Conan the Barbarian #119 – “The Voice of One Long Gone” – J.M. DeMatteis/John Buscema/Bob McLeod, Sal Buscema
This one continues from last issue, with the villagers celebrating Myya’s death, but Conan is in a dark mood and refuses to take part in the revels, even when a drunken Jenna tries to entice him. Conan takes off and Jenna decides to go with him rather than deal with the losers who start hitting on her. They have to stop for Jenna to be sick and Conan confides that his mood is because he feels a strange presence hanging over him, a presence that reminds him of someone he knew back in Cimmeria … his grandfather, Drogin. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 119, Conan the Barbarian 120”