Flash #347 – “Back From the Dead” – Cary Bates/Carmine Infantino/Frank McLaughlin
This one starts with Captain Frye showing up at Cecile Horton’s place to tell her he was attacked by Professor Zoom, apparently back from the dead. Frye figured Cecile would want to know since her client (Flash) is on trial for killing Zoom, but Cecile thinks Frye is delusional. We soon see that he isn’t, as Zoom shows up at Mirror Master’s current hideout to wreck one of his mirror devices and kick Mirror Master’s ass. At the downtown hotel where the jurors in Flash’s trial are sequestered, we see a burglar breaking into the room of one particular juror, Nathan Newbury. We’ve seen Newbury do some strange things before and that continues here, with Newbury telling the burglar to go surrender to the cops … and the burglar obeys him. In court the next day, the prosecutor tries to get Flash to admit he killed Zoom on purpose, but Cecile objects before Flash can answer. Captain Frye goes to see his brother, a doctor who fitted him with his “nucleonic” pacemaker a few years back. The special pacemaker can enhance Frye’s physical abilities if it’s turned up, but at a great risk to Frye. His brother reluctantly agrees to boost the power levels and Frye goes home to put on his Captain Incredible costume. Elsewhere, Weather Wizard and Trickster fight over the loot from an armored truck until Zoom shows up to interrupt. In court, Cecile and the prosecutor make their closing
statements and the jury retires to consider their verdict. After court adjourns, Cecile tells Flash about Frye’s claim to have seen Zoom alive. Flash goes to track down Frye, talking to his brother who mentions the augmentation he made to Frye’s pacemaker. Meanwhile, Frye (as Captain Incredible) finds Captain Cold robbing a jewelry exhibit, but he’s not the only one … Zoom shows up too and kicks Captain Cold’s ass. Zoom notices Frye spying on him and throws him off a roof before taking off with Captain Cold. Flash comes along just in time to keep Frye from splattering and Frye shows him a mini-camera he has inside his helmet that can prove Zoom is still alive.
Wonder Woman #326 – “Tropidor Heat” – Mindy Newell/Don Heck
This one starts with a couple of reporters (Gene and Nick) covering the revolution in Tropidor. After getting their cameras “confiscated” by some soldiers, they head for the bar and run into Major Keith Griggs and Lieutenant Lauren Haley, who are pretending to be reporters themselves, while actually working undercover for military intelligence. Back in Washington, Etta is in a shitty mood and takes it out on Diana. I guess we’re supposed to think it’s because Etta knows about Keith and Lauren being in Tropidor, but that’s not really clear; it just seems like Etta’s pissed off in general. In Tropidor, Keith and Lauren head out to meet a contact and the bartender talks to someone on the phone. Gene’s reporter instincts tell him that Keith and Lauren are probably government agents not reporters, so he convinces Nick he should take Nick’s car to follow the duo. On Paradise Island, Queen Hippolyta is still out of it after her split with Diana and the other Amazons are about ready to make Paula the leader in her place. At the Pentagon, Diana still can’t figure out what’s bothering Etta, but when she finds a top secret file on her desk, she thinks maybe Etta’s trying to tell her something. But we see someone spying on her with a sophisticated monitoring system and it sounds like she’s the one who put the file on Diana’s desk. In Tropidor,
Keith and Lauren are ambushed and thrown into a car when they try to meet their contact, who turns out to be Colonel Montez from issue 317. In Washington, Diana realizes that General Darnell has sent Keith and Lauren (who she doesn’t even know) to Tropidor against orders and thinks the whole thing is fishy, especially since Montez is involved. She changes to Wonder Woman and heads for Tropidor to check things out, still watched by the mystery woman. Across town, Lisa Abernathy dumps her Congressman boyfriend, worried that General Darnell is aware of their affair. She swears if Darnell exposes her affair with the Congressman, she’ll retaliate with everything she has on Darnell. In Tropidor, Gene is caught tracking the soldiers and taken with Keith and Lauren to a huge Aztec pyramid. Inside, they finally get to see Montez, who
materializes in a shimmering column of light. Gene knows now that Keith and Lauren aren’t reporters, but he still isn’t sure what the hell’s going on. At the hotel, Wonder Woman runs into Nick, who tells her about Gene following Keith and Lauren. Some soldiers show up, but they turn out to be from the other side (the bartender is working for both sides apparently). Wonder Woman pounds them and finds out where Montez’s hideout is. Inside the pyramid, “Montez” reveals himself as Tezcatlipoca and grabs Lauren, saying she’s to be the first sacrifice, but they’ll soon follow.
Green Lantern #190 – “Time Out of Mind” – Steve Englehart/Joe Staton/Bruce Patterson
This one starts with John Stewart using his power ring to learn more about the Green Lantern Corps, but the ring refuses to tell him what he really wants to know … the identity of the previous Green Lantern. Katma Tui warns him against prying into that secret, but they’re interrupted by a visit from Green Arrow, Black Canary, and Tawny Young, the reporter who broke the story on John being the new GL. Arrow asks John when they’ve worked together before and John mentions the couple times they’ve met, but Arrow says there seems to be a third time they collaborated. Tawny shows John a tape of himself hanging out at Carol Ferris’s place in Coast City with Arrow, Canary, and the previous Green Lantern. John doesn’t remember that at all, but things take a weird turn when a strange noise rings through the apartment. Everyone goes into a trance except Katma, who’s startled to see Predator jump through the window to grab the tape Tawny brought. Katma tries to stop him, but Predator throws the others out the window and Katma has to save them. The same funny noise sounds and they wake from their trances. Katma explains what happened and all of them seem to have memories missing, some recent (Green Arrow and Black Canary don’t recall talking to Tawny or entering John’s apartment) and some more remote (Tawny doesn’t remember making the original tape, although she did work as a reporter in Coast City). John is kinda freaked out that Predator seems to be able to alter their memories. Elsewhere, some Ferris employees go to Tom Kalmaku’s place, but he’s nowhere to be found. And in the hospital where he’s been staying, Guy Gardner starts to come out of his coma.
“Mind Out of Time”
At Ferris Aircraft, Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris have staked out the place, hoping Predator will show up. They notice Carl Ferris talking to the mysterious Mr. Smith and Carol tries to get Hal to take a break using her feminine wiles (and the new perfume she bought). Before Hal can decide, he sees Predator bounding past and goes after him, using Ferris’s experimental jetpack. He trails Predator to an abandoned movie theater, where he finds Predator messing with a videotape in the projection booth. Since Predator kicked his ass last time they met, Hal brought a gun, but Predator’s armour protects him from the bullets, even one that hits him right in the face. Predator takes off and Hal notices a familiar scent in the projection booth … Carol’s new perfume.
Warlord #95 – “Dragon Doom” – Cary Burkett/Adam Kubert/Ian Akin, Brian Garvey
Last issue, Travis Morgan, Shakira, and Captain Hawk ended up on an island while running from Vashek assassins and evading a sea monster off the coast. They got hold of a runaway princess named Huoranami but Hawk drugged Morgan and took the princess (and Morgan’s helmet), hoping to be rewarded by her father for returning her. Morgan and Shakira ended up being chased to the edge of a waterfall by the Vasheks. Morgan pushes Shakira over the falls and he kills the Vashek on the way. Shakira’s not happy about getting wet, but they both survive the plunge. Morgan starts tracking Hawk, since he wants his helmet back and Hawk still hasn’t delivered the freed slaves he was supposed to hand over. Morgan and Shakira run across a dead tyrannosaurus, that seems to have been killed by something with cloven hooves … something very big. Back in the Valley of the Lion, Ashir is looking everywhere for Tinder, who stole his best lockpick last issue and has now disappeared. Ashir gets even more worried when he finds out the Evil One’s gem is missing, having been stolen from a locked box. Jennifer tells Ashir that the Evil One can use the gem to control people and might be able to manifest himself by taking over Tinder’s body and soul. On the island, Hawk asks Huoranami why she ran away and she says court life bored her
and she wanted some adventure. Morgan catches up to them and challenges Hawk to a fight, but the Vasheks have also found them, so they have to work together against the deadly assassins. They’re close to being overwhelmed when Danko riders show up on huge three-horned horses to help. The Danko riders work for Huoranami’s father and although two of them are killed, they drive off the Vasheks. Huoranami tells them Hawk and Morgan kidnapped her, but her slave tells the guards the truth and they take everyone to see Huoranami’s father, Lord Kaldustan. These guys are wearing what looks like samurai armour and they’re drawn to look Asian, with that unfortunate yellow tone for their skin that was used in comics back then (because the colour separations were so crude), but Huoranami doesn’t look particularly
Asian, nor is her skin coloured yellow, so I’m not sure what we’re supposed to think. Anyway, Lord Kaldustan knows his daughter, so he knows she wasn’t kidnapped and thanks Morgan and Hawk for bringing her home. He offers them some of the tricorned horses as a reward (the horses supposedly are never ridden by outsiders) and Morgan is very grateful, but Hawk says he’d rather have diamonds (which seem to be everywhere in the kingdom). Kaldustan takes Hawk to the treasury and tells him to fill up two chests with diamonds. Morgan tells Kaldustan about trying to reconquer Shamballah and Kaldustan says he’d love to help but the sea monster keeps his men from leaving the island in any numbers, since its hide is impervious
to their weapons. Morgan says he might be able to kill the sea monster and Kaldustan pledges his troops to Morgan’s cause if he ends the menace. Morgan has a giant ballista built with a diamond-tipped bolt, then bribes Hawk (with two more chests of diamonds) to pilot a small ship out to confront the sea monster. Shakira goes along to watch Morgan’s back. The sea monster attacks, busting the ballista, so Morgan climbs the rigging and jumps down, driving the diamond-tipped bolt through the creature’s head and killing it. Kaldustan thanks him, promising he’ll send men to help Morgan’s army, and giving Morgan a chest of diamonds to show his gratitude. Later on shore, Hawk finally delivers the slaves he freed, but as he’s sailing away, Morgan realizes Hawk stole the diamonds Kaldustan gave him.