Comics Reviews: Batman 317, Brave & the Bold 156, Warlord 27

Batman 317 coverBatman #317 – “The 1001 Clue Caper” – Len Wein/Irv Novick/Frank McLaughlin

This one starts with a cop giving Batman a package at the police station. It’s a book of 1001 Riddles, which tells Batman the Riddler is back to his old tricks. Robin (who’s still helping Batman during his break from university) wonders how they can figure out which riddle in the book is the one Riddler will plan his crimes around. Batman says there’s no point trying to guess; they just have to wait for Riddler to make a move … which doesn’t take long. Riddler steals a truck full of chickens (!) not long after, which hardly helps since there are plenty of riddles about chickens. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 317, Brave & the Bold 156, Warlord 27”

Comics Reviews: Flash 278, Wonder Woman 260, Green Lantern 121

Flash 278 coverFlash #278 – “Road to Oblivion” – Cary Bates/Alex Saviuk/Frank Chiaramonte

This one starts with flash tracking Captain Boomerang to a hidden lair underneath an Australian theme park. Boomerang has stolen some necklaces with his trick boomerangs and Flash followed them straight back to his hideout. Naturally Boomerang doesn’t give up without a fight and deploys a variety of trick boomerangs (electrical, explosive) against the Scarlet Speedster. When Flash evades all the fancy boomerangs, the Captain tries to escape on a flying table that’s shaped like … you guessed it, a boomerang. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Flash 278, Wonder Woman 260, Green Lantern 121”

Comics Reviews: JLA 171, Superboy & the Legion 256, Jonah Hex 29

JLA 171 coverJustice League of America #171 – “The Murderer Among Us: Crisis Above Earth One” – Gerry Conway/Dick Dillin/Frank McLaughlin

This issue starts with the annual JLA/JSA meeting being formally adjourned by Zatanna. Afterwards, everyone hangs out and we get to see the more personal sides of the heroes. Hawkman (that’s Carter Hall, the Earth Two Hawkman) praises Zatanna’s running of the meeting and she mentions having doubts about being right for the team. Carter tells her she wouldn’t have been picked for the team if she hadn’t proven herself first, and Zatanna’s so happy with his praise she kisses him … on the cheek. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: JLA 171, Superboy & the Legion 256, Jonah Hex 29”

Comics Reviews: Superman 340, Action 500, DC Comics Presents 14

Superman 340 coverSuperman #340 – “The Night of the Walking Bomb” – Len Wein/Curt Swan/Frank Chiaramonte

You’ll remember last issue a not-so-friendly rivalry between two old friends turned deadly when one of them (Ray Ryker) sabotaged the nuclear plant where the other (Grant Haskill) worked. When the bomb exploded, Haskill’s mind was forcibly transferred into a robot he’d been using to safely work around the plant. Superman was unaware of all that and just saw a menacing figure threatening Lois, so he attacked the robot. Haskill was still confused by the mind transfer and lashed out, hitting Superman with some weird energy that seemed to turn him into a true Man of Steel—a steel statue. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Superman 340, Action 500, DC Comics Presents 14”

Comics Reviews: Batman 316, Detective 486, Brave & the Bold 155, Warlord 26

Batman 316 coverBatman #316 – “Color Me Deadly” – Len Wein/Irv Novick/Frank McLaughlin

This one starts with some punk being pursued through an alley by Robin. The punk is cut off by Batman and freaks out, surrendering immediately. Apparently, he started a fire at the hospital, which makes Robin want to pound him a bit, but he decides the guy is probably some kind of nut and forgoes the beating. The Dynamic Duo hauls the dude back for the cops and Commissioner Gordon says the fire is already out and there was only some minor damage on the tenth floor. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 316, Detective 486, Brave & the Bold 155, Warlord 26”

Comics Reviews: Flash 277, Wonder Woman 259, Green Lantern 120

Flash 277 coverFlash #277 – “The Self-Destruct Flash” – Cary Bates/Alex Saviuk/Frank McLaughlin

Last issue, Barry (Flash) Allen found out his wife Iris was dead. Barry had been drugged at a costume party and found escaped prisoner Clive Yorkin standing over Iris’s body. In his grief, Flash tried to get his friends in the JLA to bring Iris back somehow, but they all said it was impossible, so Flash went nuts and attacked them; that’s where this issue starts. Flash does pretty well against the combined efforts of his teammates, managing to run rings around them—literally. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Flash 277, Wonder Woman 259, Green Lantern 120”

Comics Reviews: JLA 170, Superboy & the Legion 255, Jonah Hex 28

JLA 170 coverJustice League of America #170 – “While a World Lies Burning” – Gerry Conway/Dick Dillin/Frank McLaughlin

You’ll remember last issue, five JLA members were sued by Ultraa for unlawfully imprisoning him and agreed to be taken into custody by the United Nations. But Ultraa’s lawyer is actually a weird protoplasmic creature, part of a hive-mind called the Over-Complex that has invaded Earth and is somehow increasing the oxygen content in the atmosphere and lowering sea levels. This is having disastrous side effects, like fires raging out of control and people rioting all over the globe. Ultraa figured out that his lawyer wasn’t human, but one of the protoplasm creatures observed Ultraa at the same time. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: JLA 170, Superboy & the Legion 255, Jonah Hex 28”

Comics Reviews: Superman 339, Action 499, DC Comics Presents 13

Superman 339 coverSuperman #339 – “Nuclear Nightmare” – Len Wein/Curt Swan/Frank Chiaramonte

This one starts with Superman in Houston stopping an experimental rocket sled that sped out of control. He slows the errant sled without injuring the test pilot and flies off. Back in Metropolis, He reflects that it’s nice to “escape” into his Clark Kent identity for a while, since being Superman 24/7 would probably drive him nuts. Clark runs into a neighbour, Mrs. Goldstein, who tells him he should exercise more and recommends he join a gym called the Hercules Health Spa. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Superman 339, Action 499, DC Comics Presents 13”

Comics Reviews: Batman 315, Brave & the Bold 154, Warlord 25

Batman 315 coverBatman #315 – “Danger on the Wing” – Len Wein/Irv Novick/Frank McLaughlin

This one starts with Batman catching a couple of punks inside City Hall in the middle of the night. They attack, one with a knife and the other with a nunchaku, and Batman pounds both of them. A third thief is on the roof, letting a kite fly off into the night, and when Batman confronts him, he’s smart enough to give up without getting his ass beat. The kite flies through Gotham, going around corners and moving against the wind. It finally comes to rest on another rooftop across town, where it’s eagerly grabbed by the dreaded … Kite Man! Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 315, Brave & the Bold 154, Warlord 25”

Comics Reviews: Flash 276, Wonder Woman 258, Green Lantern 119

Flash 276 coverFlash #276 – “Freakout” – Cary Bates/Alex Saviuk/Frank Chiaramonte

You’ll remember last issue was a pretty momentous one; Barry and Iris attended a costume party (as Flash and Batgirl) and someone drugged Barry. Iris went to get him some water and ended up dead, apparently at the hands of escaped nutcase Clive Yorkin, who blames Barry for letting him be turned into a raving maniac by a prison experiment (even though Yorkin volunteered for the experiment and Barry had it shut down as soon as he realized how dangerous it was). Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Flash 276, Wonder Woman 258, Green Lantern 119”