Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 123, Conan the Barbarian 124

Conan 123 coverConan the Barbarian #123 – “Horror Beneath the Hills” – J.M. DeMatteis/John Buscema/Bob McLeod

This one continues from last issue with Conan in the dungeons of Pergona after being blamed for Nareobbo’s chaos. Conan lets the guards know he won’t be pushed around, but does go to see the city’s lord, who turns out to be Murilo (who we last saw in issue 55). Murilo is still with Yvonna (although she’s not aged well) and Conan introduces his companions from last issue’s adventure: Jonwalli, Dukenrik, Atreah, and the nameless child they picked up along the way. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 123, Conan the Barbarian 124”

Stargirl Season 2 Overview

Stargirl Season 2 Opening TitleWell, that’s season 2 of Stargirl done. In a lot of ways, I enjoyed this season even more than the first. Season 1 had the thrill of discovering all the characters and exploring the world, but this season gave us some new maturity for most of the characters, plus some nuances to people like Shade and Cindy Burman. Continue reading “Stargirl Season 2 Overview”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 94, Conan the Barbarian 95

Conan 094 coverConan the Barbarian #94 – “The Beast-King of Abombi” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Ernie Chan

This one starts with Conan and Bêlit saying goodbye to Zula, who has decided to forsake revenge in Kheshatta and head north instead. A handful of Bêlit’s corsairs are going with him, their desire for adventure on land stirred by the recent fights in Asgalun. Zula says his farewells and gives Conan and Bêlit one last reminder of his hypnotic abilities (by seeming to vanish) before leading his new friends inland. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 94, Conan the Barbarian 95”

New Trekker Book

Trekker Spice rewardsI just received the latest volume of Ron Randall’s Trekker (with the provocative title of Spice) and it’s another great read. Mercy is forced to work with someone who’s a lot like her in certain ways, yet completely opposite in others. Naturally, complications ensue, but it wouldn’t be a Trekker story if it wasn’t full of action, intrigue, and a few surprises. Ron Randall has done another spectacular job with the art and writing and he’s still giving out plenty ofGulliver reads Trekker Spice swag as Kickstarter rewards. This time there are stickers, pins, a poster, and a bookmark … I’m running out of room to keep everything I’ve received in all the recent campaigns. Gulliver enjoyed the story too, although he’s still hoping for an ape hero to show up. Maybe next volume. If you’d like to check out Trekker yourself, go right ahead … maybe you’ll end up falling in love with it like I did.

New Trekker Book

Gulliver reads Blood in the WindI got the latest chapter of Ron Randall’s Trekker series (Blood in the Wind) and it’s great as usual. As you can see, Gulliver was quite taken with it. He loves action and there’s plenty of it in this installment (along with some romance and intrigue, just to balance things out).

And this Kickstarter gave backers plenty of rewards, like these cool pins and coin,Blood in the Wind coin and pins

plus a bookmark, stickers, special prints, and a mini-poster.Blood in the Wind swag

Ron’s been so generous with the swag on the last few books, I’m gonna have to build an extra room just to put it all in. But even without the rewards, Trekker is a cool story with great characters and lots of thrills, so check it out. Maybe you’ll catch Trekker fever like I did.

New Trekker Book

Gulliver reads Reckoning on RigelI just received the latest chapter in the Trekker saga (Reckoning on Rigel) and Ron Randall has done it again. Another great story (with a few interesting twists) and top-notch art as usual. Things are getting a little more intense and it looks like Mercy may have some tough choices ahead of her, but I’m sure she’ll make the right decision in the end. Gulliver loved it too (and he claims he saw the surprises coming, but I don’t believe him).

Don’t even get me started on the rewards for backers … Ron really outdidReckoning on Rigel swag himself this time. Bookmarks, stickers, a mini-poster, a fridge magnet, a bumper sticker, some cool prints, and two enameled pins, plus a special coin-medallion. There’s more swag here than in one of those Oscar bags (and it didn’t cost $100,000).

Trekker pins and medallionHere’s a closer look at the pins (the top one is the Zephyr spaceship and the other is a funky one of Molly) and the coin. I was surprised how much the coin weighed … maybe it’s made of Adamantium? Anyway, if you haven’t already been initiated into the ranks of Trekker fandom, check it out and maybe think about contributing to the next chapter so you can get some swag of your own.


New Trekker stuff

Gulliver reading Hunters MoonMy copy of the latest in Ron Randall’s Trekker saga (Hunter’s Moon) arrived today; great story and art as usual … and things seem to be getting even more intense for Mercy as the story goes on. The only problem is it ends on a cliffhanger, so I’m already looking forward to the next installment. As you can see, Gulliver was enraptured right from the first page.

Ron threw in some great extras for backers on Kickstarter: posters, stickers, a bookmark, and some really cool enameled pins, one of Mercy and one of Scuf.Trekker pins

Of course, Gulliver immediately claimed the Scuf pin for himself …Gulliver with Scuf pin

Check out the series at; if you like action, romance, and a little mystery, you’ll probably love this.

New Webhost

I recently switched webhosts from to Bluehost, so I hope there aren’t any problems with the site. Note that the site URL now includes the “www” before eruditegorilla (although it should redirect no matter what), so you may have to update your bookmarks. Additionally, the blog is now named “The Eruditegorilla” (all one word) instead of “The Erudite Gorilla”. I left a message on the old URL with a link to this one, so everything should be fine. I’m hoping the transition will be basically seamless (and I won’t lose any subscribers), but if there are any problems let me know and I’ll try to sort them out. Thanks for reading 🙂

Gulliver Loves Trekker

I just got my copy of Trekker The complete Journey today … great stuff. The book is huge, collecting every Trekker story up through Rite of Passage; it’s cool to see those early stories in full colour! As you can see below, Gulliver liked it so much, he pulled out all the subsequent volumes for a complete read-through. Kudos to Ron Randall for all the great stories over the years.

Gulliver prepares for a Trekker marathon.