JLA #244 – “The Final Crisis” – Gerry Conway/Joe Staton/Mike Machlan
This one starts with the JLA arriving at the wrecked Satellite in orbit around Earth after being defeated by Infinity Inc. last issue and forced out of their Detroit headquarters. Vibe isn’t happy about having to retreat, but J’onn explains that they need help from the Justice Society. Ralph tells Vibe about the multiverse and how they can use their transporter to go to Earth-2, but it sounds so weird that Vibe assumes Ralph is bullshitting him. Back in Detroit, some of the Infinitors (Fury, Northwind, and Silver Scarab) are starting to have second thoughts about fighting the JLA. Last issue, General Heywood (aka Commander Steel) told them the new JLA were insurrectionists planning treason against the U.S. Government, but the Infinitors haven’t found anything in JLA headquarters to support that. On the contrary, Fury recognizes many of the trappings of the building as a military operation. While Northwind and Silver Scarab go to check the living quarters, Fury follows some strange noises to a medical lab and finds Heywood and his lady robot (Mekanique) torturing his grandson, the Leaguer known as Steel. Fury tries to stop Mekanique and gets pounded, and Heywood decides he really doesn’t need the Infinitors anymore. On the Satellite, J’onn realizes the transmatter device has no power, but Zatanna solves that by magically
focusing some sunlight on the machine, charging it up completely. The JLA (much to Vibe’s surprise) piles into the machine to head for Earth-2. In Detroit, the effects of the Crisis are being felt, with powerful storms sweeping across the city causing panic and chaos. In the Bunker, the Infinitors realize they made a mistake in believing Commander Steel’s crap about the new JLA, but it’s too late. Heywood and Mekanique ambush them, knocking them all out. Unaware that the JLA have returned from Earth-2 with some Justice Society members, Heywood goes on a rant about how war makes people strong (like him) and how he had his grandson turned into a cyborg to make him strong.
Heywood funded the new League and provided their headquarters, thinking they’d be his soldiers in the coming fight, but he ended up disappointed with their liberalism and now he wants to wipe them out. The JSA (Dr. Fate, Dr. mid-Nite, Flash, Hawkman, and Wonder Woman) confront Heywood and Mekanique. Heywood leaves the robot to fight the JSA and goes to look for his grandson, leaving the JSAers to wonder how a hero like Commander Steel turned into a reactionary nut like Heywood is now. Heywood goes to the medical lab, but the JLA (and Infinity Inc) are already there and have freed Steel,
who’s eager to kick his grandfather’s ass. The JSA try to capture Mekanique, but she teleports away and we learn she fought the All-Star Squadron back in the 1940s (which we’ll see in upcoming All-Star issues). The other heroes watch the two cyborgs pound each other until J’onn and Dr. Fate inform them they’re needed outside. The Crisis-spawned weather has really gone wild, shooting flaming snowballs at he people of Detroit, so the JLA, JSA, and Infinity Inc team up to help. Meanwhile in the Bunker, Steel beats his grandfather, but doesn’t feel very good about it afterward.
Legion of Super-Heroes #16 – “Baptism” – Paul Levitz/Steve Lightle/Bob Smith
This one starts with Brainiac 5 at the Time Institute mourning Supergirl, who died exactly one thousand years ago tonight. Rond Vidar and Circadia Senius try to comfort Brainy, pointing out that he’s always known Supergirl’s fate, since it’s a matter of historical record. Brainy knows history can’t be changed, but he’d been hoping there was a way to save Supergirl in spite of all logic telling him otherwise. On Titan, pretty much the entire Legion is gathered for the christening on Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl’s baby, Graym. The only Legionnaires not present are the five newest members (Sensor Girl, Polar Boy, Magnetic Kid, Tellus, and Quislet), who are at headquarters monitoring things. There’s an explosion at a place called Techo-Park outside the city (which Sensor Girl seems to “sense” before it happens), so the new Legionnaires rush to the scene to help. They start by rescuing civilians trapped in the rubble and Sensor Girl quickly determines that the explosion was no accident. At the Time Institute, Brainy is still acting all weepy over Supergirl, prompting a debate among some of the other scientists. One of them (Dr. Chaseer) tries to reach out, but Brainy is too depressed to appreciate it. Element Lad checks in at headquarters, but Polar Boy (who stayed behind on monitor duty) doesn’t mention the
Techno-Park explosion, not wanting to disrupt the christening (and maybe wanting the new Legionnaires to prove they can handle a crisis on their own). At the Techo-Park, the Legionnaires determine there were five bombs planted in the Park, but because of their swift reaction, the damage isn’t too bad. They decide to stick around, thinking the saboteurs might strike again. After a long wait, the others wonder if their presence is scaring off the bad guys, but Sensor Girl assures them she’d know if anyone had seen them. They ask about her powers, but she’s pretty secretive about them. Some saboteurs finally show up and the Legionnaires capture them easily, but a Science Police ship
arrives and gasses the Legionnaires (except Quislet). At the Institute, Brainy considers going home to Colu and losing himself in research, or going back in time to prevent Supergirl’s death (which would cause a paradox that would kill them both), but finally decides to stay where he is and deal with his grief. Element Lad checks in with Polar Boy again, who still doesn’t mention the Techno-Park problem. At the Park, the gassed Legionnaires wake up to find their prisoners are gone. Quislet tells them the Science Police took the prisoners, which makes the Legionnaires suspicious over being gassed by their allies. Quislet says he
popped into the phony Science Police ship and since Quislet’s presence tends to cause matter to dissolve, the ship is having trouble flying now. The Legionnaires catch up to it quickly and take down the fake Science Police … except they aren’t fakes. According to Tellus’s telepathy, they really are Science Police (or believe they are) and they no memory of attacking the Legionnaires or rescuing the saboteurs. At the Time Institute, Brainy finds Dr. Chaseer asleep at her console and tells her to go home and rest, saying tomorrow will come soon whether they’re ready for it or not.
New Teen Titans #14 – “The Light Within … the Dark Without” – Marv Wolfman/Eduardo Barreto/Romeo Tanghal
This one starts with Arella in Alabama talking to a guy who knows where Raven is. He tells her how Raven just fell from the sky a couple weeks ago and was comatose for a week, but once she woke up she started healing people. He takes her to the house where Raven is staying, but Raven is gone. In New York, the Tamaranians (led by Captain Karras) want Starfire to come back to Tamaran with them and Starfire wants to go, since she misses her family so much. Nightwing mentions the Crisis, but Karras points out that it seems to have stabilized for the moment (and opened a temporary warp between the systems), so now is the perfect time to go to Tamaran. Nightwing is worried she might decide to stay on Tamaran, so he offers to go with her. Jericho does the same, wanting to see another solar system in person. Kole is freaked out since she loves Jericho, but he reminds her that he isn’t in love with her. The others elect to stay behind on Earth, so Karras and the three Titans take off into the space warp, but Karras knows something he’s not telling … the real reason why Starfire is wanted back on Tamaran. In Massachusetts, Azrael is still with the Church of Blood, acting as their “angel”. He seems to be getting sucked in by their bullshit, mainly because he’s finally found a
purpose for his existence. In the East Hamptons, Steve Dayton has donned his Mento helmet, which seems to have driven him crazy. He goes after his assistant (Questor), who calls Cyborg for help. Gar (Changeling) Logan is with Cyborg, but he doesn’t really care about Dayton, even though Dayton is his adopted father. As usual, Gar acts like a petulant asshole, but Cyborg finally gets through to him and they call the other Titans. Gar tells them how he found out Dayton was dying and Dayton threw him out of the house, so Gar isn’t even sure if Dayton really is dying or not. They find the house busted up and Questor half conscious. Questor tells them Dayton used the helmet to try to cure his brain damage and it drove him nuts. Questor also tells them it was using the Mento helmet that caused Dayton’s brain damage in the first place. Gar promises to try to help Dayton and tells to the Titans that he’s
always been afraid to admit how much he loves Dayton, since everyone he loves usually winds up dead. Dayton has gone to terrorize the board members of his company, bringing the roof down on top of them. The Titans attack Dayton, trying to reason with him (Gar even tells him he loves him), while Cyborg helps the victims. Dayton retreats through a hole in the ground and Kole can’t stop him from closing it behind him. Gar tells them Dayton’s using Promethium as the power source for his helmet, which means it’s a self-renewing source of energy. We get a couple of epilogues, one with the crazed Dayton in the sewers, and another with Blackfire eagerly awaiting her sister’s return to Tamaran … so she can destroy her.