Justice League America #36 – “Gnort By Gnortwest” – Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis/Tom Artis/Art Nichols
This one starts with Gnort (the incredibly annoying Green Lantern) getting bored and deciding to drop in to see his “friends” in the Justice League. Meanwhile, an alien called the Scarlet Skier is released from prison and vows to get revenge on the one who sent him there … which just happens to be Gnort. Speaking of Gnort, it doesn’t take him long to annoy the Leaguers and he’s told to get lost. He notices something crash-landing in the park and goes to check it out. It’s Scarlet Skier (who damages his skis in the crash, so he’s basically stuck on Earth now), who immediately attacks Gnort. The League soon gets an alert about the fight and Mr. Miracle and Fire come to check things out. By the time they arrive, Gnort is about to be arrested and Scarlet Skier has fled into the subway system. Miracle gets Gnort out of trouble and Gnort tells him how Scarlet Skier is his archenemy … mainly because he’s the only criminal Gnort has ever apprehended. Scarlet Skier doesn’t find much help in the subway and goes on a bit of a rampage. At the Embassy, Gnort explains that Skier is just the herald for one of the most feared beings in the
cosmos … Mr. Nebula, the planetary designer. Yeah, Scarlet Skier finds a planet in need of a redesign and Mr. Nebula shows up to make it more fashionable. (Skier and Nebula are obviously based on Silver Surfer and Galactus). Mr. Miracle thinks Gnort is full of shit (or crazy), but Fire points out that Mr. Nebula might actually show up if Gnort is right. They go looking for Scarlet Skier, who’s trying to kill himself by jumping off the World Trade Center. Gnort saves him, which pisses Skier off since he feels he has no reason to go on. Gnort offers to help him repair his skis so they can fight and Skier can regain his dignity. Unfortunately, Gnort completely destroys the skis, so Scarlet Skier is really stuck on Earth now.
Justice League Europe #12 – “Bringing Up Baby” – Keith Giffen, Bill Loebs/Bart Sears
Last issue, Metamorpho showed up at Simon Stagg’s lab to meet the son he’s never seen. After finding out that Stagg has been using the kid (who has the power to change the chemical makeup of other people and things, not just himself) to make a lucrative new fuel source, Metamorpho wanted to get the kid away from Stagg. But Stagg has been working with Will Magnus, who sends in the Metal Men to stop Metamorpho. They start fighting and Metamorpho does pretty well against the odds. Sapphire tries to revive Animal Man and Rocket Red to stop the fight, but Animal Man tells her he couldn’t save his own family from being killed, so he probably can’t help Metamorpho. In Russia, Blue Jay and Silver Sorceress have regained their powers thanks to the serum they were slipped last issue, but they disagree on their next move. Silver Sorceress decides to return to her own dimension, even though it’s been devastated by nuclear war. Blue Jay chooses to stay on Earth, hoping to avoid the same catastrophe that destroyed his own world. After Silver Sorceress disappears through a dimensional portal, Blue Jay uses is powers to escape the prison. In Stagg’s
lab, the fight rages on and Java shows up to attack Metamorpho’s friends. The devices in the room start going wild and they realize the baby is controlling them. Java grabs the baby, but his element powers (which he can’t yet control) melt Java’s arms. Sapphire takes the baby, since she’s immune to his powers (as is Metamorpho). Once they figure out that Metamorpho was fighting to see his son, the Metal Men stop fighting. Stagg comes in to give Metamorpho shit, so he hands Stagg the baby. But Stagg is immune to the baby’s touch too and holding his grandson seems to soften his attitude a bit (although he still doesn’t want Sapphire to have anything to do with Metamorpho). Nobody seems to get that Metamorpho was hoping the baby’s touch would
kill Stagg. But Stagg does agree to cancel his project and stop using his grandkid like a slave, so that’s something at least. Later, we see Guy Gardner (who got pounded by Metamorpho last issue) acting like the sappy goof he was when he had a concussion … but it turns out he’s just faking it to freak Oberon out. In Paris, Animal Man decides to take a leave of absence to deal with his loss and Rocket Red gets a surprise visit from his family.