Firestorm #42 – “A Long Night’s Journey Into Day” – Gerry Conway/Rafael Kayanan/Ian Akin, Brian Garvey
This one starts with Lorraine (Firehawk) Reilly and Donna (Wonder Girl) Long flying around over Manhattan (or what’s left of it) discussing all the crazy crap they’ve seen since the Crisis started. Firehawk has a new look, with a better colour scheme and more bad-ass flames. The two heroines are looking for their loved ones (Donna’s husband Terry and Lorraine’s father), but New York has been altered by the Crisis. Most of Midtown has been replaced by a primeval forest full of dinosaurs, which freaks Lorraine out since her father’s place used to be there. Lorraine freaks out but comes to her senses when Donna is attacked by a giant octopus. After saving Donna, Lorraine realizes there’s no point looking for her father, so she agrees to help look for Terry. They fly through some clouds and end up in the past, specifically during the Revolutionary War. Donna is hit by a cannonball, which normally wouldn’t bother her too much, but she’s caught some kind of infection from the octopus tentacles. Lorraine drops her Firehawk guise, hoping to find an 18th Century doctor, but runs into some assholes in a tavern who don’t like the red colour scheme of Donna’s outfit. Lorraine is defended by Tomahawk(who she’s read about in the history books) and he takes them to a doctor. Lorraine reveals her powers and Tomahawk asks if
she’ll help delay the British so General Washington has time to regroup. Despite her illness, Donna is ready to help, but she can barely stand. Lorraine agrees to provide a diversion by attacking the British and gets some help from Donna. The fight seems to do her good, as her fever ends up breaking. Tomahawk and Dan Turner are quite impressed with the two women and wish they could stick around to help in the Revolution, but they know it’s not going to happen. Lorraine and Donna go back through whatever time warp brought them to the past and end up where they started.
Green Lantern #195 – “4” – Steve Englehart/Joe Staton/Bruce Patterson
This one continues from last issue with a Guardian of the Universe taking Guy Gardner to Oa to make him an official Green Lantern. Hal Jordan manages to jump into the space warp after them, determined not to be left out of the fight against whoever’s causing the Crisis. The Guardian dumps Hal on the other side of Oa and takes Guy to the main Citadel. Guy is pretty worked up, wondering how he came out of his long coma. We get a recap of Guy’s story: he and Hal were both worthy when bin Sur was looking for a replacement, but Hal just happened to be closer; Guy hurt his back rescuing a kid, so John Stewart was made Hal’s back-up; and even after Guy did end up wearing the ring, he was put into a coma when Hal’s Power Battery exploded (which we saw in issue 116). Now Guy figures his time has finally come and the Guardian agrees, although he doesn’t care about Guy’s anger or feelings of entitlement; he’s concerned with the fate of the Multiverse. On Earth, Katma Tui is using her ring to mitigate some of the
damage done to the planet by the fallout from Crisis, but she wonders if there’s any point. In another time and place, current GL John Stewart is fighting alongside Cyborg, Jonah Hex, Scalphunter, and Bat Lash when his ring stops working. On Oa, Hal wanders through the desert and decides he wants to be a Green Lantern again, reasoning that if Guy deserves a ring, he certainly does too. Hal finds out that the desert sands have absorbed enough green energy to respond to his will power and he uses that to find a tunnel to the Guardians’ Citadel. But in the tunnel he’s attacked by a monster and has to fight it off
and run like hell. In the Citadel, a group of six Guardians fill Guy in on the Anti-Matter Crisis and how it threatens the Multiverse. They show him that the Anti-Monitor has caught a bunch of Guardians in a stasis field around the Central Power Battery, which would normally mean no power for the rings. But the Guardians have channeled their own energy to create a small, secondary battery that can charge up a few rings for a new Green Lantern Corps. Guy is ready to charge up. Elsewhere in the Citadel, Hal finds the Guardians in stasis and ends up being jumped by a couple on Honor Guard members. The
Guardians call them off and talk to Hal, telling him they’ve decided to accept the end of the Multiverse as the natural order of things and not to fight against it. When Hal mentions the Guardian who shanghaied Guy, the Guardians say there’s a small group of them who wish to fight the Crisis, even though the majority believe it to be futile. Hal says he wants to fight too and admits he was wrong to renounce his ring, but the Guardians tell him there’s no point fighting anymore and teleport him back to Earth. The renegade Guardians tell Guy they’re prepared to take down the Anti-Monitor and Guy says he can’t wait to help … and that he’s the one true Green Lantern now. We’ll see what John has to say about that next issue.
Wonder Woman #328 – “To Everything a Season” – Mindy Newell/Don Heck/Pablo Marcos
This one starts with a meeting in Washington with Steve, Keith, Etta, and Lauren waiting for Diana to show up. They were all summoned by General Darnell, who also hasn’t shown up yet. Keith recounts the end of his and Lauren’s adventure in Tropidor, where they found Montez completely catatonic, surrounded by death and destruction. An old woman (supposedly a witch) told him Montez had lost his soul by opening the door to chaos and summoning the trickster; I assume she means Tezcatlipoca. Elsewhere in D.C., Darnell is getting ready and reminiscing about his younger days when he enlisted right after Pearl Harbor. Darnell knows Senator Covington is poised to end his career, so I guess that’s why he’s reflecting on the past. On Paradise Island, the other Amazons tell Hippolyta that her recent estrangement from her daughter has made her ineffective as Queen. They’ve decided to depose her and Antiope is eager to take over. Hippolyta objects but before they can start fighting, Demeter shows up to tell them the fate of many worlds is at stake. She’s talking about the Crisis of course and she arms the Amazons so they can fight the Anti-Monitor’s shadow demons. The shadow demons
are tougher than expected and the Amazons soon find themselves in trouble. In Washington, Darnell keeps reminiscing about his war service and flying in China, where he met a very interesting woman named Delilah. Across town, Diana finally shows up for the meeting, but she’s not there long when Hermes shows up to transform her into Wonder Woman and tell her the Amazons need her. They’re attacked by some Weaponers of Qward and after beating them, the two Olympians take off, leaving Diana’s friends stunned at the revelation that she’s Wonder Woman. On Paradise Island, the Amazons are hard-pressed and Antiope ends up giving her life to save Hippolyta. In
Washington, Darnell goes to see Senator Covington, saying he won’t fight the Senator’s accusations. But it turns out Delilah is really behind everything; she blames Darnell for getting her father (a Chinese businessman who collaborated with the Japanese) killed. So for forty years she’s been building up her resources and nursing her grudge. When she found out about Darnell’s shady dealings in Central America, she figured it was the perfect opportunity for revenge. I guess that means she’s the mystery woman who’s been spying on
everyone for the last few issues; I thought it would turn out to be Circe. On Paradise Island, Wonder Woman and Hermes show up and Wonder Woman uses the Purple Healing Ray to blast the shadow demons apart. Hippolyta can find no triumph in the victory, since she only sees the end of the peaceful haven she’d created and nurtured for so long. In Washington, news of the attack on the Pentagon sends Darnell and Harold (Etta’s boyfriend) racing over to see if they’re okay, but the Crisis-spawned weather makes it hard to get anywhere. Meanwhile, Etta plays the tape Darnell left for them, in which he takes full responsibility for
the Tropidor boondoggle and tells Steve and Etta he’s sorry they’ll have to clean up his mess. The tape ends just as Darnell and Harold show up. In Olympus, the gods watch the Amazons as they prepare to meet the end of the Multiverse quietly. Zeus wishes the Amazons would fight alongside the gods, otherwise they probably have no chance. Next issue is the final issue of Wonder Woman, where she’s in for some major changes (to put it mildly!)
Warlord #100 – “Skartaris Unchained” – Michael Fleisher/Adam Kubert
This one starts with Travis Morgan and Krystovar heading down a river in a narrow canyon. They’re using the secret entrance to New Atlantis that Krystovar discovered last issue, so they can sneak in and take down Cykroth, the Atlantean wizard-king. Unfortunately, they run into a giant crab before they get inside the city. Meanwhile, Morgan’s wife Tara and their allies (Machiste, Mariah, and Shakira) are preparing to assault Shamballah again, hoping Lord Saber-tooth won’t expect them to attack so soon after he defeated them. Machiste and the others will slip into the city to pave the way for Tara’s army to launch a surprise attack. Outside New Atlantis, Morgan and Krystovar escape the giant crab and scale the sheer canyon to slip into the palace. They make it inside, but have to take out a few guards. In Shamballah, Machiste, Mariah, and Shakira fake their way in disguised as merchants, but a guard gets suspicious and they have to take him out. In New Atlantis, Morgan and Krystovar make their way through the palace and are forced to kill more guards, which doesn’t sit well with Krystovar since he’s a healer. Outside, Graemore has followed them and, despite his wounds from the battle last
issue, manages to scale the wall to the secret entrance. In Shamballah, Shakira gets inside the armory in cat form and forces the guards to open the door for Mariah. Nearby, Machiste scales the battlements and takes out a catapult crew. In New Atlantis, Graemore is caught sneaking around and the fight puts all the guards on alert. Morgan and Krystovar are confronted by a bunch of soldiers and Krystovar convinces Morgan to go after Cykroth while he holds the guards off. Back in camp, Morgan’s daughter Jennifer can sense he’s about to confront Cykroth and uses her magic to erect a mystic force field around him. Just in time too, as Cykroth blasts Morgan with his magic
as soon as he enters the throne room. Cykroth is shocked when Morgan survives his blast, but soon realizes Jennifer is responsible. He summons a giant serpent to squeeze Morgan to death. Not far away, Krystovar is fighting valiantly but the odds are against him. He decides to even things up by dropping a huge statue onto the guards. It works but it looks like Krystovar is crushed by the statue too. In Shamballah, the infiltrators have disabled all the mechanical weapons they could reach. Mariah heads to the battlements to send a signal to Tara, while Machiste and Shakira prepare to take the main gate. In
New Atlantis, Morgan realizes the serpent he’s fighting is something conjured from the recesses of his subconscious, so once he stops believing in it, the giant snake vanishes and he’s free to attack Cykroth. Unfortunately, neither his sword nor his .44 Automag seem to hurt the cyclops. Outside Shamballah, Tara sees the signal and leads her army on the city, while Machiste and Shalira take out the guards at the gate and throw it open for the invaders. Lord Saber-tooth realizes his forces are in trouble when he learns all the heavy weapons are out of commission. In New Atlantis, Cykroth realizes he can’t beat Morgan and starts draining energy from his followers all over Skartaris …
including the ones in Shamballah. That weakens them, giving Tara’s army the advantage, which was all part of Morgan’s plan. But he still needs to beat Cykroth, which won’t be easy now that he’s powered up. Jennifer’s spell still protects her father, but Cykroth’s bolts cause her to feel pain remotely, screwing up her concentration. When Cykroth slams Morgan across the room, the same thing happens to Jennifer hundreds of miles away and she’s knocked out. We see Graemore staggering through the halls, half-dead after his fight with the guards. He knows Tara will never love him, so
he’s ready to die to help defeat Cykroth. Now that Jennifer’s protective aura is gone, organ’s in trouble but he notices that every time Cykroth shoots a force bolt there’s a small lag when he has to power back up. Morgan figures he can strike during that lag time and take Cykroth out … assuming he survives the cyclops’s bolts. Just as Cykroth is preparing to blast Morgan, Graemore shows up and distracts him. Cykroth obliterates Graemore, but Morgan uses the lag time to throw his sword into Cykroth’s single eye, killing him. In Shamballah, Saber-tooth realizes his forces have lost thanks to Cykroth draining most of their energy. Saber-tooth is ready to flee, but Machiste
catches up with him and thy fight. Later, Tara gets word that New Atlantean forces in other cities have been defeated too, thanks to Cykroth stealing their life energy. Machiste returns with Saber-tooth’s severed head, so it looks like Tara has her kingdom back. Morgan heads to Jennifer’s camp to find her and is startled to see the place all overgrown and dilapidated, like nobody’s lived there for decades. He’s even more shocked when he finds Jennifer, who’s now an old woman.