Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 5

Stargirl opening title season 3Frenemies Chapter 5: The Thief – Director: Lea Thompson/Writer: Steve Harper

This one starts five days ago at the scene of Gambler’s murder, where Cindy is standing beside his body, retracting her forearm blade. She notices Gambler’s laptop and grabs it, but has to hide it when she hears the JSA coming. She sees the Derringer beside Gambler’s body and picks it up, then fires it … but it looks like her arm had some kind of spasm and she fired the gun without meaning to. Continue reading “Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 5”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 125, Conan the Barbarian 126

Conan 125 coverConan the Barbarian #125 – “The Witches of Nexxx” – J.M. DeMatteis/John Buscema/Bob McLeod

This one starts where last issue left off, with the survivors climbing out of the caverns beneath the mines. Murilo has decided to go back to his adventurous life, sending Conan, Jonnwalli, and Dukenrik back to Pergona with Atreah’s charred corpse to pass off as his. Conan and his two companions do as Murilo asked, but they find the people at the palace (including Murilo’s wife Yvonna) curiously subdued, seemingly more interested in the young girl they found in the streets a couple issues back than in their dead lord. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 125, Conan the Barbarian 126”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 94, G.I. Joe 95

GIJoe 094 coverG.I. Joe #94 (December 1989) – “Exterminating Circumstances” – Larry Hama/M.D. Bright/Randy Emberlin

This one starts with Snake Eyes at Dr. Hundtkinder’s clinic in Switzerland, undergoing surgery to reconstruct his ravaged face. The surgery is going pretty well, but neither Snake Eyes nor Scarlett know that Hundtkinder has tipped off the Baroness and that she believes Snake Eyes killed her brother years ago in Saigon. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 94, G.I. Joe 95”

Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 4

Stargirl opening title season 3Frenemies Chapter 4: The Evidence – Director: Walter Carlos Garcia/Writer: Paula Sevenbergen

This one starts with Cameron looking at some knicknacks at home, where he accidentally freezes and shatters a snow globe with his cold powers. His grandparents aren’t worried about his lack of control, as long as he masters his power in time to make their enemies suffer. Continue reading “Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 4”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 123, Conan the Barbarian 124

Conan 123 coverConan the Barbarian #123 – “Horror Beneath the Hills” – J.M. DeMatteis/John Buscema/Bob McLeod

This one continues from last issue with Conan in the dungeons of Pergona after being blamed for Nareobbo’s chaos. Conan lets the guards know he won’t be pushed around, but does go to see the city’s lord, who turns out to be Murilo (who we last saw in issue 55). Murilo is still with Yvonna (although she’s not aged well) and Conan introduces his companions from last issue’s adventure: Jonwalli, Dukenrik, Atreah, and the nameless child they picked up along the way. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 123, Conan the Barbarian 124”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 28, G.I. Joe 93

Special Missions 028 coverG.I. Joe Special Missions #28 (November 1989) – “Condor” – Larry Hama/Herb Trimpe

This one starts with Ace, Slipstream, and Payload launching in the Joe space shuttle for a top secret mission. Another team is standing by as support on the USS Flagg aircraft carrier in the Caribbean, but a heavy storm limits their chances to do anything meaningful. Meanwhile, the Joes have talked the president of Punta Del Mucosa (a fictional country right beside the equally fictional Sierra Gordo) into letting them establish a secret base in his country. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 28, G.I. Joe 93”

Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 3

Stargirl opening title season 3Frenemies Chapter 3: The Blackmail – Director: Walter Carlos Garcia/Writer: Taylor Streitz

This one starts with Sylvester strolling downtown and getting freaked out by how open and friendly everyone is. He stops by the diner and talks with Yolanda, telling her Ted Grant would’ve liked her as the new Wildcat (and validating her mistrust of Cindy). Neither of them notices Cameron’s grandparents giving Sylvester an icy stare through the window. Continue reading “Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 3”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 121, Conan the Barbarian 122

Conan 121 coverConan the Barbarian #121 – “The Price of Perfection” – J.M. DeMatteis/John Buscema/Bob McLeod

This one starts with Conan in Khorshemish, hanging out with a couple of doxies. He sees a huge man getting attacked by thieves in an alley and runs to help after noticing a beautiful woman is also under attack. Conan routs the thieves, but the giant (Atreah) saves him from a knife in the back. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 121, Conan the Barbarian 122”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 92, G.I. Joe Special Missions 27

GIJoe 092 coverG.I. Joe #92 (November 1989) – “Thunderclap” – Larry Hama/Mark Bright/Randy Emberlin

This one starts with Cross-Country, Rumbler, and Long Range on a train with the president of the (fictional) republic of Punta Del Mucosa. The Joes are there to demonstrate the Thunderclap artillery piece for El Presidente. Of course, Punta Del Mucosa just happens to be right beside Sierra Gordo, where all hell just broke lose with the treacherous El Jefe just sold out to the North American Banana Monopoly. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 92, G.I. Joe Special Missions 27”

Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 2

Stargirl opening title season 3Frenemies Chapter 2: The Suspects – Director: Andi Armaganian/Writer: Robbie Hyne

This one starts twelve hours before the end of last episode, which I guess means that everything we saw there took place within those twelve hours. Gambler arrives at his rented trailer and settles in, beginning his search for his daughter, Becky. We see Crusher outside thinking about pounding Gambler, but changing his mind and taking off. We also find out that the mysterious figure watching Gambler last episode was Shade. Continue reading “Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 2”