Wonder Woman #14 – “For the Glory of Gaea” – Len Wein/George Perez/Bruce Patterson
This one starts with Diana returning to Paradise Island after taking care of the Manhunter robot that was impersonating Pan (which happened in Millennium). She gets back to the chamber where she left her mother (Hippolyte) last issue and finds Heracles (now flesh-and-blood) holding up the entire weight of Paradise Island on his shoulders. Heracles urges Diana to get her mother to safety and despite his checkered history with the Amazons, Diana sees something noble and heroic in Heracles. So after taking her mother to safety on the surface, she returns to share Heracles’ burden. But they’re interrupted by Zeus (and the other Olympians) who say Diana’s heroism and compassion (and Hipployte’s) have proven the Amazons worthy of the gods’ favour. They’re released from any obligations to the gods and Heracles is released too (Gaea will now hold up Paradise Island). Diana brings Heracles up to the Island (where he’s the first man to set foot there) and he humbly begs forgiveness for how he treated the Amazons in the past, especially Hippolyte. They forgive him, which impresses Zeus and the other gods. Hera is ready to reconcile with Zeus and
the other goddesses celebrate because they’re the ones who created the Amazons. Only Hermes is unhappy, since his son Pan was killed and replaced by a Manhunter. In Oklahoma, Steve Trevor is going through some photos in the attic at his Aunt and Uncle’s place. Etta comes up to talk and ends up admitting she’s in love with him. Steve loves her too and they bone in the attic. On Themiscyra, the Amazons burn a pile of weapons to celebrate their new future, hopefully free of conflict (though not all of them are convinced of that). Hippolyte apologizes to Phillipus for beating the shit out of her and makes peace with Heracles (with a kiss) before he heads up to Olympus. A few days later, the Amazons discuss whether they
should open Themiscyra up to Man’s World. Diana says the outside world isn’t all bad, but needs help with its problems. She’s appointed to be the go-between, to decide whether or not to allow men to visit the Island. Hippolyte gives her Hermes’ sandals to make it easier to travel between Themiscyra and the outside world and Diana says farewell before heading back to Boston. We see Steve and Etta returning there too, as well as Myndi Mayer seducing some dude. At the Kapatelis home, Vanessa drags Julia into her room to see something weird, which turns out to be Diana. Julia is thrilled to see her again and invites her to stay and naturally, Diana agrees.
Firestorm #69 – “Back in the USSR” – John Ostrander/J.J. Birch/Sam De La Rosa
This one starts with Firestorm splitting into Ronnie and Mikhail after the end of Millennium. Ronnie returns home to tell his dad and Felicity about his adventures in space, while Mikhail ends up back in Russia. His family are missing and he calls a friend, who isn’t any help (and calls the KGB as soon as he hangs up the phone). Mikhail goes to see his brother Alexander, who works for the government, but he has no idea where Mikhail’s family is either. His niece Serafina says she and her friends (who she refers to as Red Stars) might be able to help find Mikhail’s family, but he’s skeptical. As he’s leaving, Mikhail gets jumped by the KGB; Serafina sees but can’t do anything to stop it. In New York, Richard Dare (aka Aviator, aka Captain X) hears from a contact that the Russians have sent Stalnoivolk to the States to find Ronnie Raymond … who just happens to be Dare’s grandson. In Russia, a black marketeer named Matvei Rodor is contemplating how his business is in trouble since the government official he bribed (Soliony) has betrayed him. A meteorite falls nearby and when Rodor checks it out, he’s transformed into Zuggernaut (the alien we saw last issue), who says he can give Rodor the power to strike at
his enemies. Naturally, Rodor wants to head to Moscow to go after Soliony. Soliony just happens to be the guy who’s interrogating Mikhail, not believing his story about having blackouts. Mikhail doesn’t want to let them know about Firestorm (or put Ronnie in their sights), so he pretends his time as Pozhar has left him suffering memory lapses, but Soliony isn’t buying it. He takes a break and gets a surprise when Zuggernaut shows up to kill him. Mikhail decides he needs to escape and starts trying to form Firestorm in his cell. Ronnie is working as a dishwasher at a restaurant, contemplating his future, when he’s pulled way to form Firestorm in Moscow. Because of
Mikhail’s interrogation, Firestorm is filled with a rage against Soliony and heads outside to find him, but finds Zuggernaut about to kill Soliony instead. It’s interesting that Firestorm and Zzuggernaut are both formed by taking over humans, but it seems like Zuggernaut actually has more of a partnership going on, since Ronnie and Mikhail don’t have much direct influence on Firestorm. But Mikhail hatred of Soliony is driving Firestorm, so there’s definitely some emotional resonance there. Zuggernaut assumes Firestorm is there
to help Soliony and attacks him. They fight and Soliony realizes Mikhail must be part of one of them, so he heads inside to check Mikhail’s cell. Zuggernaut manages to slice Firestorm with his claws, but Firestorm absorbs some of Zuggernaut’s energy in return, so Zuggernaut flees. The alien retreats inside Rodor’s body, who swears revenge on Firestorm. Firestorm splits into Mikhail and Ronnie (just in time to fool Soliony), but both of them are bleeding from Zuggernaut’s claws. Meanwhile, Stalnoivolk has arrived in New York with Zastrow and they’re ready to find Ronnie Raymond.
Warlord #127 – “The Last Dragon” – Michael Fleisher/Jan Duursema/Tom Mandrake
This one starts with Travis Morgan riding out from Shamballah, trying to forget his dead wife, Tara. He ends up in a grassland where he’s attacked by a sabre-tooth tiger that kills his horse. He drops his Automag, so he’s forced to kill the giant cat with his knife. But that brings a bunch of dinosaur scavengers and Morgan is forced to fight them with his knife too. He’s rescued by a hunter named Dreadnar, who’s looking for the “last dragon” so he can kill it. Outside Shamballah, Khnathaiti is hiding in the volcano, forced to drain the life force from vermin to sustain herself. Meanwhile, Dreadnar leads Morgan to the Vale of Dragons and tells how his people worshipped the dragons for centuries, making sacrifices to them every year. But after a bad harvest, the sacrifices were withheld and the dragons wiped out the entire village. Dreadnar and his son hunted and killed almost every dragon, but the last one (a female with some eggs) killed Dreadnar’s son before taking off. Dreadnar wants to eliminate the dragon and her eggs to even the score for his dead kin. In Russia, Mariah has been thrown in a GULAG, where Danny Maddox (an old enemy of Morgan’s introduced in a Secret Origins story) watches her push back
against the guards and get dragged off to solitary confinement. In Skartaris, Shakira goes looking for Morgan, who’s in the remains of Dreadnar’s village. After fighting off some grave robbers, Dreadnar breaks down thinking of his dead family. His sorrow is interrupted by the dragon attacking, forcing Dreadnar and Morgan to hide in the lake to avoid the dragon’s fiery breath. They figure their ruse worked, but when they surface, they find the dragon looming over them. Meanwhile, Danny tosses Mariah a rat to keep her from starving.