Wonder Woman #7 – “Rebirth” – Len Wein/George Perez/Bruce Patterson
This one starts with the Olympian gods rejoicing that Wonder Woman has ended Ares’ threat to their realm, along with the threat he posed to Earth. Artemis reminds Zeus that Diana was injured fighting Ares and the gods gaze down to Themiscyra, where the Amazons are trying to heal her wounds. But Diana’s wounds seem to be more spiritual than physical, so Zeus commands Poseidon to help. Poseidon takes Diana under the ocean and heals her, body and soul, before returning her to the happy Amazons. Artemis and Athena wonder if Zeus’s sudden interest in the Amazons’ welfare might lead to trouble and Hera agrees with them. On Themiscyra, Hippolyte wants Diana to stay there, since Ares’ threat is over, but Diana reminds her mother that Ares expects her to teach humans a better way to live, not to mention letting them know that Ares was the one who almost started World War III. Diana is also worried about Vanessa Kapatelis, who was aged unnaturally by Decay (in issue 3). Athena shows up to give Diana Hermes’ winged sandals, which will let her travel back and forth to Man’s World. Hippolyte realizes the gods want Diana to continue her mission in Man’s World, but she says there are certain conditions before she’ll agree to let her daughter return there. In Boston,
General Hillary and Etta Candy are discussing Diana’s disappearance and Vanessa’s worsening condition when there’s an alert from Vanessa’s room. They find Diana there using a special Amazon salve to reverse Vanessa’s illness. Etta calls Julia (Vanessa’s mom) to let her know, but Julia has a visitor, a pushy publicist named Myndi Mayer who wants Julia to talk Wonder Woman into hiring her. Julia tells Myndi to go to hell and heads over to the hospital to see Vanessa. General Hillary wants to debrief Diana about everything that happened with Tolliver and Trevor and Diana wants to get her message of peace out before she has to return home. Julia realizes Diana’s in over her head and takes her to see Myndi, who puts out a full
publicity campaign that has the whole country talking about Wonder Woman within a few days. Steve and Etta are sent on assignment to keep them out of the spotlight, but the Army brass don’t really believe Ares was behind the near-war and want to investigate further. In England, an archaeologist named Barbara Minerva sees the stories on Wonder Woman and wants to get her hands on the golden lasso, so she orders her servant to prepare the potion that will transform her into … Cheetah.
Firestorm #62 – “To Regain Tomorrow” – John Ostrander/Joe Brozowski/Dick Giordano
This one starts with a nuclear technician named Mikhail Arkadin emerging from the ruins of Chernobyl months after the disaster that shut that plant down. Mikhail has turned white and his skin is on fire, but he’s still alive, which intrigues the Soviet government. In the United States, Professor Stein has decided to check himself out of the hospital where he’s spent the last few weeks (after keeling over last issue) because of his inoperable brain tumour. Ronnie Raymond takes him home and Stein says he’s figured out what he wants to do before he dies. Stein remembers people having optimism about the future when he was a kid, but now people wonder if there will even be a future because of the constant threat of nuclear war. Stein wants to give back that optimistic spirit by scaring countries into giving up their nuclear weapons. That sounds pretty crazy (and borderline supervillainy), but Ronnie goes along with it. Firestorm flies to a missile base in Kansas and sneaks in undetected, changing the nuclear warheads into lemon curry (which I think is a Monty Python reference). Firestorm then heads to the Caribbean to find a Russian submarine carrying nukes. Stein has a seizure, which causes Firestorm to turn material at the wrong time and gets them caught by the Russians. Ronnie pretends Superman had something to do with them being there and they turn back into Firestorm, change the
nuclear warheads into caviar, and take off. Firestorm them heads to the nuclear peace talks in Reykjavik, where he tells everyone how he changed the warheads in those two specific places. He says next time he’ll detonate a warhead, unless all nuclear powers voluntarily disarm. That gets everyone’s attention and the American President calls Amanda Waller to request the Suicide Squad get ready to tackle Firestorm (including a special recruit who she’s reluctant to use. The President also calls General Wade Eiling to make another special request. Of course, Firestorm was bluffing about detonating a nuke, but Stein hopes the people (and leaders) of the world will be frightened enough not to call their bluff … especially since most people are afraid of nuclear war anyway. But something tells me Firestorm just put himself in a shitload of trouble …
Vigilante #44 – “Addictions” – Paul Kupperberg/Dave Cockrum/Rick Burchett
This one starts with Vigilante helping Harry Stein and some government agents raid a drug processing centre. They waste some gunmen and find a shitload of crack cocaine ready to be distributed. Stein tells Vigilante the guys in charge are terrorists from Qurac and are trying to sell crack in power centres like New York, Washington, or Silicon Valley, hoping to destabilize American society. Elsewhere, we see Bobby, the kid who tried crack last issue, is now a hardcore addict and his girlfriend Pam takes off, thinking he’s a lost cause. Bobby’s dad finds out about his addiction, but Bobby’s too far gone to even care. Downtown, Jerry (the drunk we saw last issue) is at a treatment centre trying to get help with his drinking, but he’s told that all the places are full with crack addicts, since they’re higher profile and bring in more federal funding. Jerry gets pissed off that drug addicts are making it impossible for guys like him to get help and decides he’ll figure out a way to help himself. In the Qurac Embassy, the ambassador meets with some dope dealers who tell him about Bobby being one of their best customers. The ambassador finds that interesting, since Bobby’s father is a Senator on the Arms Committee. Vigilante helps a street dealer get away from a bust and intimidates him into giving up his supplier. Vigilante then pounds the supplier to get the name of his superiors. Apparently Jerry had the same idea, as he ends up following another dealer to find his supplier, and so on up the chain. Meanwhile,
Bobby’s dad has kicked him out and he’s losing it, but the Qurac dope dealers offer him a lifeline. Vigilante and Jerry separately trail the dope dealers to the Qurac Embassy (although Vigilante’s hiding inside their truck, so he doesn’t realize where he is). Jerry attacks the front gate, shooting his way inside, while Vigilante takes advantage of the distraction and goes in the back. The ambassador tries to use Bobby as a shield, but Bobby’s so paranoid he shots the ambassador. Vigilante hauls Bobby out and blows the embassy to hell. Unfortunately, when Vigilante checks Bobby, he’s dead from an overdose. The next day, the guy from the treatment centre tries to find Jerry to tell him there’s an open bed at the centre, but Jerry’s beyond caring now.
Warlord #120 – “Vale of the Snowmen” – Michael Fleisher/Art Thibert/Pablo Marcos
Last issue, we saw Redmond (the rogue CIA agent who came to Skartaris looking for Travis Morgan) escaping a city and falling off a cliff. He stumbles through the snow until he collapses and is found by a bunch of yeti-looking dudes. Meanwhile, Morgan is wasting the Kraken Pentacle assassins, but can’t believe Machiste would be mad enough to send them after him. He grabs an assassin and drags him out of the castle to interrogate him. Elsewhere, Jennifer Morgan feels an unspeakable evil and uses her magic to travel to its location (wearing a much more revealing outfit than usual). The evil turns out to be the demon that Power Girl accidentally freed last issue (in New Atlantis) and whose thrall she’s now in. Jennifer frees Power Girl’s mind from the demon’s power, but the demon vanishes. Morgan runs into some soldiers from Kiro burning Shamballan farms and fights them off, but his suspicions are raised again, since Kiro depends on trade with Shamballah, so Machiste wouldn’t be stupid enough to ruin that no matter how mad he was. Redmond wakes up healed and finds the yeti guys can communicate telepathically with him. He learns they’re descended from Atlanteans who stumbled into Skartaris and settled in the valley, only to find the place was cursed. All the inhabitants were changed to snow-men and have been looking for a way to change back. They’re on the right track, but won’t use the cure until there’s enough for
all of them. Redmond doesn’t really care about their plight … until he starts transforming into a snow-man himself. In Kiro, Machiste receives reports about Shamballans attacking his allies and reacts the same way Morgan did, wanting more information before declaring war on a long-time ally. As the envoys leave, they see Tara hanging out in the palace grounds and wonder if Machiste is conspiring with the Shamballans against Kiro’s interests. Of course, we know that isn’t really Tara, it’s DeSaad’s disciple Y’smalla sowing discord in Skartaris. The real Tara is chained in a dungeon beneath the palace, fighting off a lascivious guard. We see DeSaad gloating over his machinations and we also see that he’s captured Lightray and is torturing him.