Comics Reviews: JLA 140, Superboy & the Legion 225, All-Star Comics 65

JLA 140 coverJustice League of America #140 – “No Man Escapes the Manhunter” – (Steve Englehart/Dick Dillin/Frank McLaughlin)

This issue starts the whole Manhunters story, which eventually leads to Millennium and everyone’s brother, wife, or co-worker being a robot. We start with a bang: a Manhunter attacks Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and Black Canary at the Wayne Foundation, where GL has asked for a meeting of the JLA. Arrow and Canary are slapped down pretty fast and GL surrenders. Batman then takes on the Manhunter and gets tossed off the roof. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: JLA 140, Superboy & the Legion 225, All-Star Comics 65”

Comics Review: Superman 309, Action 469

Superman 309 coverSuperman #309 – “Blind Hero’s Bluff” – (Gerry Conway/Jose-Luis Garcia Lopez/Frank Springer)

This is the end of the goofy “Krypton never existed” arc. We start with Superman busting up an operation by Sam Simeon’s mob (no, not the guy from Angel and the Ape). This has been an ongoing thing, with a mob war between SKULL and Simeon running for the last few issues. Simeon was planning a strike against SKULL and Supes took them out before they could execute it. Continue reading “Comics Review: Superman 309, Action 469”

Lost Girl Review: Episode 5

Dyson and BoEpisode 5 Dead Lucky

This episode starts (as many do) with Bo getting some action. She and Dyson are going at it on Dyson’s desk at the police station. When he asks why she needed healing, Bo says she didn’t; she was just hungry. Nothing like a midnight snack to keep you going. They try to come up with some rules for their “friends with benefits” arrangement (yeah, ’cause that always works), but it’s obvious Dyson is more invested than her in their relationship. He even asks if he can walk her home, but she says she can take care of herself … and she’s immediately shanghaied by three guys with guns (though she does give one guy a good kick in the balls). Continue reading “Lost Girl Review: Episode 5”