Comics Reviews: Superman 325, Action 485, DC Comics Presents 1

Sup 325-cover (Copy) (Copy)Superman #325 – “The Super Sellout of Metropolis” – Martin Pasko/Curt Swan/Frank Chiaramonte

This one starts with that idiotic story device where we see a scene then learn what led up to it in a flashback. Pretty much this entire issue is a flashback, which might be a new record. Anyway, we start with Superman signing autographs in front of the UBC Building and learn that Supes has signed an exclusive (and lucrative) contract with UBC to appear on air. Lois, Lana, Perry White, and Morgan Edge are nearby, upset that Superman seems to be selling out, especially to UBC. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Superman 325, Action 485, DC Comics Presents 1”