Comics Review: Flash 247, Wonder Woman 229, Jonah Hex 1

Flash 247 coverFlash #247 – “The Mad Mad Earth of Abra-Kadabra” – (Cary Bates/Irv Novick/Frank McLaughlin)

We start out with Flash in a 64th century prison for “killing” Abra-Kadabra last issue. Of course, Abra’s not dead, he just used some weird techno-magic bullshit to teleport away just as Flash was attacking. Abra was aiming to send himself to Flash’s own time period, but instead of materializing on Earth-1, he ends up on Earth-2 and is confused to see the Jay Garrick Flash showing off for a crowd. Continue reading “Comics Review: Flash 247, Wonder Woman 229, Jonah Hex 1”

Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 228, Green Lantern 93, Warlord 5

WW 228 coverWonder Woman #228 – “Retreat to Tomorrow” – (Martin Pasko/Jose Delbo/Vince Colletta)

The story starts with Wonder Woman flying around in her invisible plane, when a weird rocket ship comes through a “hole” in the air and almost collides with a jet. WW saves the jet and finds out the rocket is occupied by a Nazi called Red Panzer. He seems familiar with her, but is surprised to find her in 1976. As they fight, a grapple ray pulls them and the rocket back through the hole in the air. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Wonder Woman 228, Green Lantern 93, Warlord 5”