Legion of Super-Heroes #21 – “Obsession” – Paul Levitz/Greg LaRocque/Larry Mahlstedt, Mike DeCarlo
This one starts with Brainiac 5 and Element Lad having a secret meeting in the transport tubes that pass right through the Earth. Brainy is worried about Sensor Girl and thinks her reluctance to reveal her true identity could be dangerous. Element Lad disagrees and has decided to trust Sensor Girl, since Saturn Girl vouched for her. Brainy still isn’t convinced, but can’t change Element Lad’s mind. After they leave, we see Quislet was hanging around in the trans-tubes and overheard their conversation. On the spaceship that’s transporting the escapees from Takron-Galtos (who were recaptured last issue) to a new prison planet, a number of the criminals have gotten loose and decided they’d rather destroy the ship than go back to prison. They’re led by members of the Legion of Super-Villains (Sun Emperor, Chameleon Chief, Titania, Orion, and Persuader), but luckily there are a handful of Legionnaires (Colossal Boy, Shrinking Violet, Lightning Lass, Timber Wolf, Chameleon Boy, and Star Boy) to oppose them. A fight breaks out and the Legionnaires are doing well until Titania grabs Shvaughn Erin and threatens to break her neck. At Legion
headquarters, Brainy breaks into Sensor Girl’s room to snoop around. He finds a holo-globe of an unidentified planet and her Legion flight ring (indicating she can fly without it). Sensor Girl catches him in her room and uses her powers to blind him temporarily while she takes him outside and dumps him off, telling him not to invade her privacy again. On the prison ship, Emerald Empress shows up and admits she’s the one who let the criminals out of their cells. She’s forming a new Fatal Five and wants some recruits, but she’s kinda soured on her old teammates, so she hints that she might be open to accepting some Legionnaires. They tell her to go to hell and while she’s distracted,
Chameleon Boy and Timber Wolf get Shvaughn away from Titania. Another breaks out, but this time Emerald Empress is involved too. Sensor Girl shows up and everything goes dark, a weird kind of darkness that Persuader’s axe can’t cut through and Sun Emperor’s light can’t dispel. Mon-El, Shadow Lass, Ultra Boy, and Phantom Girl are camping out on the planet Cizea. Shadow Lass confides to Phantom Girl that the serum Mon-El takes to prevent lead poisoning has become less effective lately, its duration cut in half and getting worse. She’s afraid if no solution can be found that he may have to go back to the Phantom Zone. On the prison ship, Emerald Empress offers Fatal Five membership to Sensor
Girl, but she slaps the villainess down. Empress takes Persuader and teleports away, leaving the other criminals to be recaptured by the Legion (and Sensor Girl demonstrates that she has super-strength). Everyone is pretty impressed with Sensor Girl and her myriad powers, although they’re confused about them too. Brainy isn’t confused though: he’s certain Sensor Girl is really his supposedly dead girlfriend Supergirl, somehow resurrected after the Crisis but without her memory and with a new personality. Brainy swears to bring back the Supergirl he knew. There’s a quick back-up story (by Levitz/Cullins/Martin) about Wildfire training Quislet and learning more about his powers, but it’s mostly played for laughs.
New Teen Titans #19 – “Breaking Up is Hard to Do” – Marv Wolfman/Eduardo Barreto/Romeo Tanghal
Last issue, Gar (Changeling) Logan and Victor (Cyborg) Stone tracked down Gar’s adoptive father Steve Dayton, who went nuts after putting on the Mento helmet. Dayton was too much for them and started pulling Cyborg apart from the inside. Gar fights Dayton and manages to keep him from killing Cyborg, but he’s too strong to defeat. Cyborg recovers enough to save Gar’s life, but he’s close to dying and Gar has to let Dayton go to get Cyborg to STAR Labs so Jenet Klyburn and Sarah Charles can try to save him. At Dick (Nightwing) Grayson’s place, Donna (Wonder Girl) Troy is still giving him shit for his whiny attitude after breaking up with Starfire. Dick turns things around on her, pointing out she’s done a crappy job of leading the Titans in his absence, ignoring Vic and Gar’s request for help against Dayton and reports about Raven being kidnapped by the Church of Blood because her husband needed help on an academic paper. Donna gets pissed off and attacks Dick, but realizes he’s right. He takes off to look for Raven, leaving Donna to some harsh self-examination. She calls her husband Terry (who’s in a meeting about the overdue paper that he needs to keep his job) and learns about Vic being at STAR Labs. She heads over to check on him,
but she’s in a shit mood and takes it out on everyone. Dr. Klyburn tells her Victor’s cybernetics were meant to save his life, not turn him into a superhero, so all the stuff he’s been doing has put a huge strain on him. She wants to replace all his metal parts with promethium (which is self-regenerating), but the operation could be dangerous. Donna and Gar go for a walk and she apologizes for her attitude, but Gar says she’s actually been a pretty good leader and her mistakes were refreshing … letting everyone know she wasn’t perfect. They run into Sarah Simms (and her new man) and the handicapped kids she works with. When Sarah hears about Vic, she goes to
see him immediately. There’s a bit of tension between her and Sarah Charles (who’s interested in Vic but hasn’t gotten anywhere), but Sarah assures her she and Vic were never more than friends, although they both considered something more. Nightwing breaks into a Church of Blood building looking for clues on Raven, but he gets caught and barely escapes. On a moon of Okaara, Starfire is training with her new husband Karras, but can’t keep her mind on the fight. Starfire decides to commit to Karras body and soul, so
they get it on … but she’s still thinking of Dick the whole time. At STAR Labs, Gar, Donna, and Vic’s grandparents wait anxiously for the operation to be over and they’re all thrilled when Dr. Klyburn tells them it went well. At the new Titans’ Tower, Wonder Girl gets a call from King Faraday saying the government needs the Titans urgently. Since the team is so scattered, Wonder Girl decides to go old school and calls in some former members: Speedy, (formerly-Kid) Flash, Aqualad, Hawk, plus the new Robin.
All-Star Squadron #56 – “The Sinister Secret of the Sixth Sense” – Roy Thomas/Mike Clark, Mike Harris/Vince Colletta, Tony DeZuniga
This kinda reads as filler, since it’s an updated version of an original Seven Soldiers of Victory story from the 1940s. I can’t blame Roy for treading water with this title, since the Crisis really screed things up for these old Earth-2 stories, removing characters like Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and the Marvels from continuity, thus rendering a lot of the stories we’ve already seen (and probably many stories Roy had planned) impossible. Anyway, this one starts with Shining Knight arriving in Philadelphia just in time to see a robot kidnapping a punk named Mickey Gordon and riving off with him in a truck. Shining Knight follows them to a warehouse (where the robot has grabbed four other lowlifes), but gets knocked out while snooping around. He overhears a doctor named Brett being forced to operate on the five criminals. The operation enhances one of the five senses in each of them and afterwards they meet their benefactor, the Sense Master. He’s stuck in a vacuum tube without the ability to use any of his senses, so he acts through the robot. Sense Master says he wants the newly-enhanced
hoods to steal five gems and he’ll reward them with more than the gems are worth, but if they betray him he’ll kill them like he already did with Dr. Brett. The “Five Senses” head out to steal the gems and the robot dumps Shining Knight in the water, but stupidly throws his sword in after him so he can cut himself loose. Shining Knight summons the Seven Soldiers of Victory and they split up to tackle the Five Senses individually (as usually happened in those Golden Age stories). Mickey Gordon is assigned to cozy up to a pianist named Alice Howard to get her diamond, but Mickey’s enhanced hearing gives him an appreciation for Alice’s music (and his hormones give him an appreciation
for Alice), so when the time comes he can’t go through with the theft. Sense Master sent back-up and he steals the diamond, evading Crimson Avenger in a blimp. I won’t go into detail on all the other vignettes, but basically the crooks manage to get all the gems despite the Soldiers’ interference. But when they return to the Sense Master to get paid, it turns out he was just a wax dummy … the real mastermind is Dr. Brett. He knocks all the crooks out and combines the gems into a Lifestone that he uses to animate a stone
statue of Atlas. The Soldiers fight the statue and pound Brett, using the Lifestone to de-animate Atlas. (After the fight, Vigilante just tosses the Lifestone in the river, which seems a little irresponsible.) Since Mickey Gordon led them to Brett’s hideout (and Alice refuses to press charges), the Soldiers set him free. There’s another back-up about the JSA members visiting alternate versions of planets in our solar system. This time it’s Dr. Mid-Nite landing on Neptune, meeting the tree-like aliens, and curing a deadly plague (which turns out to be measles) before heading back toward Earth.
Infinity Inc. #25 – “Business as Usual” – Roy and Dann Thomas/Todd McFarlane/Tony DeZuniga
This one starts with a meeting of Infinity Inc being interrupted by the JSA bursting in, which is basically a reverse of how this series started. In the interactions that follow we get a rundown on the changes wrought by the Crisis: everyone’s on one Earth now (although they still seem to recall the existence of separate Earths); the Earth-2 Robin, Huntress, and Green Arrow are dead, as are Supergirl and Flash from Earth-1; the Earth-2 Hawkman was severely wounded by Dr. Phosphorus; and Earth-2’s Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor (Fury’s parents) have gone to live in Olympus forever, basically removed from everyone’s collective memory except the few who fought the Anti-Monitor at the beginning of time. Power Girl is at the meeting, but is having a hard time since she’s recently found out she isn’t really Kryptonian (or Superman’s cousin) and has no idea of her real background. Because of the recent losses, the JSA are willing to absorb Infinity Inc into their ranks, but the youngsters surprise them (and Star-Spangled Kid) by choosing to stay in Infinity Inc. Star-Spangled Kid is thrilled and
introduces them to three potential new members he’s found … Hourman (Rick Tyler, son of the original), Dr. Midnight (Beth Chapel, protegee of the original), and Wildcat (Yolanda Montez, trained by the original, who doesn’t recognize her at first). The Infinitors get a call from the mayor about shark attacks in San Pedro and since the city is paying them, Star-Spangled Kid sends Jade, Obsidian, Silver Scarab, and Nuklon (in the redesigned Star Rocket Racer) to investigate. Nuklon gets a surprise when Yolanda stows away on the Racer, clinging to the outside before climbing in. At the waterfront, the Racer is attacked by a gigantic shark and a cruise ship gets chomped by other huge specimens. The flying Infinitors try to rescue the cruise ship
passengers, but the Racer is in trouble. The impact knocked Nuklon out, so Yolanda ejects him from the Racer to be caught by Silver Scarab. Yolanda gets out of the submerged Racer, but ends up getting swallowed by another big shark. Nuklon finally wakes up and tells his teammates Yolanda was on the Racer, but they figure it’s too late to do anything. Underwater, Yolanda claws her way out of the shark’s belly (she has super-human abilities the original Wildcat didn’t have), but she’s almost out of breath. She struggles toward the surface and when she sees a hand, she grabs it hoping it’s Nuklon. Unfortunately, it’s a big-ass man-shark called Carcharo, who’s obviously behind the renegade shark attacks.