G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 100, G.I. Joe 101

GIJoe 100 coverG.I. Joe #100 (May 1990) – “Seeds of Empire” – Larry Hama/M.D. Bright/Randy Emberlin

This one continues from last issue, with Cobra invading the struggling industrial town of Millville, led by the newly-revived original Cobra Commander. Mutt and Spirit are in Millville visiting Mutt’s uncle, and they try to stay out of the way of Cobra troops until they can find a way to get a message out to the rest of the Joe team. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 100, G.I. Joe 101”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 98, G.I. Joe 99

GIJoe 098 coverG.I. Joe #98 (March 1990) – “He’s Back” – Larry Hama/M.D. Bright/Randy Emberlin

This one starts in Northern Quebec, where Clutch and Rock n’Roll are still attached to the special RCMP task force looking for Cobra activity in Canada, as we saw last issue. They check out the remote cabin of a known felon, who just happens to have three petty dictators as house guests. They quickly realize there’s a Terror Drome hidden under the frozen lake and wonder why Cobra would be selling stuff so far from their home base. Clutch finds paperwork showing that these particular Terror Drome components were shipped from Denver, not Cobra Island. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 98, G.I. Joe 99”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 96, G.I. Joe 97

GIJoe 096 coverG.I. Joe #96 (January 1990) – “The Hexagram Completed” – Larry Hama/M.D. Bright/Randy Emberlin

This one continues directly from last issue, with Snake Eyes making his way up through the Cobra consulate towards the top floor, where Baroness is barricading herself with as much security as she can. Snake Eyes wants her dead not because she kidnapped and tortured him, but because she shot Scarlett in the head. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 96, G.I. Joe 97”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 94, G.I. Joe 95

GIJoe 094 coverG.I. Joe #94 (December 1989) – “Exterminating Circumstances” – Larry Hama/M.D. Bright/Randy Emberlin

This one starts with Snake Eyes at Dr. Hundtkinder’s clinic in Switzerland, undergoing surgery to reconstruct his ravaged face. The surgery is going pretty well, but neither Snake Eyes nor Scarlett know that Hundtkinder has tipped off the Baroness and that she believes Snake Eyes killed her brother years ago in Saigon. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 94, G.I. Joe 95”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 28, G.I. Joe 93

Special Missions 028 coverG.I. Joe Special Missions #28 (November 1989) – “Condor” – Larry Hama/Herb Trimpe

This one starts with Ace, Slipstream, and Payload launching in the Joe space shuttle for a top secret mission. Another team is standing by as support on the USS Flagg aircraft carrier in the Caribbean, but a heavy storm limits their chances to do anything meaningful. Meanwhile, the Joes have talked the president of Punta Del Mucosa (a fictional country right beside the equally fictional Sierra Gordo) into letting them establish a secret base in his country. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 28, G.I. Joe 93”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 92, G.I. Joe Special Missions 27

GIJoe 092 coverG.I. Joe #92 (November 1989) – “Thunderclap” – Larry Hama/Mark Bright/Randy Emberlin

This one starts with Cross-Country, Rumbler, and Long Range on a train with the president of the (fictional) republic of Punta Del Mucosa. The Joes are there to demonstrate the Thunderclap artillery piece for El Presidente. Of course, Punta Del Mucosa just happens to be right beside Sierra Gordo, where all hell just broke lose with the treacherous El Jefe just sold out to the North American Banana Monopoly. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 92, G.I. Joe Special Missions 27”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 91, G.I. Joe Special Missions 26

GIJoe 091 coverG.I. Joe #91 (October 1989) – “No Simple Solutions” – Larry Hama/Tony Salmons/Randy Emberlin

This one continues from last issue, with Zartan and Blind Master squaring of in an alley in San Francisco. They’re pretty evenly matched and keep up a running argument over Zartan’s betrayal of Professor Onihashi and his killing of the Hard Master. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 91, G.I. Joe Special Missions 26”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 25, G.I. Joe 90

Special Missions 025 coverG.I. Joe Special Missions #25 (September 1989) – “Forced Play” – Larry Hama/Herb Trimpe/Danny Bulanadi

This one starts at a warehouse in Brooklyn where cops and Feds have some terrorists hemmed in. The terrorists are from Lower Darklonia and are trying to free their country from the oppressive yoke of Upper Darklonia by blowing stuff up in the United States. Yeah, I’m not really sure how that works either. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 25, G.I. Joe 90”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 24, G.I. Joe 89

Special Missions 024 coverG.I. Joe Special Missions #24 (August 1989) – “Ladies Day” – Herb Trimpe/Dave Cockrum/Danny Bulanadi

This one starts at a baseball game in New York between the Mites and Dandees (obviously meant to be the Mets and Yankees) which the President is attending. The Joes have a team there (Hawk, Lt. Falcon, Zap, Doc, Tunnel Rat, Hardball, and Heavy Metal) for PR and extra security, including Lady Jaye, Scarlett, Jinx, and Cover Girl undercover (so to speak) as scantily-dressed cheerleaders. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 24, G.I. Joe 89”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 23, G.I. Joe 88

Special Missions 023 coverG.I. Joe Special Missions #23 (July 1989) – “Scoop” – Larry Hama/Herb Trimpe

This one starts on the USS Flagg aircraft carrier, where a team of Joes (Stalker, Tunnel Rat, Leatherneck, Hit & Run, and Muskrat) are getting ready for a mission. At the last minute they find out a new Joe named Scoop is coming with them to document everything with a video camera. They’re not too happy about having a rookie on the mission, especially since they haven’t had a chance to train with him, but they aren’t given a choice. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 23, G.I. Joe 88”