Summer School Part 5 – Director: Sheelin Choksey/Writer: Steve Harper
This one starts ten years ago in Farmersville, California, where a young Cindy Burman is having nightmares about her father finding her and “changing” her. Cindy’s mom assures her that Dragon King can never find them, but after her mom leaves the room we see him looming over Cindy’s bed. In the present, Cindy shakes off those bad memories and observes Cameron Mahkent working on a street mural. Cameron’s grandmother warns Cindy to leave him alone and when Cindy gets mouthy, we see that grandma seems to have some cold powers of her own. I guess that’s where Icicle got it from.
Later, Courtney returns home to find Pat waiting in her room. She admits she was looking for Shade since he’s been more forthcoming about Eclipso than Pat has. Pat warns her again about trusting Shade and points out that Eclipso’s presence causes strange weather, like the perpetual clouds and rain that have been hanging over Blue Valley lately. Pat still doesn’t tell her everything he knows about Eclipso, even though she asks again. The next morning, Cameron goes to the school where the art teacher (Paul Deisinger) lets him pick up some supplies. Paul notices Cameron’s sketches of Courtney and urges him to let her know how he feels through his art, since she’s obviously his “Muse”.
Cindy is waiting in the art room to recruit Cameron to the Injustice Society, but he isn’t interested. He reminds her of how cold she was when her mother died and says he doesn’t want anything to do with her. Cameron leaves and Paul comes in, getting a shot of Eclipso from the gem Cindy has around her neck. After she leaves, Paul hears Eclipso’s voice saying he’s his new Muse.
Barbara is startled to find Shade in her office and he warns her to tell Courtney to stay out of the whole Eclipso business. Downtown, Rick has been thinking about his parents’ deaths, so he gives Cameron some evil looks when he sees him painting the mural of Icicle. Pat tells Beth about using the weather to pinpoint Eclipso, but she wants to talk about the fact that Dr. Mid-Nite may still be alive. Pat reminds her that Eclipso can make people see and hear things they want … or fear. At school, Paul starts coughing a lot and dismisses class early. Turns
out he’s coughing up paint and goes to the art room to create a masterpiece, urged on by Eclipso’s voice in his head. At the scrapyard, Pat and Barbara find Mike hanging out with Zeek. Mike says he wants to put together a vehicle for the JSA, like Pat did years ago. Mike obviously just wants to be part of the team, so Pat (remembering what the T-Bolt said about Mike being lonely) says they’ll find something to work on together.
Courtney talks to Cameron and he invites her to his house, where he shows her his sketches of her. They almost kiss but are interrupted when Yolanda texts her about Eclipso. Cameron isn’t happy that she’s taking off so abruptly, but she promises it won’t happen again. The weather patterns are concentrated over the school , so the JSA gather outside. When they see Paul’s car, they head inside in case he’s in trouble. They find the art room trashed and are shocked when Paul emerges from a weird painting. Being that close to Eclipso’s pawn lets him influence their minds, so Yolanda sees Brainwave’s face everywhere, Rick sees Grundy, and Beth sees her parents, which reminds her how her family is falling apart. Paul seems to be made of living paint now, so Courtney uses the light from her Staff to drive Eclipso’s influence out of Paul’s body. That
stops the illusions, but leaves Paul feeling like an empty shell. He ends up in psychiatric care and the JSA tell Pat how Eclipso made them see and feel things that weren’t there. He’s worried that Eclipso seems to able to use his powers remotely now. The next day, Beth confronts her parents about the divorce papers and they agree to discuss it with her later. In the Society’s underground lair, Cindy tells Isaac and Artemis she’s given up on Cameron, but has her sights set on Mike Dugan. Downtown, Cameron is working on the mural when something happens to his hand and he drops his brush … which is coated in ice.
This is a pretty good episode that hints at a big confrontation between the JSA and the new Injustice Society. Normally the JSA should walk all over them, but with Eclipso’s help the Society poses much more of a threat. I’m assuming Cindy plans to use Eclipso to get Mike on their side, playing on the loneliness he feels. It was interesting to see Cindy’s flashback, since it obviously took place before she came to Blue Valley. Beth once said that Cindy was nice until her mom died but Cameron mentions here that Cindy seemed glad when her mom died, so Dragon King must’ve done something to literally change her feelings (or remove them). But Cindy’s remorse over her stepmother’s death and her
flashbacks about her mother make it look like she still might have some goodness inside her. Maybe she’ll switch sides and help them defeat Eclipso. I’m pretty sure Shade will end up helping too; he mentions that Barbara reminds him of someone in his family … his daughter, maybe? I’m wondering what side Cameron will take in the upcoming fight, now that his powers are manifesting (and I was surprised to see his grandma has ice powers too).
Favourite Quotes:
- “You’ve never been sorry … about anything.” Cameron letting Cindy know he doesn’t believe her false sympathy for his father.
- “Then you need to see the light.” Courtney letting Paul know she can help with the darkness he’s feeling (and maybe hinting at a way to defeat Eclipso eventually).