Well, that’s season 2 of Stargirl done. In a lot of ways, I enjoyed this season even more than the first. Season 1 had the thrill of discovering all the characters and exploring the world, but this season gave us some new maturity for most of the characters, plus some nuances to people like Shade and Cindy Burman. All that and a great villain who was literally threatening to destroy (or alter) the entire world. The theme of this season seemed to be that everyone has both good and bad, darkness and light in them. The JSA compromised their principles and killed someone to get rid of Eclipso, but that didn’t banish him forever, although it did lead to the JSA breaking up. Cindy released Eclipso but eventually realized that he was too evil even for her and ended up helping defeat him. It’ll be interesting to see how Cindy works with the rest of the JSA in Season 3, which is subtitled “Frenemies”. That obviously refers to the Crocks and Shade as well as Cindy. And I’m curious to see what Cameron Mahkent will do now that he knows about his heritage; will he become a villain or a hero … or start out as one and morph into the other? I get the feeling Mr. Bones and Helix will be the overarching villains this time around, but Bones ended up joining Infinity Inc. in the comics, so he could be a “frenemy” too. And I wonder if there’ll be friction between Pat and Sylvester now that the latter is training Courtney to use the Staff? Pat might feel threatened if Sylvester starts taking his place as Courtney’s mentor. I guess we’ll have to wait and see, but I’m definitely looking forward to it. My first review for Season 3 will be up next Wednesday and I hope you’ll all join me as I continue exploring this great series.