Indians. They’re in the war-torn banana republic to rescue Dr. Adele Burkhart (who longtime fans will remember from issue 1) from a rebel stronghold. Continue reading “G.I. Joe reviews: G.I. Joe 39, G.I. Joe 40”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 37, Conan the Barbarian 38

Conan 037 coverConan the Barbarian #37 – “The Curse of the Golden Skull” – Roy Thomas/Neal Adams

This one starts ages ago, with a dark wizard of Lemuria (Rotath) being killed by King Kull. The dying Rotath put a deadly curse on his own bones, a curse that would affect whoever found his remains. Millennia later, a hillsman was exploring a lost valley and found a ruined city and Rotath’s skeleton, now made of solid gold. The hillsman couldn’t resist the lure of gold, but as soon as he touched the skeleton, he was taken over by Rotath’s spirit. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 37, Conan the Barbarian 38”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 37, G.I. Joe 38

GIJoe 037 coverG.I. Joe #37 (July 1985) – “Twin Brothers” – Larry Hama/Frank Springer/Andy Mushynsky

This one starts with Ripcord, Blowtorch, and Gung Ho helping Bongo the Balloon Bear deliver some balloons and other party favours to an organization at the Arbco Brothers Circus. The Joes are helping because they owe Bongo for taking her van to chase Fred II a couple of issues ago, although it seems like Ripcord might have a more personal reason for helping Bongo (who’s actually a hot blonde named Candy). Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 37, G.I. Joe 38”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 35, Conan the Barbarian 36

Conan 035 coverConan the Barbarian #35 – “The Hellspawn of Kara-Shehr” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Ernie Chan

This one starts with Conan and his new companion Bourtai (who he met last issue) travelling across the desert on their way back to Aghrapur. They come upon some desert warriors harrying a lone man and Conan rides in to help. The raiders try to kill the loner, who apparently holds some kind of valuable secret. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 35, Conan the Barbarian 36”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 35, G.I. Joe 36

GIJoe 035 coverG.I. Joe #35 (May 1985) – “Dreadnoks on the Loose” – Larry Hama/Rod Whigham, Mark Bright, Bob Camp/Andy Mushynsky, Mike Esposito

This one starts with the Dreadnoks(Buzzer, Torch, and Ripper) admiring Zartan’s new motorbike. Buzzer demonstrates the holographic projector that allows the bike to look like something else (a van, a car, a semi-truck) and explains that it’s the same technology Zartan uses to make himself look like someone else. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 35, G.I. Joe 36”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 33, Conan the Barbarian 34

Conan 033 coverConan the Barbarian #33 – “Death and 7 Wizards” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Ernie Chan

Last issue, Conan was sent to the city of Wan Tengri in Khitai by a Turanian commander who wanted him to gather information for a possible invasion. The city is ruled by seven mysterious wizards who fill the skies with flames from a high tower. Conan ran afoul of one of the wizards and ended up fleeing the city guard, swimming through a watery tunnel where he fought an octopus-woman (which may or may not have been an illusion) before crawling out of a pool in the garden and collapsing. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 33, Conan the Barbarian 34”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 33, G.I. Joe 34

GIJoe 033 coverG.I. Joe #33 (March 1985) – “Celebration” – Larry Hama/Frank Springer/Andy Mushynsky

This one starts with General Austin arriving at the Pit before the big opening ceremony. We see Snake Eyes, Airborne, and Spirit in the infirmary recovering from their adventure in the High Sierras last issue. When Scarlett comes in to talk to Snake Eyes (after having a long conversation with the Soft Master), Airborne figures he and Spirit should give the two lovebirds some privacy … but Spirit is already gone. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 33, G.I. Joe 34”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 31, Conan the Barbarian 32

Conan 031 coverConan the Barbarian #31 – “The Shadow in the Tomb” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Ernie Chan

This one starts with Conan serving as a mercenary with a cohort of Turanian soldiers. They’re looking for rebel hill tribes and find them soon enough, when the hill-men ambush them near some rocky cliffs. Conan is in the middle of the fight (naturally), but the Turanians are badly outnumbered so their captain (Malthuz) orders a retreat into the rocky hills. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 31, Conan the Barbarian 32”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 31, G.I. Joe 32

GIJoe 031 coverG.I. Joe #31 (January 1985) – “All Fall Down” – Larry Hama/Rod Whigham/Andy Mushynsky

This one starts with the Joes moving a bunch of vehicles (a Mobat, Vamp, RAM, and Wolverine) out of Fort Wadsworth, which isn’t exactly inconspicuous but doesn’t seem to raise suspicion in the suburban neighbourhood surrounding the base. One guy who might be suspicious is Fred Broca, the Cobra Crimson Guardsman who’s been re-assigned to watch Fort Wadsworth for anything out of the ordinary. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 31, G.I. Joe 32”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 29, Conan the Barbarian 30

Conan 029 coverConan the Barbarian #29 – “Two Against Turan” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Ernie Chan

This one starts with Conan arriving in Aghrapur, capital of the Kingdom of Turan, where he turns a few heads even among the jaded city dwellers. As he walks the streets, a statue of the “living god Tarim” is paraded past and the people go into a frenzy of worship. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 29, Conan the Barbarian 30”