Justice League America #37 – “Furballs” – Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis/Adam Hughes/Art Nichols
This one starts with Blue Beetle and Booster Gold washing dishes at the Embassy to make up for stealing JLI funds to open the casino on Kooeykooeykooey (the disastrous results of which we saw last issue). They’ve been on work detail for two weeks now and Booster is tired of it. Actually, he’s tired of everything: being stuck in the past, not getting any respect, and being constantly broke. He finally freaks out and leaves. Out in space, an alien (who I’m pretty sure is Despero) runs into a NASA deep space probe and wrecks it … but not before letting the scientists monitoring it that he’s on his way to Earth. Outside the Embassy, we see the “bum” who’s been going through the League’s garbage lately … except he’s not a bum, he’s a tabloid reporter looking for a story. Guy hears the noises but by the time he gets outside, the reporter is gone. Something else is prowling around and follows Guy back into the Embassy. It turns out to be a very mangy-looking cat. Booster meets a woman named Claire Montgomery (who sounds like an agent or PR person) at a fancy restaurant. At the Embassy, the cat gets into Fire’s room, startling her into using her powers, which sets off the
sprinklers. Guy tries to grab the cat, but it grabs him (by the face) instead. The new Mr. Miracle shows up and tries to introduce himself, but everyone just assumes he’s Scott and can’t spare any time to talk anyway with all the chaos. Guy finally tosses the cat into the teleporter, pissing Fire off enough that she uses her powers on him … setting off the sprinklers again. Later, Max actually laughs about the whole situation, but his amusement ends when Booster shows up to announce that he’s quitting the team.
Justice League Europe #13 – “Furballs II” – Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis/Chris Sprouse/K.S. Wilson
This one starts with the League receiving a visit from some school kids at the Paris Embassy. It’s a PR stunt set up by Max and Catherine Cobert, but Captain Atom is worried about bad publicity if something goes wrong … you know, like it usually does. He also can’t speak French, so Ralph (Elongated Man) Dibny has to act as tour guide. Meanwhile, the cat that Guy sent through the teleporter arrives at the Paris Embassy and starts wandering around. It runs into a burglar (with the rather unlikely name of Jean-Jean de Jean) who’s taken advantage of the lax security (caused by the recent repair work) to sneak into the Embassy and look for some valuables. He gives the cat a swift kick, leaving it hungry for revenge. The schoolkids watch a Danger Room session with Flash and Crimson Fox, but the cat accidentally ups the danger level to maximum. Captain Atom goes in to save Flash and Fox, which seems to impress the kids. We check in quickly with Blue Jay, who’s still evading the authorities in Russia, but plans to ask the League for asylum … if he can get to the Moscow Embassy. In Paris, Jean-Jean continues looting the Embassy’s artworks, while Sue realizes there’s an unauthorized presence in the Embassy. She doesn’t notice the cat, who turns on a priority alarm calling the New York Embassy for help. They rush over and Guy flies
around to check things out. Flash wakes up with the cat on his face and freaks, which gets Guy’s attention. The cat ends up on Guy’s face again and the rest of the League busts in, scaring the shit out of the kids. The cat gets away, but goes after Jean-Jean before he can escape with the loot. Later, Catherine tells Captain Atom that the press thought it was all part of the demonstration and were quite impressed. Captain atom isn’t so happy when he finds out Power Girl has adopted that darn cat.