Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 8

Frank Drake title season 3Sweet Justice – Director: Bosede Williams/Writers: Jennifer Kassabian, Robina Lord-Stafford

This one starts with Trudy and her family moving into their new house (and naturally Mildred recruits Frankie, Mary, and Flo to help move stuff). Trudy is pretty happy, but they hear a disturbance outside and find a woman across the street pounding a fire hydrant with a sledgehammer. Continue reading “Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 8”

Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 7

Frank Drake title season 3Life is a Cabaret – Director: Bosede Williams/Writers: Keri Ferencz, Sharron Matthews

This one starts with Frankie and Alessandro getting busy in his race car, which is parked in an alley. They’re interrupted by a struggle between a man and a glammed up woman. Alessandro is about to go help the lady when she decks her aggressor and takes off Frankie checks the guy and finds that he’s dead. Continue reading “Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 7”

Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 6

Frank Drake title season 3The Guilty Party – Director: R.T. Thorne/Writer: Carol Hay

This one starts with Frankie, Trudy, and Mary outside the courthouse, where a man (Ernie Logan) convicted of murdering his girlfriend (Christine Mayfield) three years ago has just been released because of a witness recanting their testimony. According to Stephen Reid (left-wing reporter and now officially Mary’s boyfriend), the cops bungled the entire investigation, either through incompetence or on purpose Logan thinks the cops railroaded him and wants them to pay for it, but a man (Derek Walston) shows up and tells Frankie and Trudy he knows Logan really did kill Christine (who was is niece) and wants them to prove it. Frankie accepts the case immediately. Continue reading “Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 6”

Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 5

Frank Drake title season 3Ghost in the Machine – Director: R.T. Thorne/Writer: Keri Ferencz

This one starts with Frankie and Alessandro about to get it on in her office when Nora shows up. She’s broken up with her latest flame and needs a place to stay for a few days. Frankie reluctantly agrees and heads out with Alessandro, leaving Nora to make herself at home. Late that night, Nora is awakened by someone calling for help and sees a freaky-looking girl, who vanishes and reappears when Nora’s looking in the mirror. Naturally, Nora assumes it’s a ghost. Continue reading “Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 5”

Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 4

Frank Drake title season 3A Most Foiled Assault – Director: Gary Harvey/Writer: Jennifer Kassabian

This one starts at a gym where several women are practicing fencing. Women haven’t been allowed to compete in the Olympics so far, but these women are hoping to be the first. Unfortunately, some men aren’t happy about that and have even attacked some of the competitors. Continue reading “Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 4”

Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 3

Frank Drake title season 3The Girls Can’t Help It – Director: Gary Harvey/Writer: Mary Pedersen

This one starts with Mary attending a swinging party full of flappers and dandies making merry at a mansion. She was invited by an old school friend (Jackie), but feels somewhat out of place surrounded by the upper classes. Continue reading “Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 3”

Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 2

Frank Drake title season 3Prince in Exile – Director: Eleanore Lindo/Writer: Peter Mitchell

This one starts with Frankie and her new boyfriend (Alessandro Contento) arriving at a club with a bunch of reporters clamouring to take Alessandro’s photo. They don’t really care too much about Frankie, especially one obnoxious reporter who pisses Alessandro off by being rude to Frankie. Inside the club, we learn that Trudy’s fiancé Bill has gotten a job offer in Ottawa, which means Trudy will be moving there after the marriage. It’s obvious she’s still having doubts about marrying Bill, but she won’t admit it. Frankie and Trudy notice a guy aggressively questioning another customer and force him to leave. The guy says he’s looking for a missing Prince, so they decide to help. Continue reading “Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 2”

Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 1

Frank Drake title season 3Scavenger Hunt – Director: Eleanore Lindo/Writer: Mary Pedersen

This one starts with Frankie, Mary, Trudy, and Flo tramping around the woods taking part in a scavenger hunt. We get some updates on everyone’s lives: Flo is getting ready to enter medical school, Trudy and Bill are engaged, and Frankie has a new guy in her life. Frankie’s man is supposedly rich, adventurous, and European, which makes the others think she might be lying about how great he is (or about his very existence). Frankie and Mary spot one of the items on their list (a carved wooden moose) and Frankie climbs up an escarpment to get it. From her vantage point, she sees something that’s not on the list … a dead body. Continue reading “Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 4, Episode 1”