Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 12

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 12: Clash of the Tritons

This one starts with Veronica waiting to see Rebecca, the guidance counselor. She’s not in trouble (for once), Rebecca just wants to talk to everyone who was particularly close to Lilly before she was killed. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 12”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 11

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 11: Silence of the Lamb

This one starts with Keith showing Veronica an article in the paper about the E-String Strangler, a serial killer who strangles women with a guitar string. The Strangler had been around Neptune a couple years ago when Keith was still Sheriff and everyone thought he’d been caught committing similar crimes up in Oakland. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 11”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 10

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 10: An Echolls Family Christmas

This one starts with Veronica and her dad decorating the Christmas tree. Of course, Christmas in California is always a little weird, since it doesn’t snow there; it’s kinda like summer everywhere else. Keith is one of those people that likes the have the decorations in proper balance around the tree. They’re also watching that old TV special “The Year Without a Santa Claus”. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 10”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 9

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 9: Drinking the Kool-Aid

This one starts exactly where last episode left off, with Veronica crying in her car in the prison parking lot after being told by Abel Koontz that Jake Kane is her biological father. She pulls herself together and starts thinking about it on the way home. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 9”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 8

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 8: Like a Virgin

This one starts with Veronica asking Abel Koontz’s lawyer (Cliff, who’s worked with the Mars Detective Agency frequently) to get her in to see Koontz. She’s discovered some evidence that makes her think Koontz’s confession is bogus, but Cliff says Koontz just fired him so he can’t really help her. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 8”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 7

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 7: The Girl Next Door

This one starts with Veronica sitting on the steps of her apartment complex as someone is taken out of her neighbour’s place on a stretcher. There are cops, EMTs, and the ubiquitous gawkers milling around. Veronica wonders if what happened was her fault or if things would’ve played out the same even if she hadn’t gotten involved. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 7”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 6

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 6: Return of the Kane

This one starts with one of those Hollywood tours of the stars’ homes stopping at the Echolls residence. Apparently Logan’s father (Aaron Echolls, played by Harry Hamlin) is a big movie star. Logan is not quite so enamoured of the public attention and is about to to tell the tourists to fuck off when Aaron shows up and makes nice with the rubes, forcing Logan to do the same. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 6”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 5

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 5: You Think You Know Somebody

This one starts in Tijuana, where Logan, Troy, and a guy named Luke are finishing up a night of debauchery. Luke has a stupid pinata souvenir and it looks like he’s putting something in it, but I can’t tell what exactly. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 5”

Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 3

Veronica Mars S01 titleEpisode 3: Meet John Smith

This one starts at school, where a guy named Justin Smith is comparing notes on local hotties with the rest of his nerd posse. Justin gives Veronica a 9, but I doubt if he’s ever said two words to her in person. Troy kinda asks Veronica out for the weekend (to go sailing in his fancy boat) and when Veronica drops her books, her ex (Duncan) picks them up for her, which is slightly awkward. Continue reading “Veronica Mars Reviews: Season 1, Episode 3”