Justice League America Annual #4 – “What’s Black and White and Bl” – Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis/Mike McKone/Bob Smith
This story chronicles the (ever-so-brief) career of Justice League Antarctica. It takes place after Justice League 36 (where G’nort meets Scarlet Skier) but before the JLI Special (where Oberon and Mr. Miracle leave Earth). The story starts with former members of the Injustice League (Major Disaster, Big Sir, Clock King, Cluemaster, and of course the Mighty Bruce) running into each other at the unemployment office. Major Disaster takes that as a sign and talks them into pulling one big job so they can all retire. After getting in touch with Multi-Man (and ruining his get-rich-quick scheme by scaring an old woman to death before she could include him in her will), they decide to rob a gala full of rich people at the museum. But when they bust in, they find the guests being held hostage by terrorists. The Injustice League take the gunmen down (somewhat by accident) and are hailed as heroes. They kinda enjoy the accolades and (having no real prospects) Major Disaster figures they might as well apply to join the Justice League. Max Lord thinks it’s a good way to keep them occupied but out of trouble, and gets G’nort to join the newest incarnation
of the team … the Justice League Antarctica. J’onn and Power Girl have to give the newcomers an orientation lecture at their Antarctic headquarters and Power Girl’s not happy about it. In Paris, Elongated Man and Metamorpho think the whole idea is hilarious, a sentiment shared by Blue Beetle in New York (although Oberon isn’t quite so jocular). In Antarctica, G’nort is on patrol when he finds an abandoned facility with a breached containment area and no sign of whatever it used to contain. He takes a videotape back to HQ, unaware that Big Sir is out looking for him and has stumbled across a mass of penguin tracks. Meanwhile, Scarlet Skier (who’s also a Justice
League Antarctica member but missed the orientation) runs into some penguins and is a little freaked out by how they’re acting. We find out from the video tape (a copy of which has made it’s made to the Paris Embassy) that the scientists at the facility were doing genetic research and ended up crossing penguins with piranhas. So yeah, a flock of carnivorous penguins is heading for the League’s Antarctic HQ; it’s like a cross between The Thing and At the Mountains of Madness, although these penguins say “eep” instead of “teke-li-li”. G’nort saves Big Sir and Scarlet Skier from the penguins, but the birds storm the headquarters, forcing the team to hide in the
store room to avoid being eaten. Major Disaster decides to try something heroic and uses his powers, which collapses the entire headquarters. The other Justice League teams show up just in time to see the HQ implode and all the penguins die. Elongated Man wriggles into the wreckage and finds everyone alive inside G’nort’s force bubble. Considering what a disaster their first outing was, Max opts to disband the Justice League Antarctica and we get some Animal House-style synopses of what happened to them afterwards.
Justice League Europe Annual #1 – “Bialya Blues” – Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis/Linda Medley/Jose Marzan Jr.
This one starts with Dr. Mist leading a meeting of the Global Guardians (Jack O’Lantern, Olympian, Little Mermaid, Owlwoman, Impala, Bushmaster, Godiva, and Thunderlord). Three members (Tuatara, Wild Huntsman, and Rising Sun) are absent after attacking the Justice League, but Dr. Mist is sure they can get them back with little trouble. Little Mermaid freaks out, saying Dr. Mist is an impostor and so is Jack O’Lantern. Apparently, she’s right; everyone in the room is frozen except Jack and Owlwoman and it’s obvious someone is manipulating the other members without their knowledge. When Jack mentions the Queen, we can guess who’s behind it all. Yeah, it’s Queen Bee, the dictator of Bialya, and we see her exercising her absolute power by dismissing Major Victory from the country. When Jack O’Lantern suggests killing Little Mermaid instead of brainwashing her like the others, Queen Bee lets him know who’s in charge (and we’re reminded how the original Jack O’Lantern wound up dead when he pissed her off). Owlwoman seems to
be on board with Queen Bee brainwashing her teammates, even though she claims to care about them. We learn that Owlwoman and the new Jack O’Lantern (pretending to be the original) convinced the others to relocate to Bialya, where they were conditioned to be absolutely loyal to Queen Bee … except the brainwashing keeps failing for Little Mermaid. (They also replaced Dr. Mist with an android replica.) The scientist in charge (Dr. Fillmore) tells Queen Bee he’ll up the level of brainwashing and Queen Bee warns him it’ll be his head if he fails. But this time, the conditioning seems to take and the Guardians prepare to ask the Justice League to return their teammates.
When Captain Atom hears the Guardians are now based in Bialya, he’s not inclined to return their members, but the decision is soon taken out of his hands. Queen Bee’s scientists activate some kind of signal that brings the missing trio out of their comas and makes them head to Bialya to be brainwashed like the rest. Queen Bee sends the Guardians to the Paris Embassy to make a formal request about their teammates, just to make everything look kosher. Meanwhile, she activates a killer robot left over from the Dominator-led invasion of Earth and sends it to attack the Embassy. They don’t exactly work seamlessly, but the two teams do manage to get the robot outside … where a
huge crowd has gathered to cheer the Guardians. Sue and Catherine notice that despite all their radio and phone lines bein jammed, every TV station is broadcasting the fight. The teams knock the robot into the sewers where Captain Atom blows it to hell. Having the world see the Guardians fight a killer robot beside the Justice League brings them instant credibility with the public, which was Queen Bee’s plan all along, since she now controls the Guardians. (of course, the fight also gave the JLE some cred with the French people, but Queen Bee figures she can bring them down whenever she wants.)