Green Arrow #27 – “Enter …” – Mike Grell/Dan Jurgens/Dick Giordano, Frank McLaughlin
This one starts with Oliver (Green Arrow) Queen hanging out in a dive bar. Some punk recognizes him and pulls a knife, pissed off that Green Arrow sent him to prison a while back. Arrow leaves the punk with his hand pinned to the bar with his own knife and heads home. Dinah (Black Canary) Lance bandages up a wound on Ollie’s shoulder (although I’m not sure if he got the wound in the bar fight, or if it was something he already had). They banter a bit about why Oliver keeps risking his life fighting criminals and Dinah tells him he needs to learn to avoid getting hit instead of wading right into the fight. Downtown, someone who looks a lot like Oliver (though his face is always carefully obscured by shadows) is wandering the streets. After turning down an eager hooker, the stranger runs into some punks who assume he’s Green Arrow. He scares them off by brandishing what appears to be a sword. Back home, Dinah has been teaching Oliver some new self-defense moves, which leads to them banging. Elsewhere, the wandering stranger is accosted by a mob boss who (again) assumes he’s Green Arrow, even though his men seem to think differently. The mobster is pissed off because the punk Green Arrow took down in the bar is his son-in-law, so the boss wants to make an example of Green Arrow.
They try to force him to jump off a bridge, but the stranger fights back, pounding the punks and whipping out a .44 Automag to disable the mob boss’s car. The stranger is pissed off about everything messing with him
and wants answers. Some time later, Oliver awakens to the sound of someone pounding on his door. It’s the stranger who resembles Oliver and he’s sick of being hassles because they look alike. He demonstrates his displeasure by decking Oliver and we see (if we haven’t already guessed) that the stranger is Travis Morgan, the Warlord of Skartaris.
Suicide Squad #36 – “In Final Battle” – John Ostrander, Kim Yale/John K. Snyder/Geoff Isherwood
Last issue, half the Squad (including Amanda Waller and Flo, plus Big Barda) was brought to Apokolips by Lashina, who needed them to distract Granny Goodness and her allies while Lashina reclaimed leadership of the Female Furies from Bernadeth. Lashina’s plan worked and she killed Bernadeth, so she didn’t need the Squad anymore and told Granny they may as well just kill them all. Meanwhile, Bronze Tiger was trying to find a way to get the rest of the Squad to Apokolips to rescue his teammates when the Forever People popped in to offer a hand. Some of the team are reluctant to go to Apokolips, especially Dr. Light. But the “ghost” of Jacob Finlay (wrongly called Jacob Smith here) convinces him to go, reminding him that he originally wanted to be a hero and now has a chance to realize that dream. (This is part of a revised post-Crisis origin, where Finlay’s ghost is all in Light’s mind.) Everyone piles into the Super-Cycle to head for Apokolips, with Bronze Tiger interrogating Vykin about Vixen’s fate. On Apokolips, the fight that started last issue is still going on, with Nightshade taking down Artemiz
inside the Nightmare Dimension, struggling not to lose her soul to the darkness. Count Vertigo was stabbed by Kanto last issue, but manages to pull out the knife and stab Kanto in the back (which almost impresses Granny). Barda has her Mega-Rod back and is ready to take everyone home, but Granny orders them all killed. The reinforcements arrive and another huge fight breaks out. Flo realizes Bronze Tiger came to rescue Vixen, not her, while the voices inside Dr. Light’s head push him into the thick of the fight … where he’s killed. There’s a weird interlude with a devil (or The Devil) lamenting that paltry souls like Light and Finlay are the only petty triumphs he can claim these days. Back on Apokolips, Darkseid’s arrival puts a swift end to the
fighting. He resurrects Bernadeth and tells Lashina she’s earned leadership of the Furies, but then punishes her for bringing mortals to Apokolips. (He kills Lashina here, but she’ll be resurrected later in an issue of Mr. Miracle.) Unfortunately, Flo came into contact with Black Racer and is dead. Darkseid offers to bring her (and the other dead Squad members) back to life, but Waller refuses, knowing they’d be resurrected as Darkseid’s slaves. Darkseid sends everyone home, telling Granny that he’s not showing mercy, just manipulating his pawns like always.