Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 51, Conan the Barbarian 52

Conan 051 coverConan the Barbarian #51 – “Man Born of Demon” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Dick Giordano

This one starts with Conan arriving (finally!) in the capital city of Phalkar to complete his mission. He’s impersonating a merchant and bullies his way through some guards to get to the usurper, Unos. Conan presents Unos with a gift, a golden bird that he says can answer questions about the past, present, and future. The two wizards who killed the true regent and installed Unos in his place (Thalkalides and Elviriom) don’t believe the bird can prophesy (or maybe they just fear losing influence with Unos), but the acting regent is eager to hear what the bird will say about his future. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 51, Conan the Barbarian 52”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 49, Conan the Barbarian 50

Conan 049 coverConan the Barbarian #49 – “Wolf-Woman” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Dick Giordano

Last issue, Conan was captured by a bandit lord named Torkal Moh and staked out for some rats to devour. He manages to cut himself free by breaking the ceramic bowl of water Torkal Moh left to taunt him, and he rips the stakes out of the round, scaring the rats away. Conan follows Torkal Moh’s trail and finds water, but he’s beset by wolves. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 49, Conan the Barbarian 50”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 47, Conan the Barbarian 48

Conan 047 coverConan the Barbarian #47 – “Goblins in the Moonlight” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Dan Adkins

Last issue, Conan was on his way to Phalkar to deliver an amulet to the regent of that city when he got sidetracked by (what else?) a beautiful woman. He saved the woman (Stefanya) from a bloodthirsty mob who accused her of sorcery, but Stefanya told Conan the real sorcerer was her hated master, Zoqquanor. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 47, Conan the Barbarian 48”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 45, Conan the Barbarian 46

Conan 045 coverConan the Barbarian #45 – “The Last Ballad of Laza-Lanti” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Crusty Bunkers

This one starts with Conan drinking in a tavern in Shadizar, trying to forget Red Sonja. A minstrel sings a sad ballad and Conan takes a liking to it, so when local toughs start giving the minstrel a hard time, Conan kicks their asses. The bard (Laza-Lanti) turns out to be a fighter too and saves Conan by tossing a dagger into a thug trying to sneak up on the barbarian. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 45, Conan the Barbarian 46”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 43, Conan the Barbarian 44

Conan 043 coverConan the Barbarian #43 – “Tower of Blood” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Ernie Chan

This one starts with Conan and Red Sonja (remember her from issues 23 and 24?) being pursued by bounty hunters from the City of Thieves. Apparently, Sonja was chosen as a Hyrkanian king’s concubine but stabbed him instead of marrying him, plus one of Conan’s wenches accused them both of murder, so now there’s a price on both their heads. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 43, Conan the Barbarian 44”