Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 59, Conan the Barbarian 60

Conan 059 coverConan the Barbarian #59 – “The Ballad of Bêlit” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Steve Gan

This one starts with Bêlit and Conan leading the crew of the Tigress against a Stygian galley. They make short work of the Stygians and Conan notices that Bêlit has a special hatred towards them. She’s not inclined to talk about it so Conan asks the Ship’s shaman (N’yaga), who has known Bêlit for years. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 59, Conan the Barbarian 60”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 57, Conan the Barbarian 58

Conan 057 coverConan the Barbarian #57 – “Incident in Argos” – Roy Thomas/Mike Ploog

This one starts with Conan, Tara, and Yusef arriving in Messantia, capital of Argos. Conan is looking for mercenary work and is very disappointed to find out Argos has just signed a peace treaty with Stygia. He takes out his frustrations on some arrogant guardsmen who think they own the streets. Conan and the others take off but realize all the city guards will be looking for them. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 57, Conan the Barbarian 58”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 55, Conan the Barbarian 56

Conan 055 coverConan the Barbarian #55 – “A Shadow on the Land” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Tom Palmer

This one continues from last issue, with Conan, Tara, and Yusef returning from the oracle and trying to figure out what her cryptic words mean. They run into the shadow creature not far from Ronnoco and it has grown even bigger after devouring so many people. Conan and company return to King Belzamo’s throne room, where Yvonna is telling the king she won’t marry his son, Vanni. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 55, Conan the Barbarian 56”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 53, Conan the Barbarian 54

Conan 053 coverConan the Barbarian #53 – “Brothers of the Blade” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Frank Springer

This one starts with Murilo and his Crimson Company (which includes Conan and his new squire, Tara) approaching the city of Ronnoco. The city leaders have hired them to recover the Ring of the Black Shadow, but their reception isn’t too warm, with archers firing at them from the walls. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 53, Conan the Barbarian 54”

Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 51, Conan the Barbarian 52

Conan 051 coverConan the Barbarian #51 – “Man Born of Demon” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Dick Giordano

This one starts with Conan arriving (finally!) in the capital city of Phalkar to complete his mission. He’s impersonating a merchant and bullies his way through some guards to get to the usurper, Unos. Conan presents Unos with a gift, a golden bird that he says can answer questions about the past, present, and future. The two wizards who killed the true regent and installed Unos in his place (Thalkalides and Elviriom) don’t believe the bird can prophesy (or maybe they just fear losing influence with Unos), but the acting regent is eager to hear what the bird will say about his future. Continue reading “Conan Reviews: Conan the Barbarian 51, Conan the Barbarian 52”