Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 119, Conan the Barbarian 120

Conan 119 coverConan the Barbarian #119 – “The Voice of One Long Gone” – J.M. DeMatteis/John Buscema/Bob McLeod, Sal Buscema

This one continues from last issue, with the villagers celebrating Myya’s death, but Conan is in a dark mood and refuses to take part in the revels, even when a drunken Jenna tries to entice him. Conan takes off and Jenna decides to go with him rather than deal with the losers who start hitting on her. They have to stop for Jenna to be sick and Conan confides that his mood is because he feels a strange presence hanging over him, a presence that reminds him of someone he knew back in Cimmeria … his grandfather, Drogin. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 119, Conan the Barbarian 120”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 91, G.I. Joe Special Missions 26

GIJoe 091 coverG.I. Joe #91 (October 1989) – “No Simple Solutions” – Larry Hama/Tony Salmons/Randy Emberlin

This one continues from last issue, with Zartan and Blind Master squaring of in an alley in San Francisco. They’re pretty evenly matched and keep up a running argument over Zartan’s betrayal of Professor Onihashi and his killing of the Hard Master. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 91, G.I. Joe Special Missions 26”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 117, Conan the Barbarian 118

Conan 117 coverConan the Barbarian #117 – “The Corridor of Mullah-Kajar” – Larry Hama/John Buscema/Ernie Chan

This one starts in Zamboula, which has recently been taken over by Mullah-Kajar, a priest of Hanuman, who has sent the Turanian satrap fleeing into exile. The Ziggurat of Hanuman is warded by a labyrinthine approach that’s full of conjured guardians, but the sentries inside are still nervous. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 117, Conan the Barbarian 118”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 25, G.I. Joe 90

Special Missions 025 coverG.I. Joe Special Missions #25 (September 1989) – “Forced Play” – Larry Hama/Herb Trimpe/Danny Bulanadi

This one starts at a warehouse in Brooklyn where cops and Feds have some terrorists hemmed in. The terrorists are from Lower Darklonia and are trying to free their country from the oppressive yoke of Upper Darklonia by blowing stuff up in the United States. Yeah, I’m not really sure how that works either. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 25, G.I. Joe 90”

Stargirl Season 2 Overview

Stargirl Season 2 Opening TitleWell, that’s season 2 of Stargirl done. In a lot of ways, I enjoyed this season even more than the first. Season 1 had the thrill of discovering all the characters and exploring the world, but this season gave us some new maturity for most of the characters, plus some nuances to people like Shade and Cindy Burman. Continue reading “Stargirl Season 2 Overview”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 115, Conan the Barbarian 116

Conan 115 coverConan the Barbarian #115 – “A War of Wizards” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Ernie Chan

This one starts with Conan still making his way towards Akkharia, when he’s startled by the appearance of a green light with a face inside it … a familiar face. It’s the wizard Zukala (who we last saw in issue 15) using magic to speak to Conan even though body is far away in Ghaza. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 115, Conan the Barbarian 116”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 24, G.I. Joe 89

Special Missions 024 coverG.I. Joe Special Missions #24 (August 1989) – “Ladies Day” – Herb Trimpe/Dave Cockrum/Danny Bulanadi

This one starts at a baseball game in New York between the Mites and Dandees (obviously meant to be the Mets and Yankees) which the President is attending. The Joes have a team there (Hawk, Lt. Falcon, Zap, Doc, Tunnel Rat, Hardball, and Heavy Metal) for PR and extra security, including Lady Jaye, Scarlett, Jinx, and Cover Girl undercover (so to speak) as scantily-dressed cheerleaders. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 24, G.I. Joe 89”

Stargirl Reviews: Season 2, Episode 13

Stargirl Season 2 Opening TitleSummer School Part 13 – Director: Gregory Beeman/Writer: Geoff Johns

This one continues directly from last episode, with Beth and Dr. McNider running into Eclipso at the American Dream offices. Eclipso gloats about using Courtney’s inner darkness to feed him and help him merge the Shadowlands with Earth’s dimension so he can take over everything. Continue reading “Stargirl Reviews: Season 2, Episode 13”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 113, Conan the Barbarian 114

Conan 113 coverConan the Barbarian #113 – “A Devil in the Family” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Ernie Chan

This one starts with Conan and Erfu still on their way to Akkharia, making their way through a vast forest. They’re ambushed by some Shemites and Erfu takes an arrow in the shoulder before Conan’s berserker fighting frenzy drives their attackers off. Erfu figures he needs some kind of medical attention, but since they’re still a long way from Akkharia he suggests a wood-witch. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 113, Conan the Barbarian 114”