Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 21, Firestorm 76

Wonder Woman 21 coverWonder Woman #21 – “The Cosmic Migration” – George Perez/Bob McLeod

This one starts with Diana, Julia, and Vanessa returning from Myndi Mayer’s funeral. They’re all affected by her death, Diana most of all. She feels guilty, wondering if she lost sight of her mission by getting caught up in the hype around her Wonder Woman identity. She gets a message from Themiscyra asking her to return at once so she takes off, promising Vanessa she’ll be back as soon as she can. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 21, Firestorm 76”

Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 20, Firestorm 75, Warlord 131

Wonder Woman 20 coverWonder Woman #20 – “Who Killed Myndi Mayer?” – George Perez/Bob McLeod

This one starts with Wonder Woman kicking among some street gangs, trying to get a line on who killed her publicist, Myndi Mayer. The cops are investigating too and most of the story is narrated (in Chandleresque prose) by the lead detective, Edward Indelicato. Myndi was found in her office shot in the face. She had a bloody letter-opener in her hand, indicating she fought her attacker, and there were traces of cocaine on her desk. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 20, Firestorm 75, Warlord 131”

Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 19, Firestorm 74

Wonder Woman 19 coverWonder Woman #19 – “The Witch on the Island” – George Perez/Frank McLaughlin

This one starts with Vanessa Kapatelis waking up still in the protective circle of Wonder Woman’s lasso. She tells her mom and the local cops how Diana fought off Circe’s monsters last issue before being felled by a bolt of energy from the sky. Vanessa still has the scroll from Stavros and gives it to her mom, Julia. Katina, one of the local rebels who have been fighting covertly against Circe’s grip of fear on the local community, tells Julia and Vanessa that Circe must’ve taken Diana to her island. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 19, Firestorm 74”

Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 18, Firestorm 73, Warlord 130

Wonder Woman 18 coverWonder Woman #18 – “Creatures of the Dark” – George Perez/Dick Giordano

This one starts with Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades retrieving from the body of Cronus the holy pact they created when they divided the heavens, the ocean, and the Underworld. The three gods are forging a new pact, trying to begin a new era for the Olympians. In Greece, Diana awakens in hospital after passing out while approaching a mysterious isle last issue. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 18, Firestorm 73, Warlord 130”

Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 17, Firestorm 72

Wonder Woman 17 coverWonder Woman #17 – “Traces” – George Perez/Dick Giordano

This one starts with Diana and Vanessa packing for a trip to Greece to join Vanessa’s mom (Julia Kapatelis). Steve and Etta help and Etta mentions her jealousy when she thought Steve might have a thing for Diana. Diana says she’s a bit jealous of Etta’s relationship with Steve, since Diana’s romance with Superman went nowhere. Vanessa says goodbye to her friend Eileen (who she treats kinda crappy) and Steve brings in a dove with a message from Themiscyra. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 17, Firestorm 72”

Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 16, Firestorm 71, Warlord 129

Wonder Woman 16 coverWonder Woman #16 – “Bird of Paradise/Bird of Prey” – Len Wein/George Perez/Bob Smith

This one continues from last issue, with Silver Swan attacking the fair where Wonder Woman is appearing for charity. Sliver Swan’s sonic blast brings down the Ferris wheel and Wonder Woman has to catch it to keep all the kids on it from being killed. (Steve helps out by catching a kid who falls.) Silver Swan’s old friend (Maxine) doesn’t think Silver Swan could be this cruel on her own, blaming Swan’s husband (Henry Armbruster) for pushing her into it. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 16, Firestorm 71, Warlord 129”

Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 15, Firestorm 70, Warlord 128

Wonder Woman 15 coverWonder Woman #15 – “Swan Song” – Len Wein/George Perez/Bruce Patterson

This one starts with Diana having a sexy dream about Superman, and apparently it’s not her first. She’s been seeing his image everywhere and he almost seems like a god, considering all his power. Diana’s attraction to him confuses her and she can’t talk to Julia about it because Julia’s visiting family in Greece. Elsewhere in Boston, a guy breaks into the headquarters of Ogawa Electronics and hacks into their computer, gathering information about someone called Silver Swan. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 15, Firestorm 70, Warlord 128”

Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 14, Firestorm 69, Warlord 127

Wonder Woman 14 coverWonder Woman #14 – “For the Glory of Gaea” – Len Wein/George Perez/Bruce Patterson

This one starts with Diana returning to Paradise Island after taking care of the Manhunter robot that was impersonating Pan (which happened in Millennium). She gets back to the chamber where she left her mother (Hippolyte) last issue and finds Heracles (now flesh-and-blood) holding up the entire weight of Paradise Island on his shoulders. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 14, Firestorm 69, Warlord 127”

Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 13, Firestorm 68, Vigilante 50, Warlord 126

Wonder Woman 13 coverWonder Woman #13 – “Demonplague” – Len Wein/George Perez/Bruce Patterson

This one starts with Hippolyte still reeling from finding Heracles turned to stone, but still tormented by the Harpies despite his new form. She can’t spare much compassion for him, as she’s determined to go deeper beneath Paradise Island to find her daughter Diana, who’s currently undergoing the Trial of the Gods. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 13, Firestorm 68, Vigilante 50, Warlord 126”

Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 12, Firestorm 67, Vigilante 49, Warlord 125

Wonder Woman 12 coverWonder Woman #12 – “Echoes of the Past” – Len Wein/George Perez/Bruce Patterson

This one starts with Hippolyte following Diana down into the subterranean caverns under Themiscyra, led by a vulture that seems to have the power to open passages for her. Hippolyte runs into some winged demons, but burns them up with some lamp oil she brought. In Oklahoma, Steve Trevor sits vigil at his dying father’s bedside, while Etta talks to Steve’s aunt and uncle about his childhood and his mother who died forty years ago … and whose name was Diana. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 12, Firestorm 67, Vigilante 49, Warlord 125”