Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 2, Episode 3

Opening titleEpisode 3: Beyond Our Control

This one starts at an Army Base in Wichita, Kansas in 1944, where something called Project Gemini is being heavily guarded. A Warehouse agent named Buck Mendell (who looks like an African-American Indiana Jones) pulls up and tells the guards he’s authorized to shut down the Farnsworth Project. But he’s a few moments too late, as an explosion rocks the base. Continue reading “Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 2, Episode 3”

Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 2, Episode 2

Opening titleEpisode 2: Mild Mannered

This one starts with Pete and Myka making their weekly trip into Univille, which is the town closest to the Warehouse. Pete keeps trying to make friends with the townsfolk, but they don’t seem too interested. Pete and Myka go to the Post Office to see if their personal belongings have been forwarded yet. Continue reading “Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 2, Episode 2”

Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 2, Episode 1

Opening titleEpisode 1: Time Will Tell

In last season’s cliffhanger (last week for us), renegade Warehouse agent MacPherson maneuvered his way back into the Warehouse after using inside help to steal a number of artifacts. MacPherson was supposed to be turned into a bronze statue, but was rescued by his mole, who turned out to be Leena even though MacPherson made sure Claudia took the blame. Oh, and MacPherson blew up the umbilical tunnel connecting the Warehouse to the outside, apparently killing Artie (who was in the tunnel at the time) and trapping Myka and Pete in the Warehouse. Got all that? Continue reading “Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 2, Episode 1”

Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 1, Episode 12

Opening titleEpisode 12: MacPherson

This one starts with a flashback to fifteen years ago. A building is on fire and Artie and MacPherson are standing outside having an argument; MacPherson wants to use an artifact to save someone inside the building (someone they both love), but Artie says they can’t. Continue reading “Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 1, Episode 12”

Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 1, Episode 11

Opening titleEpisode 11: Nevermore

This one starts in Colorado Springs, Colorado, at a bookstore with the familiar name of Bering & Sons. A delivery guy leaves a package outside the door and the store owner comes out to pick it up. We know from previous episodes that Myka’s father runs a bookstore in Colorado, so obviously this is him. (He’s played by Michael Hogan aka Tighe on Battlestar Galactica). Continue reading “Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 1, Episode 11”

Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 1, Episode 10

Opening titleEpisode 10:Breakdown

This one starts with Myka and Pete finishing writing up the reports of a case. I guess even the Warehouse is plagued with bureaucracy. Artie comes in to collect the reports, which he’s hand-delivering to a courier, since email isn’t secure enough. Continue reading “Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 1, Episode 10”

Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 1, Episode 9

Opening titleEpisode 9: Regrets

This one starts with a dude named Lee wandering around a club full of young people. Everything’s out of focus and he looks confused so it’s probably a dream sequence. But the dream turns into a nightmare when one of the young girls accuses Lee of killing her while driving drunk. Continue reading “Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 1, Episode 9”

Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 1, Episode 8

Opening titleEpisode 8: Duped

This one starts in media res, with Pete and Myka arguing in a hotel room and Pete trying to handcuff her. No, it’s not really wild foreplay, since Myka immediately beats the hell out of him, knocking him out. We then flash back to fourteen hours earlier at the Warehouse. Continue reading “Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 1, Episode 8”

Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 1, Episode 7

Opening titleEpisode 7: Implosion

This episode starts with Pete finding a samurai sword in the office and pretending he’s in some old zatoichi movie. Myka thinks he’s being childish, but what else are you gonna do with a samurai sword? Continue reading “Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 1, Episode 7”

Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 1, Episode 6

Opening title

Episode 6: Burnout

This one starts in St. Louis, with Myka and Pete investigating an explosion at a police station. Myka wishes they had some time off, instead of just going from case to case. Pete notices a huge generator outside the police station and there’s another shot of a generator inside; I think this will be significant later … Chekhov’s Generator, as it were. Continue reading “Warehouse 13 Reviews: Season 1, Episode 6”