Justice League #6 – “Massacre in Gray” – Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis/Kevin Maguire/Al Gordon
Last issue, a guy called the Gray Man took over Stone Ridge, Vermont and lured Dr. Fate there. Gray Man was condemned by the Lords of Order to live in a featureless world devoid of emotion and harvest dream essence from dead people. But he figured out how to use the dream essence like magical energy, escaping from his bleak world and capturing Dr. Fate and Captain Marvel, who the JLA sent to investigate Stone Ridge. Now Gray Man’s empty duplicates are taking dream essence from the living citizens of Stone Ridge, leaving them devoid of emotion and turning the town into a twisted landscape. Gray Man wants to do the same to the entire world, but the JLA have come to Stone Ridge to stop him. Creeper has also shown up there and is acting even crazier than usual. Gray man realizes they’re coming and takes over Captain Marvel, using him as a weapon against his teammates. Mr. Miracle has to keep Black Canary from splattering (and she resents being rescued), while J’onn J’onzz goes toe-to-toe with Marvel. They pound each other for a bit, until Gray Man’s control slips and Marvel regains his senses … just in time to get punched out by J’onn. In New York, Max Lord meets with Hal Jordan, who warns him that Guy Gardner is a dangerous lunatic and will bring down the new JLA. Lord disagrees and Hal leaves in a
huff. In Stone Ridge, Creeper finds out where Gray Man is hiding and lets the league know. They walk in on Gray Man fighting Dr. Fate in a mystical duel. The others come to help, but Gray Man conjures a bunch of duplicates who turn the Leaguers into mindless victims with their touch. Gray Man thinks he’s won, but Fate tells him he’s been holding back and lets go with a blast of eldritch power that makes the entire building (and everyone inside) disappear. Outside, J’onn wonders what happened to his teammates, but decides he’d better get Captain Marvel some help before he investigates (since Fate’s powers could have taken the others literally anywhere).
Infinity Inc. #43 – “Eye” – Roy and Dann Thomas/Vince Argondezzi/Alfredo Alcala, Rodin Rodriguez
This one starts with Skyman taking the team’s jet out for a shakedown cruise before their trip to Egypt. Infinity Inc has been hired to guard an archaeological dig and Skyman is obviously trying to impress the woman in charge (a good-looking lady named Dr. Helen Rock … it doesn’t mention if she’s a Kiss fan). The others going on the mission (Brainwave Jr. and Dr. Midnight) find out that Jade has decided her movie career is more important than this assignment and asked Hourman to fill in for her (now that he’s got a non-addictive form of Miraclo to power him up). Skyman isn’t happy about Jade’s last-minute substitution, but he accepts it. They take off, leaving their teammates to find other things to do. Obsidian and Marcie Cooper are making out, so I guess they’re getting along pretty well. Wildcat, Nuklon, and Mr. Bones decide to play a little poker. Their game is interrupted when Northwind shows up to tell them something’s happened to Fury and Silver Scarab. He asks
them to call Skyman’s team back, but they can’t get through. When Wildcat mentions Fury’s pregnancy, Northwind gets really worried and says they have to get Jade and head east as fast as possible. Jade’s big movie role involves her dressed like a slave girl and menaced by a monster so some Conan knock-off can save her. The Infinitors ruin the scene and tell her about Fury being in trouble, so Jade immediately changes into her costume and leaves with them. On the way to Hall Manor in New York, Northwind reveals what he found out a couple issues back about Silver Scarab. Basically, Thoth warned the Egyptians
about a world-spanning threat from Setekh in ancient times, but they didn’t believe him. So he founded Feithera and gave its inhabitants the magical potential to fight the threat before vanishing. Hath-Set screwed up the timing of the prophecy by killing Prince Khufu and Princess Shiera, but their descendants (Hawkman and Hawkgirl) bore the prophesied “child without a soul” and ended up fighting Hath-Set’s descendant, Anton Hastor. Northwind wondered about Hector Hall, but didn’t believe he was the evil one until he got
involved with Dr. Rock … another reincarnation of Hath-Set. The others want to head to Egypt, since Rock went there with their teammates, but Northwind says they have to help Fury first … if there’s still time. Fury is being held in Hall Manor (now transformed to look like the interior of a pyramid), but manages to get up and knock over the censer that’s been keeping her drugged. She jumps Silver Scarab and pounds him for killing Hector, but he’s too strong and knocks her out. He contacts Rock and she lets him know she and the four Infinitors are almost in Egypt. They land and Rock leads them to a buried
pyramid, which Skyman and Hourman soon uncover. Dr. Midnight and Brainwave are suspicious of Dr. Rock, but wait to see what happens. Dr. Midnight heads into the pitch black pyramid and follows Rock’s orders to open a sarcophagus. Unfortunately, it contains the Eye of Ra, which is bright enough to blind Midnight. The Eye bursts out of the pyramid and pounds the Infinitors before collecting Rock and heading back towards America … and Silver Scarab. Dr. Midnight vows the Infinitors will stop whatever’s going on.
Young All-Stars #5 – “Hollywood Knights” – Roy and Dann Thomas/Howard Simpson, Brian Murray/Malcolm Jones III, Robert Downs, Alfredo Alcala
This one starts at the famous Hollywood Canteen, with Iron Munro stopping a chandelier from crushing several patrons. Fury thinks he was showing off and snubs him when he asks for a dance, choosing to jitterbug with a G.I. instead. We see that Dyna-Mite has kinda replaced his dead partner with Iron Munro, or at least seems to hero-worship Munro. Sandy is still acting like a racist asshole, talking shit about Tsunami, which pisses Neptune Perkins off enough that he’s ready to leave. Munro decides to take off too and Flying Fox goes with him, hoping to get a taste of modern civilization. Dyna-Mite is worried Munro might to something stupid, so he talks Fury into going after their teammates. Munro and Flying Fox run into an Army recruiter and Munro considers signing up, but it looks like he’s too young. He demonstrates his strength by lifting a car, but damages it and the owner gets pissed off and picks a fight, almost busting his hand on Munro’s iron-hard face. A cop shows up, but Flying Fox uses his illusory powers to get himself and Munro out of there.
They run into some girls and invite them out on the town. Fury’s tired of watching Munro’s shenanigans (and maybe a bit jealous?), but Dyna-Mite shoves her into a cab so they can follow their friends. They end up at Santa Monica Pier, hoping to have some fun at the amusement park, but naturally it’s closed because of the war. Munro takes his date inside and they get down to business pretty fast. Flying Fox takes his new gal pal up onto the Ferris wheel, but he ends up getting ambushed by Kamikaze, the Japanese villain who replaced Tsunami in Axis Amerika. Munro comes to help (after getting his pants back on) and knocks Kamikaze for a loop. Fury jumps in to help, just in time to catch Munro after Kamikaze pounds him. Fury and Munro are both knocked
out and more Axis Amerika members (Gudra and Ubermensch) show up to grab them. Dyna-Mite tries to stop them (recognizing Gudra as the one who killed TNT), but he’s no match for Ubermensch, who tells him to let the All-Stars know Axis Amerika will be waiting for them on Catalina. Dyna-Mite feels like shit, not just from the beating, but because Ubermensch apparently didn’t even think he was worth killing. There’s an epilogue showing Tsunami still in the temporary internment camp at Santa Anita, feeling like crap because she can’t do anything to help her family.