Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 14

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 14: Versatile Toppings

This one starts with a stoner pizza delivery guy (Corny) getting tased and mugged as he makes a delivery. At school, Dick dents Veronica’s car door, but he’s distracted by another student (Kelly) making gay jokes about Dick’s unwitting encounter with the transgender prostitute last episode. Veronica doesn’t like Dick, but she likes homophobes even less. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 14”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 13

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 13: Ain’t No Magic Mountain High Enough

This one starts at school, with Veronica arriving at Ms. Hauser’s class to help organize a fundraising carnival for the senior class trip. The rich kids want to go to Catalina for the trip, but everyone else wants to go to Magic Mountain at Disneyland; guess who’s getting their way? Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 13”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 12

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 12: Wallace and Rashard Go to White Castle

Following on the heels of last episode’s visit from the Chicago reporter, Wallace has decided to do the right thing and tell the truth about Rashard Rucker running over the homeless dude a few months back while drunk. Veronica reminds Wallace that Rashard is the best high school basketball player in the country, the next LeBron James, so people aren’t going to be happy. Wallace says he has to do the right thing and Veronica promises to stand by him no matter how many people hate him. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 12”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 11

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 11: Donut Run

This one starts with an awkward elevator encounter between Veronica and Logan. Veronica’s heading up to see Duncan, who’s been totally out of it since Meg died. Logan is surprised to hear Meg had Duncan’s baby, but Veronica gets a bigger surprise when she sees Kendall coming out of Duncan’s room … naked. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 11”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 10

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 10: One Angry Veronica

This one starts at school, right before Christmas break. Veronica tells Duncan that Meg is pregnant, but it turns out he already knew. The letter he took from Meg’s vent was to her aunt in Seattle; Meg wanted to go up there to live and raise the baby so her ultra-religious parents couldn’t get their hands on it. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 10”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 9

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 9: My Mother the Fiend

This one starts in Ms. Hauser’s Health class. Having moved on from VD, she’s now teaching the joys of parenthood, giving one of those crying baby dolls to each pair of students to illustrate what a pain in the ass a kid can be. These dolls have pretty sophisticated microchips, so nobody will be able to slack off. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 9”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 8

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 8: Ahoy, Mateys!

This one starts with Duncan having a weird dream about Meg. She’s saying she still loves him and asks why he’s moved on so easily with Veronica. Veronica shows up (dressed a lot sexier than usual, in a see through bondage shirt) and gags Meg, telling Duncan to smarten up and slapping him around. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 8”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 7

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 7: Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner

This one starts with Duncan and Veronica at his place watching Big Lebowski. Duncan’s trying to get romantic, but Veronica’s too busy doing the Dude’s dialogue to get into it. The mood is completely killed when Logan comes home and settles in to watch with them. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 7”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 6

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 6: Rat Saw God

This one starts on election night, with a bunch of people at the Mars house to watch the returns. Veronica is in a sour mood, since Keith’s ten-point lead evaporated and Wallace took off to Chicago with his birth father and hasn’t been returning her emails. Keith tries to stay optimistic, but it looks like Sheriff Lamb is nosing ahead in the polls. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 6”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 5

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 5: Blast From the Past

After meeting his birth father (Nathan Woods) last episode, Wallace comes in the house and gives his mom (Alicia) shit for hiding the truth from him. She explains that Nathan was an undercover detective and they were married for a short time, but Nathan got way too involved in a case and ended up down the rabbit hole, coming home high and stashing guns and dope under the bed. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 2, Episode 5”