Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 6

Stargirl opening title season 3Frenemies Chapter 6: the Betrayal – Director: Lea Thompson/Writers: Alfredo Septien, Turi Meyer

This one starts with Cindy removing incriminating stuff from the old Injustice Society headquarters. (She knows someone’s been there because Sylvester destroyed the portrait of the Society when he had his freak-out last episode.) We see that Cindy is getting more like her father, with not only her arm growing scales but her eyes flicking back and forth between normal and reptilian. Continue reading “Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 6”

Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 5

Stargirl opening title season 3Frenemies Chapter 5: The Thief – Director: Lea Thompson/Writer: Steve Harper

This one starts five days ago at the scene of Gambler’s murder, where Cindy is standing beside his body, retracting her forearm blade. She notices Gambler’s laptop and grabs it, but has to hide it when she hears the JSA coming. She sees the Derringer beside Gambler’s body and picks it up, then fires it … but it looks like her arm had some kind of spasm and she fired the gun without meaning to. Continue reading “Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 5”

Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 4

Stargirl opening title season 3Frenemies Chapter 4: The Evidence – Director: Walter Carlos Garcia/Writer: Paula Sevenbergen

This one starts with Cameron looking at some knicknacks at home, where he accidentally freezes and shatters a snow globe with his cold powers. His grandparents aren’t worried about his lack of control, as long as he masters his power in time to make their enemies suffer. Continue reading “Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 4”

Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 3

Stargirl opening title season 3Frenemies Chapter 3: The Blackmail – Director: Walter Carlos Garcia/Writer: Taylor Streitz

This one starts with Sylvester strolling downtown and getting freaked out by how open and friendly everyone is. He stops by the diner and talks with Yolanda, telling her Ted Grant would’ve liked her as the new Wildcat (and validating her mistrust of Cindy). Neither of them notices Cameron’s grandparents giving Sylvester an icy stare through the window. Continue reading “Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 3”

Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 2

Stargirl opening title season 3Frenemies Chapter 2: The Suspects – Director: Andi Armaganian/Writer: Robbie Hyne

This one starts twelve hours before the end of last episode, which I guess means that everything we saw there took place within those twelve hours. Gambler arrives at his rented trailer and settles in, beginning his search for his daughter, Becky. We see Crusher outside thinking about pounding Gambler, but changing his mind and taking off. We also find out that the mysterious figure watching Gambler last episode was Shade. Continue reading “Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 2”