Wonder Woman #38 – “Forbidden Fruit” – George Perez, Mindy Newell/Chris Marrinan/Mike Machlan
This one starts with Lois Lane and the other guests on Themiscyra attending a sort of Passion Play about how the Amazons were created and how they first came to Paradise Island. Menalippe is the narrator, but her tone conveys boredom rather than passion, something noted by Lois and Diana. But we know (from last issue) that Menalippe has been taken over by Eris, the Goddess of Discord, who wants to disrupt the harmony the Amazons hope to foster with their guests. We see that Menalippe has suggested serving golden apples at a special dinner, so I’m assuming these are the same Apples of Discord that started the Trojan War. Before the feast, the guests are shown around the island. Most of them are impressed, but a few feel the need to ask questions. Reverend Witherspoon gets a shock when Mnemosyne tells him most of the Amazons have sex with each other, Rovo discovers he can play the lyre even though he’s had no musical training, Lindel likens the storm separating Themiscyra from the outside world to the Iron Curtain,
and Lin Koo discusses reincarnation and forgiveness with Hellene. Lois has a long talk with Diana and manages to ask her about Superman, which Diana turns back on her. They’re interrupted by Rabbi Hecht, who claims Penelope is an anti-Semite. When Diana and Lois go to the temple, Penelope does insult Hecht, which surprises Lois and pisses Diana off. Diana goes to find Menalippe and ends up going into a strange cavern. She’s attacked by wooden snakes and starts transforming into wood herself. Menalippe appears, telling her that she’s found a new way for the Amazons … the way of Eris, daughter of Ares. Hippolyte and some of the other Amazons worry when Diana and
Menalippe are late for the big feast, and Phillipus notices Penelope’s shitty attitude. Diana and Menalippe appear and urge everyone to enjoy the feast (including the golden apples). Everything seems fine, although Lois wonders if Diana is hiding her true feelings. But it seems more likely that she’s now being controlled by Eris, just like Penelope and Menalippe.
Green Arrow #28 – “Siege” – Mike Grell/Dan Jurgens/Dick Giordano, Frank McLaughlin
This one starts with the mob boss from last issue (Eddie Finster) telling his men he wants revenge on Green Arrow for ruining his car and pounding his men. (Eddie doesn’t know it was actually Green Arrow’s lookalike, the Warlord Travis Morgan, who messed him up.) Eddie’s men warn him that the cops will be on them if they try to attack Green Arrow at home, so Eddie says they’ll need something to keep the cops occupied. At Green Arrow’s place, Morgan has just decked Oliver because he’s pissed off about everyone mistaking him for Green Arrow and trying to kill him. Dinah slaps Morgan around a bit and he apologizes and tells them (in a roundabout way) some of his history. Morgan implies that he’s been in Skartaris (which he doesn’t tell them about) for twenty years straight, but he actually did make it back to the real world a couple of times in the Warlord comic. Meanwhile, Eddie gathers a group of criminals, letting them know that half the city will be blacked out later and telling them to go wild with looting and stuff to keep the police busy. At Oliver and Dinah’s place, Morgan is talking about the
culture shock he’s experiencing after being away for two decades. The lights go out and they soon realize they’ve got company. Morgan offers to help and the three of them take out the attacking mobsters a few at a time. (And none of them seem shy about using lethal weapons.) They finally figure out Eddie is leading the attack and when he tries to get away, Morgan stops him dead with his sword. Morgan takes off, leaving Oliver and Dinah to explain things to the cops.
Firestorm #93 – “Storm Front” – John Ostrander/Tom Mandrake
This one starts with some Japanese jet fighters trying to stop Red Tornado and Naiad (the Air and Water Elementals for Earth) from attacking Tokyo. The jets are totalled and the government calls the Justice League for help. In Pittsburgh, Martin Stein meets Dr. Lagrieve’s wife at the hospital after finding Lagrieve shot last issue. A police Lieutenant named Blackbourne interrogates Stein, suggesting he might be the one who shot Lagrieve. Stein decides he’d better investigate on his own and figure out who really shot Lagrieve. In Japan, Red Tornado and Naiad prepare to destroy Tokyo, but Swamp Thing shows up, calling upon all the greenery in the city to augment his body and form a protective shield around the metropolis. Naiad and Reddy use their powers to throw stones at Swampy, some of which break through and hit the city, but they can’t dislodge him. Firestorm shows up and wants to tell them about his conversation with Maya last issue. When Naiad refuses to listen, Firestorm calls on fire from all over the planet and threatens to boil the seas dry. That gets her attention and Firestorm tells them what Maya told him: the Elementals are extensions of Maya herself (who’s the Earth’s spirit, basically) and were created to protect humanity and shepherd them into space travel, not wipe them out.
Red Tornado has never heard Maya’s voice, but Naiad has, when she first gained her powers. Naiad feels bad for betraying the being that empowered (and saved) her, so she leaves to think things over. Red Tornado wonders if he’s missing out by getting rid of his android body, since it was given to him so he could learn to co-exist with humanity. Firestorm uses his transmutation power to fashion a new body, a temporary shell until Reddy can figure out something more permanent. Swampy takes off, leaving Firestorm to burn away the remains of his gigantic form. Firestorm warns the people below that they’re ruining the planet and need to learn to live in harmony with Earth, since its destruction will lead to their own.