I’ve finished my 1990 comics reviews, but I’ve decided to take a break from DC. I’ve been reviewing DC stuff from 1977 right through 1990 and I’ve seen some great stories (and a few not so great), but I’m feeling a little burnt out on DC stuff. I may come back to it in the future, but for right now I’d like to try something a bit different. I thought about doing some classic Marvel superhero stuff, but I’ve already read a lot of Silver/Bronze Age Marvels, so there wouldn’t be too many surprises for me. So I think I’ll go with Marvel but switch genres a bit by reviewing two series that I’m somewhat familiar with: Conan and G.I. Joe. I’ve read a fair number of issues in both series, but it’s been a long time
so I think I’ll have fun delving into these two classics. I’ll be doing two Conans and two G.I. Joes per week, which means I can get through the first run of G.I. Joe in about a year and a half. Of course, I might get burnt out on these after a while too and switch to something else, but I am a fan of both franchises, so I think the genre change will keep me interested. I hope you’ll all join me as I check out these two cool titles and don’t be shy about leaving comments.