G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 13, G.I. Joe 75, G.I. Joe 76

Special Missions 013 coverG.I. Joe Special Missions #13 (September 1988) – “Washout” – Larry Hama/Herb Trimpe

This one starts in the (fictional) country of Trucial Abysmia, in northeast Africa. Dusty and Outback re with a couple of provisional Joes (Lightfoot and Mangler) on an evaluation run to see how they perform in the field. The mission is supposed to be easy, but they get ambushed by some government troops. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 13, G.I. Joe 75, G.I. Joe 76”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 74, G.I. Joe Special Missions 12

GIJoe 074 coverG.I. Joe #74 (August 1988) – “Alliance of Convenience” – Larry Hama/Ron Wagner/Randy Emberlin

This one starts on Cobra Island with the civil war between Serpentor and Cobra Commander (who we know is actually Fred VII in disguise) throwing everything they have at each other. The team of Joes (Lt. Falcon, Spirit, Sneak Peek, Tunnel Rat, Dial-Tone, and Gung Ho) sent to recon the island observes as Baroness’s troops are pushed back by Serpentor’s forces despite their superior numbers. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 74, G.I. Joe Special Missions 12”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 11, G.I. Joe 73

Special Missions 011 coverG.I. Joe Special Missions #11 (June 1988) – “Sheep’s Clothing” – Larry Hama/Herb Trimpe

This one starts in Frankfurt, Germany, where a group of four armed robbers have taken over the main PX building at the American base and are holding hostages inside. Chuckles, Dial-Tone, and Lowlight are on the scene, but Chuckles calls in Scarlett, Lady Jaye, and Jinx from New York for back-up. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 11, G.I. Joe 73”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 71, G.I. Joe 72

GIJoe 071 coverG.I. Joe #71 (May 1988) – “Bailout” – Larry Hama/Ron Wagner/Randy Emberlin

This one continues from last issue, with Wild Bill, Maverick, and Crazy Legs having to cooperate with Zarana, Monkeywrench, and Thrasher to evade General Villavaca’s troops as they search the jungles of Sierra Gordo for their downed plane. Just to complicate things, they also have a bunch of refugees (who the Dreadnoks were using as hostages to force the Joes to help them escape) who need to be looked after, plus Thrasher has a broken arm and won’t stay quiet when Wild Bill is setting it. (Crazy Legs solves that problem by knocking Thrasher out.) Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 71, G.I. Joe 72”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 70, G.I. Joe Special Missions 10

GIJoe 070 coverG.I. Joe #70 (April 1988) – “Fair Trade” – Larry Hama/Ron Wagner/Randy Emberlin

This one continues from last issue, with Wild Bill and Maverick trying to control the damaged plane while Zarana and Thrasher threaten them. But the plane took heavy damage while taking off from the airfield in Sierra Gordo and it’s overloaded with the Dreadnoks, their Thunder Machine, and the hostages they took. The plane goes down in the jungle, but Wild Bill manages to keep it from being smashed to pieces and it looks like everyone in the back is okay. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 70, G.I. Joe Special Missions 10”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 9, G.I. Joe 69

Special Missions 09 coverG.I. Joe Special Missions #9 (February 1988) – “Plausible Denial” – Larry Hama/Herb Trimpe

This one starts with some rebels in Afghanistan using Stinger missiles to bring down a couple of Soviet helicopters. The rebels capture the passengers and we learn that the Americans have given them a bunch of Stingers in exchange for turning over the Soviets (who just happen to be Spetsnaz soldiers) to the Joes. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 9, G.I. Joe 69”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 67, G.I. Joe 68

GIJoe 067 coverG.I. Joe #67 (January 1988) – “Cold Snap” – Larry Hama/Ron Wagner/Randy Emberlin

This one starts with Stalker, Snow Job, and Quick Kick coming home after the rescue mission in Borovia last issue. They land at the new Pit in Utah and are welcomed back by everyone, but Outback is worried they’ll be pissed off because he left them behind and escaped alone, even though that’s exactly what Stalker ordered him to do. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 67, G.I. Joe 68”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 66, G.I. Joe Special Missions 8

GIJoe 066 coverG.I. Joe #66 (December 1987) – “The Tenth Letter” – Larry Hama/Ron Wagner/Randy Emberlin

This one starts with Billy and Storm Shadow practicing esoteric martial arts in San Francisco. They’re interrupted by Jinx, who lets them know where Stalker, Snow Job, and Quick Kick are being held in Borovia, and also shows them a newspaper photo of a circus with Scarlett in the background. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 66, G.I. Joe Special Missions 8”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 7, G.I. Joe 65

Special Missions 07 coverG.I. Joe Special Missions #7 (October 1987) – “The Old Switcheroo” – Larry Hama/Herb Trimpe

This one starts with some terrorists (or freedom fighters if you prefer) from Sierra Gordo busting into the Cobra Embassy Building in New York. Using a combination of guile and firepower, the counter-revolutionaries manage to barricade themselves in the boiler room and disable the security cameras there. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe Special Missions 7, G.I. Joe 65”

G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 63, G.I. Joe 64

GIJoe 063 coverG.I. Joe #63 (September 1987) – “Going Under” – Larry Hama/Ron Wagner/Andy Mushynsky

This one starts with Snake Eyes, Scarlett, Flint, and Lady Jaye on leave in Grenada. Snake Eyes is stewing over Stalker, Snow Job, and Quick Kick being captured in Borovia, but since their mission wasn’t officially sanctioned, nobody is allowed to make a rescue attempt, not even a covert one. Continue reading “G.I. Joe Reviews: G.I. Joe 63, G.I. Joe 64”