Wonder Woman #17 – “Traces” – George Perez/Dick Giordano
This one starts with Diana and Vanessa packing for a trip to Greece to join Vanessa’s mom (Julia Kapatelis). Steve and Etta help and Etta mentions her jealousy when she thought Steve might have a thing for Diana. Diana says she’s a bit jealous of Etta’s relationship with Steve, since Diana’s romance with Superman went nowhere. Vanessa says goodbye to her friend Eileen (who she treats kinda crappy) and Steve brings in a dove with a message from Themiscyra. On the way to the airport, Diana reads the letter from her mother, who tells her the debate about opening themselves to outside cultures is still going on. (Strangely, Philippus has taken the pro-cultural exchange side, while Hellene leads the isolationist camp.) Hippolyte misses her daughter (and is apparently jealous of Diana’s bond with Julia), but passes her time sunbathing naked on the beach. Diana sends the dove back with a message to her mom before she and Vanessa take off. In Olympus, the gods are cleaning up the damage done by Darkseid’s aborted takeover. Heracles wants to go after Darkseid for revenge, but the other gods have agreed to remake Olympus into something beautiful, not a haven for bloodlust. Zeus tells Heracles that he
wants to contact the other pantheons in the cosmos and move Olympus to a different location. In Greece, Diana’s arrival causes a big stir and she and Vanessa are met by Julia and her friend Stavros. Some dude is watching Diana, hoping desperately to ask her for help, but he’s being watched in turn by a cat and a bird with ominously red eyes. In Boston, Myndi Mayer is feeling the pressure and drinking to cope with it, alienating her friends, and refusing to fire Skeeter (the asshole responsible for the publicity debacle last issue). In Greece, a mysterious woman worries about Diana’s presence so close to her lair and sends her servant Mikos (who transforms into a red-eyed bird)
to make sure Diana doesn’t discover her. Diana tours around Greece, visiting various sites associated with worship of the Olympian gods: Athens, Olympia, Delphi, and Lesbos. While sailing near Cephalonia, Diana sees an unnamed island and suddenly feels something pulling at her soul. She keels over and Stavros thinks she’s been cursed. On Cephalonia, shepherds find a mutilated body and suggest he might’ve been cursed, not noticing the evil red glow in the eyes of their sheep. I assume the mystery woman is Circe, whose island was near Cephalonia in Greek myth, but we’ll find out next issue.
Firestorm #72 – “The Return of the Zuggernaut” – John Ostrander/Joe Brozowski/Sam DeLa Rosa
This one starts with Ronnie, Ed, and Felicity Raymond at the grave of Richard Dare, Ronnie’s grandfather. Ronnie’s pissed off that he wasn’t there to stop Stalnoivolk from killing Dare and swears he’ll kill the Russian if he gets a chance. Ed tells him to calm down and says he doesn’t want to waste time on revenge when they should be getting closer … something Ed didn’t get the chance to do with his own father. In Russia, Mikhail can feel Ronnie’s anger and it worries him, but he’s got his own problems. Soliony and the KGB are still holding him because they think he’s connected to Firestorm somehow. Another prisoner (Rodor) is thrown in an adjoining cell and commiserates with Mikhail over their dislike of Soliony. But nobody knows “Rodor” is really Zuggernaut, an alien who bonded with Rodor a couple issues ago. Meanwhile, Zastrow has brought Stalnoivolk back from the States and gives him shit for attacking Ronnie and almost starting a diplomatic incident. Stalnoivolk has no remorse, reminding Zastrow that he proved a link between Ronnie and Firestorm, someone he intends to kill next time
they meet. Elsewhere, Mikhail’s niece Serafina and her super-powered friends have taken costumes and code names, calling themselves Soyuz. Serafina convinces them that opposing corrupt government officials isn’t betraying Russia, it’s actually helping the country get back to its ideals. At KGB headquarters, Zastrow gives Soliony shit for holding Mikhail, saying they’d learn more if they let him go and watched him. But Soliony has a petty tyrant’s mindset and decides to interrogate Rodor with a couple of guards. Rodor changes into Zuggernaut and wastes the guards. He’s ready to kill Soliony when he realizes Mikhail has seen him, so he figures he’d better kill
Mikhail to preserve his secret. Mikhail triggers the transformation to Firestorm (confirming Soliony’s suspicions) and they start fighting. After a tussle in the Moscow subway system, they end up outside the Kremlin, where Stalnoivolk sees them. He goes out to attack Firestorm, who’s glad to get a shot at the guy who killed Ronnie’s grandpa. But before they get a chance to really mix it up, Zuggernaut blasts them both with a huge fireball.