Wonder Woman #46 – “Chalk Drawings” – George Perez, Mindy Newell/Jill Thompson/Romeo Tanghal
The cover pretty much gives away what this one is about: Vanessa’s friend Lucy Spears kills herself, leaving everyone to wonder why, and if they could’ve dome something to prevent it. The story jumps around in time, from Lucy’s funeral (where Julia wonders how to help Vanessa through this whole mess), to a few weeks ago when Vanessa and Lucy were hanging out and Lucy was preoccupied wondering what God might be like. We also see Lucy treating Vanessa like crap in school for (apparently) no reason, but Vanessa’s friend Eileen saw through Lucy’s façade and accused her of taking out her own pain on Vanessa. Turns out Eileen has battled depression herself and even contemplated suicide, but ultimately chose to live. Vanessa has a hard time dealing with Lucy’s death and becomes depressed, which worries Julia even more (and makes her resent Lucy for putting her daughter through all this). When Vanessa tried to give Lucy’s parents a photo of her and Lucy, they freaked out and blamed Vanessa for Lucy’s decision … which pissed Julia off enough that she blamed them for not seeing how bad off Lucy was.
Wonder Woman then went to see Lucy’s parents and Lucy’s mom apologized and explained how Lucy worshipped Wonder Woman and was jealous of Vanessa being so close to her. Turns out Lucy’s parents aren’t the ones who pushed her to be “perfect”, that was Lucy herself. Lucy’s whole life was spent trying to live up to some ideal that only existed in her head, and when she couldn’t reach that ideal, she decided life wasn’t worth living.
Green Arrow #36 – “The Black Arrow Saga Part 2” – Mike Grell/Mark Jones/Bill Wray
Last issue, Oliver (Green Arrow) Queen was framed for treason after Eddie Fyres tricked him into sabotaging a Navy ship with a bomb. (Ollie thought he was putting a tracking device aboard a drug-runner’s ship.) As he was being moved to another facility, Fyres busted Oliver loose, but not to rescue him. Fyres wants to kill Green Arrow to tie up any loose ends. This issue starts with a woman named Marianne making her daily rounds. She seems to be short of money, as we see her buying substandard produce and bumming a meal from the back door of a restaurant. (She also steals a few small items here and there, but nothing major.) Everyone likes Marianne (in fact, a street punk named Manzetti likes her a little too much), but none of them know she’s homeless and living in Seattle’s Underground City. When she gets “home”, she’s startled to find someone else there: it’s Oliver, who’s obviously chosen this place to hide from Fyres. Unfortunately, Manzetti and his gang followed Marianne and are ready to have a little fun with her. At first, Oliver doesn’t resist when they start knocking
him around, but when they go after Marianne, his heroic instincts are aroused and he starts kicking ass. Between the two of them, they put the punks to rout and Marianne tends to Oliver’s wounds while telling him about her shitty family life. But hearing her story inspires Oliver to fight back and he sends her to steal his stuff from his place without alerting Dinah. When she returns, Oliver has shaved his head and beard to look less like the “traitor” that ever law enforcement agency is hunting. (Marianne recognizes Oliver, but believes him when he tells her about being set up by Fyres.) He gives her some of the
Iran/Contra money he stole so she can get her life in order and goes out to let Fyres know the prey has become the hunter. Meanwhile, Shado shows up at Ollie and Dinah’s place (since Dinah called her for help last issue) and Dinah immediately realizes Oliver is the father of Shado’s son (which makes Oliver look even more dense for not figuring it out).
Green Arrow #37 – “Quarry” – Mike Grell/Rick Hoberg/Bill Wray
Continuing from the above story, Dinah and Shado discuss their mutual fondness for Green Arrow and Dinah admits she’s always been jealous of the bond between Shado and Oliver … even more now that she’s had his baby. But Shado says Oliver was still out of it when the kid was conceived and thought he was banging Dinah. She assures Dinah that Oliver’s heart and soul belong to her. Dinah explains how Oliver was set up and says she could probably find him if the Feds weren’t watching her every move. Shado offers to find him before he kills Fyres and removes any chance of being exonerated, asking Dinah to watch her son while she’s out searching. Meanwhile, Fyres knows Oliver is gunning for him and is getting worried, so he decides to fight back. Oliver is hiding in plain sight, trusting his new look to cover him. He sees some punks mugging an old couple, but doesn’t do anything for fear of blowing his cover. Dinah leads the Feds on a wild goose chase while dropping Shado off surreptitiously. Oliver changes his mind and goes back to pound the muggers before returning to his hideout … where Fyres is waiting for him.