Conan the Barbarian #107 – “Demon of the Night” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Ernie Chan
This one starts where last issue left off, with Queen Tananda of Meroe about to whip the slave-girl Diana because she believes Diana is a spy sent by her rival, Tuthmes. Tananda is right, but before she can beat the truth out of Diana, Conan stops her and looses the unfortunate girl. Conan also warns Tananda that allowing a bunch of tribesmen into the city to witness the execution of the supposed traitor Aahmes might cause them to revolt instead of cowing them as Tananda intends. But Tananda is too pissed about Conan preferring Diana over her (at least that’s how she sees it) that she ignores his sound advice. As Conan takes Diana to safety, one of Tuthmes’s lackeys sees him and reports back to his master. Tuthmes decides to have Muru (his wizard) send the pig-demon to kill Diana and Conan. While watching the execution, Conan has a sense of danger and returns to his quarters to find the pig-demon about to kill Diana. He tackles the beast and fights with it, managing to stab it with his sword. He slices its neck, forcing it retreat and he follows in hopes of finding the demon’s master. The demon crawls to Muru in the public square and the tribesmen realize he was controlling it. The mob tears Muru apart and the witch-smeller Ageera re-appears to accuse Tuthmes of being behind everything. The crowd turns on him and when Tananda orders her guards to start killing civilians, one of the guards kills her instead. That touches off a riot with the
Kushites running wild through the city. Conan grabs Diana and prudently heads out of town just ahead of the bloodthirsty mob. Conan offers to drop Diana off somewhere, but she says she prefers to stay with him. This is a pretty good conclusion to the “Snout in the Dark” adaptation that started last issue. The fight between Conan and the demon was great and it’s kinda cool that the bad guys (Tuthmes and Muru) ended up being killed by the people they were trying to oppress. Tananda’s fate was fitting too, killed by her own men when she ordered them to do something anathema to their own consciences.
Conan the Barbarian #108 – “The Moon-Eaters of Darfar” – Roy Thomas/John Buscema/Ernie Chan
This one continues from above, with Conan and Diana fleeing the city of Meroe into a deluge. They run into a couple of sentries in the wild and Conan kills one of them, which gets a horse for Diana. She’s caught a chill from the weather so they make camp and Conan asks for her story. Diana relates how her father was sent by King Nimed to the court in Argos and how they ended up leaving that city after a plague struck. They were on the way to Kordava when pirates took their ship, killed Diana’s father, and sold her into slavery … after having their way with her. She passed through several masters until ending up at Tananda’s court and being saved by Conan. The barbarian comforts Diana—the implication being that they have sex—and the next morning she’s ready to pledge her heart and soul to him forever. They run into some Darfari cannibals who grab Diana. Conan starts wasting them but they’re outnumbered and forced to flee. They find a caravan route and encounter a caravan led by Thutmekri (who you might remember from issue 28) and despite the animosity between Thutmekri and Conan, they join forces against the
Darfari. The cannibals stop to negotiate, saying they want Diana for their upcoming Moon Festival. Conan bargains them into taking two men in Diana’s place; naturally, Conan volunteers to be one and Thutmekri and his cohort (Maat-Neb) push an indentured servant named Erfu into being the other “volunteer”. The Darfari take Conan and Erfu to their village and chain them up to await the big feast. But Erfu is an alchemist of sorts and has some acid that dissolves their chains, giving Conan a chance to attack the cannibals. He and Erfu flee and Erfu tells Conan how he and Maat-Neb became indentured to Thutmekri to pay off their debts. In the border town of Sukhmet, they find Thutmekri and Diana quite easily, but when Conan asks Diana to come with him she refuses. Apparently, Thutmekri knows how to treat a lady, so she’s
staying with him. Conan hides his disappointment (although he does get pissed off when Thutmekri offers him a job as bodyguard) and eaves town with the chattering Erfu in tow. This is kind of a bridging issue that shows Diana’s fate and reintroduces Thutmekri. He appeared in the Robert E. Howard tale “Jewels of Gwahlur” (which takes place much later than this story), where it was mentioned he and Conan had already crossed paths a couple of times, so this was the second of those meetings. Roy also introduced Erfu because he plays a part in the next storyline, an adaptation of a Norvell Page story. You probably recall the first Page story Roy adapted (in issues 32-34), which ended with Conan having a new sidekick called Bourtai. Unfortunately, Bourtai was killed in the next issue, but in Page’s follow-up story he was still alive, so Roy replaced him with Erfu.