Comics Reviews: Justice League America Annual 4, Justice League Europe Annual 1

Justice League America Annual 4 coverJustice League America Annual #4 – “What’s Black and White and Bl” – Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis/Mike McKone/Bob Smith

This story chronicles the (ever-so-brief) career of Justice League Antarctica. It takes place after Justice League 36 (where G’nort meets Scarlet Skier) but before the JLI Special (where Oberon and Mr. Miracle leave Earth). The story starts with former members of the Injustice League (Major Disaster, Big Sir, Clock King, Cluemaster, and of course the Mighty Bruce) running into each other at the unemployment office. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Justice League America Annual 4, Justice League Europe Annual 1”

Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 2, Episode 4

Frankie Drake Season 2 titleEmancipation Day – Director: Ruba Nadda/Writer: Andrew Burrows-Trotman

This one starts with Trudy singing at a rally for the UNIA (United Negro Improvement Association). Her mother (Mildred) harangues her and Frankie into collecting donations for orphans, including an adorable moppet named Esme. Nearby, a couple of guys (Wesley and Lionel) are arguing, with Lionel trying to convince Wesley not to do something. Continue reading “Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 2, Episode 4”

Comics Reviews: Batman Annual 14, Detective Annual 3

Batman Annual 14 coverBatman Annual #14 – “The Eye of the Beholder” – Andy Helfer/Chris Sprouse/Steve Mitchell

This was meant to be the definitive post-Crisis origin of Two-Face. Some of the details have been superseded by Long Halloween, but that story mostly expands on this one without making it obsolete (although Long Halloween’s timeline needs to be compressed, as it would push Two-Face’s debut into Year 3). Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman Annual 14, Detective Annual 3”

Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 49, Green Arrow 40, Green Arrow 41

Wonder Woman 49 coverWonder Woman #49 – (No Title) – George Perez/Colleen Doran

This is basically a retrospective of the first 48 issues of Wonder Woman, highlighting most of her adventures. It’s presented in the guise of a TV news special hosted by a reporter named Ronnie Sarasky (who looks a bit like Candice Bergen as Murphy Brown). Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 49, Green Arrow 40, Green Arrow 41”

Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 2, Episode 3

Frankie Drake Season 2 titleRadio Daze – Director: Ruba Nadda/Writer: Cal Coons

This one starts with Mary on the radio, describing a close call that a local woman had while walking alone in the woods. Mary reminds listeners to obey the law or they could suffer the consequences. Trudy and Bill are listening to the show at Wendy’s place and Trudy asks Bill to the movies, but he says he’s busy and suggests an alternate night. Continue reading “Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 2, Episode 3”

Comics Reviews: Suicide Squad 48, Justice League International Special 1

Suicide Squad 48 coverSuicide Squad #48 – “In Control” – John Ostrander, Kim Yale/Geof Isherwood

This one starts with Amanda Waller talking to Simon Lagrieve at the Institute for Meta-Human Studies. Count Vertigo and Vixen are being treated there and Lagrieve discusses Waller’s recent incarceration with her. She admits she crossed the line and figured she deserved some punishment for it … which didn’t stop her from getting out early as soon as Sarge Steel offered a deal. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Suicide Squad 48, Justice League International Special 1”

Comics Reviews: Justice League America 45, Justice League Europe 21

Justice League America 45 coverJustice League America #45 – “Hell on Ice” – Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis/Russell Braun/John Beatty

This one starts with Oberon thinking about leaving the team to spend more time with Mr. Miracle. Max asks him to stay and Oberon says he’ll think about it, but it’s hard to think when he’s surrounded by the usual chaos at the Embassy. Most of it is due to Guy Gardner and Ice arguing over Guy being a tactless asshole. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Justice League America 45, Justice League Europe 21”

Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 2, Episode 2

Frankie Drake Season 2 titleThe Last Dance – Director: Ruba Nadda/Writer: James Hurst

This one starts with Frankie, Trudy, Mary, and Flo at a dance marathon, although Mary seems to be the only one entered in the contest, with the other three just taking part in the “free dances” amidst the main competition. Continue reading “Frankie Drake Mysteries Reviews: Season 2, Episode 2”

Comics Reviews: Batman 457, Detective 624, Legends of the Dark Knight 13

Batman 457 coverBatman #457 – “Master of Fear” – Alan Grant/Norm Breyfogle/Steve Mitchell

Last issue, Batman found out Scarecrow was the one behind the recent spate of murders around Gotham, committed by ordinary people seemingly on a whim. Unfortunately, Batman ran right into Scarecrow’s trap and was captured. Scarecrow brags to Batman (and Vicki Vale, who’s also his prisoner) about how he mailed his new hypnotic drug to random people, knowing it would bring out any latent aggressive tendencies they had. The fright masks were an extra touch, since Scarecrow knows how freeing wearing a mask can be (as does Batman, of course). Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 457, Detective 624, Legends of the Dark Knight 13”

Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 48, Green Arrow 39

Wonder Woman 48 coverWonder Woman #48 – “Fang and Claw” – George Perez/Jill Thompson/Romeo Tanghal

Last issue, Diana (aka Wonder Woman) and Donna Long (aka Troia) came to Greece in response to some shared dreams they’d both been having. Diana suspected Circe might have something to do with it and her suspicions seemed to be confirmed when they were attacked by a were-creature (reminiscent of the Bestiamorphs Circe used as pawns before). Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 48, Green Arrow 39”