Comics Reviews: Batman 431, Detective 598

Batman 431 coverBatman #431 – “The Wall” – James Owsley/Jim Aparo/Mike DeCarlo

This one starts with a flashback (said to be ten years ago) of Bruce Wayne travelling to a monastery in Korea to learn ancient martial arts techniques from a guy named Kirigi. In the present, Batman has been watching a thug named Ralph Stuart for weeks, hoping to get some evidence to put him away. Stuart is supposedly fearless and Batman was looking forward to testing that, but Stuart suddenly turns himself in and confesses to a bunch of crimes. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 431, Detective 598”

Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 27, Firestorm 82

Wonder Woman 27 coverWonder Woman #27 – “From Day Into Night” – George Perez/Chris Marrinan/Will Blyberg

This one starts with Steve Trevor and Etta Candy visiting Themiscyra with Diana. The Amazons have healed Steve’s injuries (from his fight with the Durlans last issue) and most of them are quite happy to meet the son of their former hero, the first Princess Diana. Even Philippus is welcoming towards him, despite her earlier reluctance to allow men on the island. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 27, Firestorm 82”

Xena Reviews: Season 5, Episode 16

Xena title cardLifeblood – Director: Paul Grinder, Michael Hurst/Story: Rob Tapert, R.J. Stewart/Teleplay: R.J. Stewart, George Strayton, Tom O’Neil

This one starts with Xena and Gabi taking Eve to the Northern Amazons to induct her into the tribe so Gabi can give Eve her Right of Caste. When they arrive, they find the Amazons have been attacked by Samite raiders and many of the tribe are dead, including the shamaness Yakut and their friend Amarice. But Yakut’s spirit is still there and shows Xena a vision of the Amazons’ distant past, when they were fighting a tribe of men called the Varanas. Continue reading “Xena Reviews: Season 5, Episode 16”

Comics Reviews: Green Arrow 15, Suicide Squad 24

Green Arrow 15 coverGreen Arrow #15 – “Seattle and Die” – Mike Grell/Ed Hannigan/Dick Giordano, Frank McLaughlin

This one starts with Oliver (Green Arrow) Queen and Dinah (Black Canary) Lance having a quiet dinner at a jazz restaurant. Their quiet evening turns loud when some thugs come in to rob the place. Oliver and Dinah start kicking their asses, but almost get shot. They’re saved by a stranger at the bar who pulls out a gun and blows two of the robbers away. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Green Arrow 15, Suicide Squad 24”

Comics Reviews: justice League International 24, Legion of Super-Heroes 57, New Titans 53

Justice League International 24 coverJustice League International #24 – “The Road Less Traveled” – Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis/Ty Templeton/Joe Rubinstein

This one starts with Maxwell Lord doing a little soul-searching. Apparently when the Gene Bomb went off, it affected Max, which means he has a meta-gene. Having that gene means he has the potential to gain super powers given the right circumstances. But Max can’t help wondering if the sentient computer that manipulated him into forming the new Justice League (as we saw in issue 12) knew about the meta-gene when it chose him as a partner. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: justice League International 24, Legion of Super-Heroes 57, New Titans 53”

Comics Reviews: Batman 430, Detective 597

Batman 430 coverBatman #430 – “Fatal Wish” – Jim Starlin/Jim Aparo/Mike DeCarlo

This one starts with a guy named Tim Conrad, who was recently fired from his banking job, climbing onto the roof of the bank building with a rifle. Conrad starts shooting people at random, gunning down civilians left and right. Batman shows up and Commissioner Gordon tells him what’s going on (and asks about Robin, so apparently Gordon doesn’t know Robin is dead). Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 430, Detective 597”

Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 26, Firestorm 81

Wonder Woman 26 coverWonder Woman #26 – “The Immortal Storm” – George Perez/Chris Marrinan/Will Blyberg

This one starts with Wonder Woman heading home from the Pacific after saying farewell to the justice League. Most of them are quite impressed by her (although Ice is a bit worried that Guy might have a thing for her) and Wonder Woman herself thinks it might be nice to belong to the League (which is foreshadowing her brief membership in the Justice League Europe). Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 26, Firestorm 81”

Xena Reviews: Season 5, Episode 14

Xena title cardAmphipolis Under Siege – Director: Mark Beesley/Writer: Chris Black

On a road near Amphipolis, some border guards try to hold up a woman (Ilainus) dressed in silver armour. She turns out to be the leader of a cohort of silver-clad women, who prepare to waste all the guards. Continue reading “Xena Reviews: Season 5, Episode 14”

Comics Reviews: Green Arrow 14, Young All-Stars 22, Suicide Squad 23

Green Arrow 14 coverGreen Arrow #14 – “Moving Target” – Mike Grell/Dan Jurgens/Dick Giordano, Frank McLaughlin

This one starts with Oliver (Green Arrow) Queen and Dinah (Black Canary) Lance attending a production of Cats. As they’re coming out of the theatre, a sniper on a roof across the street takes a shot at Oliver. He’s saved by dumb luck, just like at the end of last issue, but finally realizes someone is gunning for him. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Green Arrow 14, Young All-Stars 22, Suicide Squad 23”