New Titans #64 – “Scourge” – Marv Wolfman/Tom Grummett/Al Vey
Last issue, the Titans were attacked by some of the strange were-creatures they’ve been trying to find. Raven and Jericho were both wounded and the other Titans are worried, since victims of the were-creatures usually turn into mindless slaves. Starfire pursues the werebat who wounded Raven, but has to stop to rescue an innocent bystander, allowing the creature to escape (although she does blast a rapist, thinking he was the werebat). At STAR Labs, Raven wakes up with her mind twisted by her wounds and attacks her friends. They manage to sedate her, but wonder if they might have to kill her to stop her from turning into one of the creatures. Elsewhere, Deathstroke the Terminator interrogates a senator about his ties to the creatures. Deathstroke’s methods are crude, but the senator gets the message. In their hideout, the creatures discuss their plans and the leader (Scourge) wonders if losing the advantage of secrecy might be too difficult to overcome. At STAR, Donna (who’s still sick from the creatures’ attack on her a couple issues back, but starting to recover) suggests they use her blood to synthesize some antibodies to help
Raven and Jericho. Deathstroke finds a way into the creatures’ hideout and quickly realizes he’s outnumbered and outgunned, so he calls the Titans for help before engaging the lycanthropes. The creatures capture Deathstroke and Scourge recounts their origins. A bunch of aliens landed on Earth millennia ago (accounting for the Egyptian pantheon and the pyramids), but their ship crashed and was buried. Some scientists uncovered it recently and became infected by something that turned them into the were-creatures, spitting images of the long-dead aliens. Now they want to rule humanity (and use them for
food) and Scourge offers Deathstroke the chance to join them. He refuses and the Titans bust in before Scourge can kill him. They pound the creatures, with Starfire and Deathstroke using lethal force. At STAR Labs, Raven and Jericho seem to be recovering thanks to Donna’s idea, but we see Raven’s eyes are still black when she opens them. At Dick Grayson’s apartment, he’s startled when Tim Drake shows up asking to be trained as Robin.
Legion of Super-Heroes #5 – (No Title) – Tom and Mary Bierbaum/Keith Giffen/Al Gordon
Last issue, Mon-El killed Time Trapper, which changed the history of the cosmos. Now Mordru rules the universe and the Legion never existed (which is something Time Trapper prevented in the mainstream reality). But there are a handful of people trying to overthrow Mordru’s unending reign. One of them is Andrew Nolan, who communicates with one of Mordru’s strumpets (Mysa). She’s close enough to Mordru to hear him talking (or thinking) about the other reality (the one we’re familiar with) and how the Legion defeated him by undoing Time Trapper’s work. Everything is couched in metaphor and purple prose, but Nolan takes the info back to the resistance leader, Rond Vidar, who writes it all down. Elsewhere, Mordru’s Number One Wife (Glorith) gets a report from Mano about the deaths of some other resistance fighters and tells him to put Vidar under surveillance. Nolan asks Mysa to tap into Mordru’s mind while he’s sleeping so they can figure out how to restore whatever Time Trapper (who they call the “puppet master”) did and get rid of Mordru. Glorith finds out what Vidar is
up to and figures he can be of help to her own plans, but Mano realizes she’s up to something. Vidar receives the memories from Mysa and figures out what happened with Mon-El and Time Trapper. A bolt of lightning strikes at him, but Glorith saves him. Mano finds a scientist who can extract memories from people by reducing them to protoplasm and collecting the memories from what’s left. Mano plans to use it on Mysa to find out her plans, but he can’t find her. Meanwhile, Glorith (who seems to be a bit vampy) tells Vidar she saved him and that they may be able to help each other. Mano finds Mysa in
the cathedral where she usually meets Nolan, who sees Mano’s ship land and goes to help Mysa. Glorith casts a spell to take Time Trapper’s place and restore the universe, but Vidar doesn’t tell her that the spell is fatal. She dies cursing his name and Mordru wakes to realize what’s happening as history is restored … mostly. There will be a few differences in the new timeline, but we’ll have to wait to see what they are.
Suicide Squad #39 – “Dead Issue” – John Ostrander, Kim Yale/Luke McDonnell/Geof Isherwood
This one starts with Amanda Waller reading a newspaper story about how she’s still head of the Suicide Squad and how their supposed leader was just a fraud. Sarge Steel calls to tell her the Squad is officially being shut down, since the story is too embarrassing for the government to keep them operational. Waller is worried about the Loa and she doesn’t feel any better when Steel tells her Checkmate will handle them, since she knows Checkmate is busy right now and any delay might be costly. She goes to tell the team and support staff that they’re all jobless. In New Orleans, the Loa (who are the ones who leaked the story to the press in the first place) figure they’re home free. They’ve already started their plan to flood the streets with drugs that have been adulterated with a chemical to numb the users. That sets them up to be turned into mindless zombie slaves for the Loa. In Washington, Colonel Stoneman asks Major Victory for dirt on Waller so they can put her away, but Major Victory refuses, saying he’s no rat and that he isn’t under any obligation to follow Stoneman’s orders. He also refuses to turn in his
costume. At Belle Rêve, Vixen talks to John about Bronze Tiger and Waller gathers Deadshot, Ravan, and Poison Ivy to brief them about the Loa. Poison Ivy identifies the drug the Loa are using to zombify people and Waller offers the trio their freedom if they go with her and waste the Loa. They persuade some low-level punks to talk (with threats and a little truth serum kiss from Ivy) and find the Loa’s headquarters. They bust in and waste everyone, making it to the leader’s office. He surrenders, but Waller tells Deadshot to kill him anyway. She lets the three criminals go and surrenders herself to the cops. Later, Sarge Steel ponders why Waller turned herself in, and why she plea bargained instead of fighting the charges in court; it’s almost like she wants to go to prison …