Comics Reviews: JLA 159, Superboy & the Legion 244

JLA 159 coverJustice League of America #159 – “Crisis From Yesterday” – Gerry Conway/Dick Dillin/Frank McLaughlin

This one starts rather sedately, with the JLA and JSA having one of their annual meet-ups, this time in a fancy restaurant in Gotham (Earth-1 Gotham, in case you’re wondering). Batman ponders retirement and envies his Earth-2 counterpart having a daughter like Huntress; Ralph tells Sylvester (aka Star-Spangled Kid) not to be ashamed of his name; and Black Canary confides in the Earth-2 Wonder Woman that Green Arrow and Hawkman’s newfound bonhomie is getting on her nerves. But this is a JLA/JSA meeting, so of course we know something’s going to happen. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: JLA 159, Superboy & the Legion 244”

Lost Girl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 12

Lost GirlEpisode 12: Hail, Hale

This one starts with Bo and Dyson busting into Lauren’s place. Of course, we know Lauren took off with Dr. Taft last episode after he found out she’d been lying about her real identity. He said he wasn’t blackmailing her, but his knowledge certainly represented leverage against her; either way, she left to work with him. Continue reading “Lost Girl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 12”

Comics Reviews: Superman 328, Action 488, Jonah Hex 17

Superman 32 coverSuperman #328 – “Attack of the Kryptonoid” – Martin Pasko/Curt Swan/Frank Chiaramonte

This one starts with Superman destroying the Laser Defense System satellite in orbit. You may remember the LDS was a top-secret orbital laser designed to protect Earth from space-bound threats. Superman found out about it accidentally (and was pretty mad that he hadn’t been told) and has now convinced the Pentagon that it’s unreliable. The one-armed general in charge of the project (General Derwent, who we saw vowing revenge against Superman an issue or two ago) watches on a monitor as Supes collects the pieces of the smashed satellite. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Superman 328, Action 488, Jonah Hex 17”

Comics Reviews: Batman 304, Firestorm 5, Warlord 15

Batman 304 coverBatman #304 – “To Hell With Batman—and Back” – David V. Reed/John Calnan/Dick Giordano

This one starts with Batman interrupting a truck hijacking. He’s pounding the thugs when one of them conks him with a wrench. They load him into the truck and it seems like the whole hijacking was just a ruse to get Batman’s attention. Batman comes to and can’t remember anything except the feel of cold metal on his fingers. His arms are cramped from being spread apart in the same position for a long time. But consciousness doesn’t bring any answers, as Batman seems to be floating in a disembodied state. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Batman 304, Firestorm 5, Warlord 15”

Lost Girl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 11

Lost GirlEpisode 11: Adventures in Fae-bysitting

This one starts with Bo and Kenzi having a movie night at home. They’re watching some kind of clichéd horror movie and making comments about the plot, like a low-key version of MST3K. They discuss Bo’s love life (or lack thereof) and she continues to insist that she and Lauren aren’t broken up, they’re just taking some time. Say that often enough, maybe you’ll convince yourself, Bo. Continue reading “Lost Girl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 11”

Comics Reviews: Black Lightning 11, Jonah Hex 16

Black Lightning 11 coverBlack Lightning #11 – “All They Will Call You Will Be … Deportee” – Denny O’Neil/Trevor von Eeden/Vince Colletta

This one starts at a junkyard where some scumbags are hassling an old man and his nephew. Black Lightning shows up and pounds all the bad guys, showing off some of his superhuman traits in the process. The old man (whose name is Garcia Chavez) partially narrates the story, but it’s not really all that illuminating most of the time. Chavez and his nephew Paco don’t trust Black Lightning, so he takes off just before the cops show up. He changes to Jefferson Pierce (who just happens to be Paco’s teacher) and makes an appearance. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Black Lightning 11, Jonah Hex 16”

Comics Review: Flash 265, Wonder Woman 247, Green Lantern 108

Flash 265 coverFlash #265 – “Shift the Earth Goodbye” – Cary Bates/Irv Novick/Frank McLaughlin

This takes place not long after last issue, when Golden Glider broke Barry and Iris up and almost killed them both. But now they’re back together, taking a romantic trip in the country. Iris convinced Barry to drive to their destination (someplace called Mount Roanoke) instead of just zipping there with his super-speed. It’s obviously more romantic if they spend more time together, but as we’ll see, they would’ve been better off taking the Flash Express. Continue reading “Comics Review: Flash 265, Wonder Woman 247, Green Lantern 108”

Lost Girl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 10

Lost GirlEpisode 10: Delinquents

This one starts with Bo talking to herself in the mirror, like Stuart Smalley. It sounds like she’s trying to convince herself that she feels different after completing her Dawning ritual last episode. She’s still got the evil blue glow in her eyes, so that hasn’t changed. Continue reading “Lost Girl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 10”

Comics Review: JLA 158, Superboy & the Legion 243, All-Star Comics 74

JLA 158 coverJustice League of America #158 – “The Super-Power of Negative Thinking” – Gerry Conway/Dick Dillin/Frank McLaughlin

This one starts in the middle of the action, as Flash and Wonder Woman battle Poison Ivy and Mirror Master at the Central City Museum. Mirror Master uses one of his devices to put a force bubble around Wonder Woman’s head, blinding her and cutting off her air. Poison ivy shoots poison darts at Flash that are attuned to his vibrational frequency, so he can’t just vibrate through them. It looks bad for Flash, but Ultraa shows up out of nowhere and blocks the poison darts with his invulnerable body. Continue reading “Comics Review: JLA 158, Superboy & the Legion 243, All-Star Comics 74”

Comics Reviews: Superman 327, Action 487, DC Comics Presents 2

Superman 327 coverSuperman #327 – “The Sandstorm That Swallowed Metropolis” – Marin Pasko/Curt Swan/Frank Chiaramonte

This one starts where last issue left off, with Clark Kent being accosted in his apartment by a dude dressed in a snake outfit (and his henchmen). The guy is Kobra, an international high-tech terrorist who appeared in his own mag for seven issues, then fought Batman and Aquaman a couple times. Kobra explains that his high-tech weapons are looted from ancient civilizations and UFO crash sites. The teleporter device Superman took from SKULL last issue was one that SKULL stole from Kobra, and when Kobra tracked it to Clark Kent’s apartment, he accidentally found out Clark was Superman. Continue reading “Comics Reviews: Superman 327, Action 487, DC Comics Presents 2”