Legion of Super-Heroes #27 – “Going Home” – Paul Levitz/Greg LaRocque, Collen Doran, Shawn McManus, Gene Colan/Mike DeCarlo, Arne Starr
This one starts with Projectra back on Orando, where the Council of Regents are offering her the throne. Apparently, her time with the Legion as Sensor Girl was penance and now they’ve decided she’s worthy of being their queen again. But Projectra no longer wants to be queen; her new powers show her how hollow such an existence would be, and being on Orando only reminds her of losing her husband. So she declines the offer and heads back toward Earth. On Trom (Element Lad’s home-world that was wiped out by the pirate Roxxas), Element Lad is showing Shvaughn Erin around the empty planet. They go to a cathedral-type building and Shvaughn wonders if Element lad is proposing to her. He says that’s an Earth custom, but does ask her to pray with him, since that’s how couples used to express love on Trom. On the Sorcerer’s World, we find out why White Witch was summoned there last issue: the sorcerers are trying to revive Mordru. That seems rather short-sighted, but they’ve figured
out a way to restore Mordru’s soul and turn him into the person he used to be. They bring him back and apparently turn him into a good person again, but I have a feeling this isn’t going to end well. White Witch decides not to hang around, preferring to return to the Legion. On Earth, Colossal Boy and his wife Yera are having dinner with his parents. They discuss politics (Marte Allon used to be President of Earth) and Colossal Boy mentions that he doesn’t quite trust current President Desai. We also see that the Allons are still getting used to the idea of their son being married to a Durlan, but Marte’s trying to be
diplomatic about it. At Legion headquarters, everyone’s hanging out: Dream Girl and Star Boy have made up (again); Blok and Timber Wolf are playing a game (a real meeting of the minds); Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad are visiting (along with their baby, Graym); and Phantom Girl throws a drink on Sun Boy for being a sexist asshole (so, nothing new there). Shvaughn pries Element Lad away from monitor duty long enough to join the party and he announces that Sensor Girl (or Projectra is you prefer) has been formally re-elected to Legion membership.
New Teen Titans #24 – “Hell is the Hybrid” – Marv Wolfman/Eduardo Barreto/Romeo Tanghal
This one starts with married archaeologists Andonis and Angelika Bal excavating some caverns below Mount Olympus. They set off a trap and get zapped by some weird energy from a medusa statue. The caverns collapse, but the two victims are secretly taken away by a Dayton Industries helicopter. That’s right, Steve Dayton has gone completely over the edge and is forming his own super-villain team on the model of the old Doom patrol, except Dayton is causing the accidents that give people super-powers (or turn them into freaks, as Dayton puts it) so he can force the victims to join his team. Dayton has really lost it now; he’s in a wheelchair, wearing his Mento costume, and raving about how he wants to outdo the Doom Patrol and get revenge on his adopted son, Gar (Changeling) Logan and the Titans. In New York, the de facto Titans team assembled by Wonder Girl a couple issues ago is breaking up. Robin has to head back to Gotham to work with Batman, and Speedy and Hawk are both leaving too. Flash and Aqualad decide to hang
around for a while and Jericho shows up unexpectedly, which makes Wonder Girl happy. She’s feeling guilty about not being able to hold the team together and wonders where the missing members are. We see two of them (Changeling and Cyborg) in Manhattan, pounding some bank robbers. They enjoy the action and discuss contacting Wonder Girl to ask if she wants them back on the team. Changeling runs into his old girlfriend (Jillian Jackson) and Cyborg’s current squeeze (Sarah Charles) gets a call from STAR Labs asking her to bring the two Titans over right away. At STAR, they’re reunited with the
rest of the Titans (except Nightwing, Starfire, and Raven) and eagerly rejoin the team, after a round of mutual apologies for the earlier misunderstandings. In Qurac, an Israeli commando team tries to rescue hostages from a plane and the captain ends up on board alone. He’s shot and dumped into the ocean, where he’s retrieved by Dayton’s people so he can become another member of Dayton’s new team. We see the Bals have been genetically manipulated to become Gorgon and Harpi and they hate their new powers but don’t dare oppose Dayton. He’s ranting on about John Constantine altering his mind so he can see the inner workings on the universe; I’m not sure if that’s true or
it’s just the crazy talking, but the Mento helmet does give Dayton enough power to kill anyone who pisses him off, so his new minions have no choice but to obey him. In New York, the Titans are flying around in their jet (still apologizing to each other) when it’s attacked by a giant pterodactyl/human hybrid. Changeling becomes a giant pterosaur of his own to fight it (and then turns into a giant elephant), taking the beast down in spite of the strain of his transformations. Cyborg manages to keep the damaged plane from coming down in Manhattan, guiding it to a splashdown in the river instead. Dayton orders Gorgon and Harpi to rescue Pteradon and says if any of the Titans (including his son Gar) get in the way, they can kill them.